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Pokemon Snap - Help and Discussion

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The Queen
Well...the other one was locked and the other one is like a hundred years old with no new posts since 100 years ago...so I'll start a new one.
This is the place for Pokemon Snap talk and especially help. If you nee any help, just ask, and someone will answer you. So...discussion...let's start with a topic!
What was your favorite picture to take?
I'm just throwing it out there...say whatever you like...


Encyclopika said:
What was your favorite picture to take?

Dragonite, cos he's my favorite Pokemon! Also, I beat the game, but I spent about 3 months trying to find Dugtrio at the end. (it was so stupid)


The Queen
My favorite picture would have to be pikachu on balloons...it's hard and cute as hell. XB


Jesus Freak Josh said:
My favourite shot?
Not sure. Might be Pikachu on the Stump. It was mad! :p
Yep, same here, that's also my best picture.
I like my photo of the tribe of Charmanders on the volcanoe level.Some were yelling at me,and some were howling!


I miss you Maddie <3
I like taking pictures of the legendary birds. They just always turn out so...majestic and grand. