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Pokemon & Shadow Pokemon War 3: The Final Resistance

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mia san mia
Furret stood overlooking the Plains in which he had once peacefully lived, watching his family settling back in. It was great to see his family peacefully returning altogether. The Sun hasn't been in the Sky for Days now. A Dark Mist has set over the Planet, darkening everything. The Death Tree could be seen anywhere on the Planet now, also the biggest thing on the Planet ever to exist. With his Family safe, it was time for Furret to return to the War. Furret's family waved Furret goodbye and Good Luck before heading inside there narrow tunnels. Furret turned and began walking off, across wide open nothingness. Several Shadows appeared in the Mists ahead of Furret. As the shadows grew closer, Furret recognized them as a Shadow Houndoom, Mightyena, and Absol. As they grew closer, Furret knew they were on to him at full pace. Furret turned and ran into a nearby Forest, hearing they're footsteps close behind.


Not a Seadra
Hydra looked up from the tree she rested in. It's the end of the world if this tree is not destroyed... she thought gravely. She lept out of the tree, shocking the army that was advancing, and blasted the tree with Flamthrower, dodging the limbs as they shot at her. Not that smart, are you? she thought, directing that to the tree. She laughed faintly as she looked back. The burnt roots and limbs were tangled around one another in a knot. Hydra flew down, avoiding another root. She called out to the others, "Get out here! I can't do it alone!" She recoiled and flew about, trying to avoid the limbs as she shot bolts of electricity, ice, and fire at them.


mia san mia
Houndoom launched a Flamethrower at Furret, but Furret made a Sharp Turn to the Right, throwing the 3 Shadow Pokemon off track temporarily. Then a Shadow Umbreon Blocked Furret's Path and used Feint Attack knocking Furret into a nearby Bush. Furret quickly got up and ran at full pace, now hearing 4 Shadow Pokemon tracking him. Furret quickly made his way through the Forest and was back out in the Open Plains. A Lighted City appeared in the Distance and Furret took a belign towards the City.


As I flew into the darkened misty sky I saw a towering tree like figure looming menacingly before me. It was the biggest thing I had ever seen in my entire life. I knew to fly with great caution as there may be an assault being launched if I was spotted.

I stood hovering as I looked at the menacing like figure that lay before me. As I did I pondered about how one can defeat it.
OOC: ok I'm going to kill off Al (NO!!) but I have to.

As the large army walked onward Al sensed something. Toto then looked at Al. "What's wrong?" Toto asked.

He paused for a few moments. "I'm sorry but I must leave you now. There is something I must do." Al said he now turned to Toto. "You will always be my friend." He sensed something was coming and he walked out and then put a barrier around the party. "Good bye Toto." he said with a tear in his eyes. Toto pounded to get out of the barrier but it was holding up completely

The roots shot up completely sourrounding him. For some reason they had an enormus amount of evil much more than there was before. He then started to attack them taking them down one after one. Toto's screams could be heard, but Al tried not to look. He kept attacking and he could feel his energy depleting. He turned and broke off another root then... One shot up behind him.

"AL!! LOOK OUT!" Totodile screamed but he was too late. Al turned around and saw the root. It was too quick for Al. The root had stabbed Al through the heart. "No Al you can't die. you just can't...." (Slow motion fall like when people die in anime) Al feel to the ground as the roots got closer to his body.

(Insert Dramatic music) "Hey kid......" said Al. "Kill that tree. And..." he said gaspeing for breath "remember.. we'll always.... be..... friends....." They roots slowly rose up and pulled his body into the ground.

"Al you just can't be gone..." he said punding the ground. "I will defeat that tree. Even if it kills me." He stared at the spot Al had been killed. His barrier started to fade. The others in his group nudged him to continue towards the battle field.

Will miss you... Al.


"Aha! I was right!" Zap said, the walked into the Death Tree's view without noticing.
Bzzpt, wrong choise.
The Death Tree hit Zap with one of it's roots, sending him into the air, landing on Plesto Island (I killed him off without killing him, yayz. ^_^)


Not a Seadra
Hydra flew swiftly away from the tree. It's... too.... strong. I must find help... She flew outwards. She glanced at the army. They are not helping... I can only hope there's someone to help... She came up on a city. Lights... I must see what it is. She flew silently over the sky, seeing only the city's lights ahead.



"Goodbye, Pichu. You've been a steady and good friend and I will miss you wherever I may be.", Venasaur said solemly. "I will give you my powers and go into exile. I cannot control the fate of this war now." A green and yellow strand of energy and light connected between the 2 for a few seconds, then stopped. "Goodbye, friend", Venasaur said, and walked off into the gate between Earth and heaven. Pichu held his head down the whole time, and when he looked up, he said, "I will avenge you, friend. Your departure will not be in vain", and Pichu walked the other way, towards the Death Tree.

End Flashback

Pichu was at the Death Tree, with the army and was not participating in the carnage, but rather was renemiscing over the moments in which Venasaur left. "It is time. Time to give it my all and avenge Venasaur's passing. Time to finish this fight. It is time", and Pichu slowly walked to the massive tree, preparing to fight. It is time, that thought kept on repeating in Pichu's mind.


