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Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Recent Happenings Thread


Well-Known Member
Beat Ortega today. I like this kid, he’s like Bede so I was keen to battle him. He was a bit easier than I expected, I somehow managed to get him down to Revaroom with underlevelled pokemon weak to fairy types. But with reserves it became easier, was still underlevelled but I think type matchups are better now. Skeledirge almost solo’d revaroom after taking out his 3rd mon. Think I’m at a point where I don’t need a full team for the raid battle part, which will hopefully make Eri mroe exciting. Also breezed the sky titan so done with path of legends. But goddamn, Arven swept me. Was not expecting level 60s. Think he’s more than ready to go into area zero hahah. Keen to finish the other 2 stories, just got psychic gym and Eri left


Ghost-Type Master
I think I might train a whole new team.

There are a lot of trainers throughout Paldea that I've yet to battle, so I do have space for training. Just gotta figure out who I want to train.


Did a Maushold 6-stars raid solo (avoiding to go online so I can do Delibird raids daily while I wait Cinderace)

Had to train a Ceruledge specially for it but I managed to pull it off. Even got another Ability Patch which is nice. I've got 10 now so I'm ready to invest on my planned team for the DLC.


It’s Elbaf season!
While out exploring Paldea, I found my first shiny in the game. (A full odds shiny Dragonair) Two days later, I found my second shiny of the game (A shiny Hoppip). I still haven’t even started a playthrough of Violet yet and probably won’t start until late next year… Haha.

Today, I found a second shiny Dragonair in a mass outbreak which ends the current shiny drought in Scarlet. Tropius and Gogoat are the other two shiny Pokémon that I’ve found.

Other than that, I’m working on completing the Pokédex and hunting for a shiny Houndour, Zangoose and Seviper.
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Doing Their Best
Got my first Herb Mystica drop (the sweet one) from a 5-star Pawmot Raid, going to need to make a stop at a sandwich store to get the associated recipe. Also caught a Scizor from a Raid which will save the trouble of having to trade for one. Quite good with trading exclusives with Stonjourner, Scream Tail, Sandy Shocks and Slitter Wing left, thinking Palafin will be among the last Pokemon I obtain for the Dex.


Just have fun
Almost finish the Pokedex about 20 more to go. I caught a shiny varoom and shiny bombirdier in a mass outbreak.i also ran into another random shiny Psyduck lol


Well-Known Member
I finally beat the Fighting type Team Star (I forgot her name). Most of my team was weak against Fighting so it was harder than it should have been.

Det. Viper

That’s Detective Viper to you
Beat Cinderace twice this evening. As a group we lost 5 times before defeating it even though all four of us brought Slowbro but when I battled solo I took it down no problem. So the game syncing among the four systems seems to be off causing it to be harder than it needs to be. However, I was able to catch it in a beast ball so I can add it to my collection. These 7-star raids are pretty challenging so I am looking forward to what the next one could be.


Veteran member
OK, so I've finally realized the usefulness of the Y button function in finding the right location to go to. Obedience issues for my newer party members means I should probably do some more gym battles before going after Titans, or Arceus forbid the primeval Donphan in the desert

I dropped Wugtrio because it was rather disappointing. I've got Bramblin and I'm finding Brambleghast pretty useful right now. Despite the type overlap with the crocodile I like the tumbleweed a lot so it might end up sticking with me. As for Tinkatuff, its type combo remains stupid good. Gamefreak should probably nerf Fairy and Steel in Gen X


Geeta is utterly incapable of holding back.
Catched Chien-Pao yesterday, I finally understood what those swords were for.

Great design, based mythology and cool cry.

Copley Hill Gym

Well-Known Member
I am now officially master ranked in single and double battles. Together with completing the Scarlet Pokedex in 17 days, is this closest to being a proper Pokemon master I have ever been?!

Either way, my adventure with Pokemon Scarlet has been going very well and I have loved the game. It really is fun despite the glitches. If I could remove the online tera raid issues and have more graphical consistency and less bugs in the main game, Scarlet would be up there as GOAT in Pokemon games, in my opinion. Legends Arceus currently has top spot for me as it was so polished.

So I still have an unopened copy of Pokemon Violet, and I have decided to open it and play it from today. Starting all over again! But not going for a full pokedex in this playthrough, I just want to get the spare Miraidon and other paradoxes for the living Pokedex in Pokemon Home.


Well-Known Member
in Violet, did some paradox Pokemon hunting, captured Wo-Chien and Chi-Yu. plus in Scarlet, been having some last minute Cinderace raid battles with Slowbro.

Copley Hill Gym

Well-Known Member
So I have been flying through Pokemon Violet. Two shinies caught thus far: a green Hoppip and then a pink Skiploom very quickly after. What are the odds of getting two in the same evolution line so quickly?!

Unburdened by not "catching them all" this time around, having done that in Scarlet already, I am trying to put together a good in game team so I can blitz the all three storylines.

So far I have 4/8 gym badges, 4/5 Titans and 2/5 Starfall badges, after 6 and a half hours of gameplay. The main crux of this has been running Quaxly and its evos into the ground and basically over-levelling him, and catching a couple of the titans to throw into the squad.

Current team is:

Bombirdier (former titan)
Garganacl (weird catch with ghost tera typing. Curse plus this is something extraordinary)
Ceruledge (evolved early by just killing off as many sinisteas as possible in the eastern part of Paldea)
Quaquvel (starter)
Iron Treads (former titan)

Iron Treads, of course, isn't obeying properly as yet but is proving a useful shield whilst I heal things up during battles!

One thing is clear to me about the game - the only titan you really, genuinely can't take on without proper training is the false dragon titan. It really is strong. I have suffered my first proper loss in the game there, albeit trying it before I took on Iron Treads. In retrospect, probably a bad idea!


Okay but Wistoria is actually so peak
I’ve been mostly doing raids, waiting for my friend to finally beat the game so we can do raids and overall just breeding Scorbunny eggs with Libero to Surprise Trade


Veteran member
I finally managed to learn about the fly function. Things have gotten a lot easier for me. I also figured to go out and beat all the titans for easier transport, with the exception of the Dragon one because if the really strong Pokemon in its environment are any indication I am not ready. I the final member of the team about to be added in the form of the psuedo, who I got mid-stage at Lv 49. The rest of my team is almost at that level. They're the crocodile starter, Tinkaton, Girafarig, Pawmot and Brambleghast


Living Rotomdex
My Scarlet file beat Cinderace in a team with two Armarouges using Acid Spray and a Toxapex using Chilling Water. I used a Slowbro with Stored Power and we managed to survive. Sadly, I'm not going to use the bunny as I prefer to raise Pokemon from the beginning. Other than that and a bit of shiny hunting, I'm done with Scarlet. Violet just beat Ryme and got her sixth badge.


Great Ball Rank Trainer
I’ve made pretty decent progress in Scarlet. After beating Dondozo & Tatsugiri, I spent a lot of time attending classes, doing 6-star raids via Discord, & evolving several of my pokémon. I challenged Grisham once but lost, though while I didn’t expect to win I noticed that my Charcadet tends to have a lot more affection buffs than my other pokémon (and it doesn’t even have the partner mark). Before I left Glaceado Mountain, I used some of the herba mystica I got from my raids to catch a super sized Frigibax.

After a few more classes & the Delibird event, I decided to take on Larry for my 4th badge & the Medali gym is tied with Levencia as my favorite gym. While Larry was a bit of a pushover for my (underleveled) Gholdengo, I really had fun with the gym challenge since it got me to explore the city & bond more with my team. After beating Larry, I spent some time changing a few of my pokémon’s Tera types.

I recently finished all of my midterms (and aced them), I bred a Scorbunny from the Cinderace I caught during the recent event (though I’ll most likely use it as a stand-in until I can bring in my Cinderace from SWSH),& I then opened Wo-Chien’s seal, but ended up losing to it twice. I’m at least going to wait until I talk to Ms Raifort more before I try battling it again.

Main Team:
  • Pacheco (Quaxwell)- lv. 28
  • Dolores (Tinkatuff)- lv. 30
  • Carlos (Espathra)- lv. 44
  • Taborda (Primape)- lv. 31
  • Laia (Charcadet)- lv. 27
  • Ainhoa (Frigibax)- lv. 37
  • Arturo (Lokix)- lv. 27
  • Adrián+Sara (Maushold)- lv. 26
  • Tiago (Gholdengo)- lv. 32
Bad Progress
  • Victory Road- 4/8
  • Path of Legends- 3/5
  • Starfall Street- 2/5
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You! Me! Rivals! Yes?
I finally managed to learn about the fly function. Things have gotten a lot easier for me. I also figured to go out and beat all the titans for easier transport, with the exception of the Dragon one because if the really strong Pokemon in its environment are any indication I am not ready. I the final member of the team about to be added in the form of the psuedo, who I got mid-stage at Lv 49. The rest of my team is almost at that level. They're the crocodile starter, Tinkaton, Girafarig, Pawmot and Brambleghast
The best time to do the Dragon Titan is after you've done all the Gyms but before you do the Elite Four. The Titan is level 56, so I'd say at around level 55 to 60 you should be good.