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Pokemon Show


Cascade Trainer
If we actually have pokemon and there was a pokemon show being held and u were a contestant, what pokemon would you show?

Remember there are different categories

and so on

I will start

Hitmonchan for tough


Mayness Yayness!
Its called a contest unless you mean something else
And I would use
Cute: eevee
and some more that I'll post later with more detail


Don't Play Pokémon
I would have to go with a Dragonite.. for sho and "adorableness"


I love garlic. :P
Cute-Groudon (My littelbrother has one.. Won to cortest)

*~Star Pocchama~*

l Kawaii Vulpix l
I'm not very good at Pokemon Contests even in the game so I don't believe I'd be good Contestant x.x Anywayz~

Kyogre - Beauty
Combusken - Cool
Eevee - Cute

I can't think of others...o.0

*~Star Pocchama~*


Pikachu for the Cool Contests. =P
Dazzling Extreme Speed, Thunderbolt, and Volt Tackles. =D
Hoppip for cute because I love it~

Ledian for smart~

marshtomp for cool,

Breloom for tough

god knows if I'd win. I wouldnt enter a contest anyway. I'd be too busy training~


Beauty: Ninetales or Milotic
Cute: Skitty
Smart: Alakazam or Metagross
Cool: Arcanine
Tough: Steelix