Wrath of Fire
Love started to walk to the tree.
Love said:It is time to face the deaft tree.
Love walked up to the deaft tree and was about to attack.


mia san mia
As Furret entered the City, a Cipher Peon in a Red Uniform appeared on a nearby Rooftop. He was grinning at Furret and took out a Pokeball. Furret turned around immediatly and then Furret's eyes glowed brightly. Then Furret whipped all 4 of the Shadow Pokemon with his tail, purifying them instantly. Instead of releasing a Pokemon, the Cipher Peon called back his Houndoom, which was in the midst of getting back on its feet, along with the other 3. The Cipher Peon then turned and vanished. As for Furret, he turned and went deeper into the City. Up ahead were 3 more Cipher Peons with Black Uniforms, standing in the middle of the street, blocking Furret's way. Furret then turned to the Left into a Building right next to him. Strange thing was, there were no footsteps following him anymore. None at all. As for the Building, it was completely abandoned and deteriating fast. But on a Table in front of him was a Togepi Egg that was resting Peacefully. Furret knew he couldn't leave it there, and didn't sense anymore Pokemon around, so he took the Egg and ran outside.
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Red Cheat Master
Guys i wont be able to post for a long time after this so can you spidey please take my char on with it while im gone and you know what i want to do so please do so!!


Wrath of Fire
Love came up to the tree.When love reached it he used ice beam.The tree attacked back with it's roots.It missed love.
Love said:This tree is strong.
Love then used hydro cannon and mixed it up with areoblast and it was about to hit the tree.


Not a Seadra
Hydra hovered over the city. Darkness looms. she thought simply. This is the last place with light, yet it is the center of darkness... pity. She snatched a branch from a nearby tree and lit it on fire. She looked around and saw nothing, no one... until she spotted Furret. She came and lit one the ground, saying, "Hey, long time no see. How's live been treating you?" She made a face that said, That was a stupid question, wasn't it?. "Nevermind, don't answer that. Need a lift? Won't bother me, no matter how great the distance."


mia san mia
The moment Furret walked out of the Building with the Egg, Absol lunged at Furret. Furret dodged and stared up at a Tree and saw Hydra the Dragonair. He grinned at Hydra before running of with Absol chasing behind. Thats when Absol stopped in its tracks. Its trainer walked up behind it and stopped. Then Umbreon and Mightyena walked up with their trainers and stopped beside Absol and its trainer. The Umbreon and Mightyena exploded into Black Dust and went into Absol. Then their trainers did the same until it was just Absol and her trainer. Absol and the Peon grinned at Furret. Then Absol lunged at Furret, but Furret used Slam and sent Absol rolling away. Furret then turned and ran into Darkness.
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Wrath of Fire
The attack hit the tree.Love looked around for other pokemon to help.He could not see anyone because of a mist.He used his abilty to up his water type move.He then used hydro cannon mixed with earthquake,areoblast,and ice beam.Hydrocannonent into the tunnel that earthquake had made and mixed with areoblast.It was now a water/air type move.It hit the deaft tree and at the same time,Love used ice beam and froze it.The tree broke out and all the attacks didn't do any damage.
Love said:What will I do if that didn't do any damage.


Not a Seadra
Hydra stared out. Okay, what the h*** just happened? They combined... these shadows can do to much. Of course, I'm as close to one as you'll find without being one... She sped down the trail and rammed the trainer. "Take that!" she yelled, knocking the trainer over. I'd better get out of here... she thought as she flew out over the forest. She looked down and threw Furret a Grasswhistle and yelled out, "Whistle and I'll come. If I can be of assisstance, then let me be. I have no other purpose anyway..." With that she flew off into the mist.


Wrath of Fire
Love sent out another hydro cannon.It still was no good.
Love said:If this is the final battle,then where is the other pokemon.
Love was then hit by the roots and thrown in mid air.Love was then being tossed by the tree back and forth and said:I can't do this alon.


Death Tree

"Prepare to burn, Tree of Death", Pichu said and used his arms as shields and blocked a wimpy Shadow Bullet Seed(Shadow version of Bullet Seed, expect to see many of these kinda things). Pichu then charged up a Hidden Power(HP Fire, I'll refer to as HP) onto the Tree, burning it a bit and burning the smaller roots to ashes. Then Pichu used Thunderpunch on the weakened Tree, paralyzing many of the weakened roots, but the Tree detached them and grew a healthy pair. "Nothing I use it damaging it! Time for the old thing...cut it off", and Pichu charged up a Nitrogen Energy Sword*NES(Kinda funny, it's the same name as the first Nintendo console)*, then used it on one of the roots, cutting it off and freezing the impact area, making the time needed to grow roots a lot longer. This new attack is gonna be very, very useful, Pichu thought as he jumped back into the back ranks of the army.


Wrath of Fire
Love then hit the ground and told pichu thanks.Love then used a hydro cannon on the tree.Love could now barley stand.
Love said:This is a strong tree.
Love then used hydrocannon and mixed it with ice beam.It was a giant ice beam.The tree then blocked it with its roots.
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