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Spent time challenging random trainers I happened to miss in main playthough and earning a few Pokemon the Paldea Champ ribbon and a few other ribbons when I happened to literally run into a shiny Sewaddle (i hadn't see it). Decided to also get a second shiny Carbink from the event before it ended on the off chance that carbink ends up getting something in the upcoming legends game (there's no evidence it will but the event was reasonably simple to get a shiny this time around).
Spent some time running through the Paldea Champion tournament thing to get the ribbon. I moved about 30 Pokémon from Home, which included Pokémon form previous teams and playthrough. After about an hour, it settled in how not great this is. I can't place if it's the pace, or the music, or what, but this grind out was not enjoyable. For the other stuff I still need to get this ribbon on, I'll probably spread it out a bit and not run through 5 times straight.
It has been a while since I posted an update about Scarlet & Violet - my partner and I met up in my home country in December so the month before was us prepping for that and then it was Christmas, so we never had time to play. I was also playing White and Y which were a bit more engaging for me than Scarlet was, and whilst that does admittedly remain the case I've reached the same point in both games so it was time to make a post.
You may notice in my last post I have a Dunsparce on my Scarlet team, which has been omitted here. Why? Dunsparce is terrible and I honestly couldn't stand using it. It's slow, lacked a decent STAB move and I thought mine got haxxed into oblivion every time I tried to battle with it. I think my expectations of it may have been a bit high too, I had fun using it in Crystal a few years ago and thought this would be a repeat of that, but the games have changed and Dunsparce is no longer cutting it for me. My initial decision was to swap it for a Nacli, but then I had the urge to use Glimmora which one of my favourites from this generation! So off I went to catch a level 43 Glimmet, breed it with a Ditto I'd caught in I think Let's Go, hatch it and use candies to get to the same level as my team. And thus Nightshade has joined the team!
Anyway, how far did we get since my last post? We beat Titan Klawf in both games and Brassius in Violet long before I took a break, and now we've added Titan Bombirdier and Giacomo / Segin Squad to our list of defeated bosses! They went as follows:
Low Kick goes brrrr against large Fighting-weak Pokemon, what's there to say?
Terastal-boosted Aqua Jet made this an easy fight... I think.
Frigibax defeated Petilil with Icy Wind, Mankey two-shot Smoliv with Low Kick and Glimmet debuted against Sudowoodo, Terastallising into a Poison type and winning with a couple of Acid Sprays!
I don't really remember this fight... I think Clodsire beat Petilil with Poison Tail, Pawmo would've beaten Smoliv with Arm Thrust and Charcadet I believe actually lost to Sudowoodo after getting off a Will 'o Wisp? Pawmo probably finished it off. There's a chance I used Greavard instead of Clodsire but it's been months so who knows? I like to diversify who fights in which major boss battle, and Greavard was used against Katy so I think I'd be more inclined to use Clodsire here!
I decided I wanted a thematic bird vs. bird battle, so Wattrel got to square up against Titan Bombirdier! Even though I terastallised to remove its Rock weakness we were still going to be 2HKOed if not for a lucky Paralysis via Thunder Wave, so I was able to secure the win with Electro Ball both times.
Tinkatink evolved right before the Titan battle, so this was even easier than initially thought! I just used Tera-Fairy Draining Kiss to heal back all of the damage we took from Rock Throw and that was that.
Floragato one-shot Pawniard with its newly learned Low Sweep, and then used it twice more against the Starmobile to try and lower its Speed for Mankey. Mankey then 2HKOed with Low Sweep on top of that, tanking a couple of Wicked Torque attacks!
Same as Scarlet really - Pawmo one-shot Pawniard with Low Sweep, used it twice against the Starmobile before swapping to Tinkatuff, who beat it with Tera-Fairy boosted Draining Kiss spam. Took a bit longer than Scarlet since Draining Kiss on Tinkatuff isn't THAT amazing for damage, but we got there easily enough!
Not much else to report here - both teams are good outside of the Dunsparce issues in Scarlet and everyone seems to be getting equal use. I've had no major issues with boss battles or trainers (the lady with the Oinkalogne and Luxio near Titan Bombirdier did scare me though) and it has been a great time so far! I'm keen to evolve Pawmo soon and start looking to evolve my Charcadet, and it'll be awesome when Wattrel and Mankey evolve too! I missed a ruins area near Segin Squad base in Scarlet that I found playing with my partner today in Violet - seems like a good spot to farm Bronzor for the items to get the armor for Charcadet! A job for another day.
The Teams:
Cha Cha Cha theQuaxwell, Level 26 ♂ Low Kick, Wing Attack, Aqua Cutter, Aqua Jet
I really like hearing the updates on your teams. The avatars are so cute! I've completed all of the violet pokedexes so I don't play it as often. I did play a little today. I'm leveling up a h. zoroark and gholdengo. H. zoroark is level 97, gholdengo is level 52. The h. zoroark is special to me because I got it in a trade and it's a Shiny nicknamed Sparkles.