Well-Known Member
Beat Ortega today. I like this kid, he’s like Bede so I was keen to battle him. He was a bit easier than I expected, I somehow managed to get him down to Revaroom with underlevelled pokemon weak to fairy types. But with reserves it became easier, was still underlevelled but I think type matchups are better now. Skeledirge almost solo’d revaroom after taking out his 3rd mon. Think I’m at a point where I don’t need a full team for the raid battle part, which will hopefully make Eri mroe exciting. Also breezed the sky titan so done with path of legends. But goddamn, Arven swept me. Was not expecting level 60s. Think he’s more than ready to go into area zero hahah. Keen to finish the other 2 stories, just got psychic gym and Eri left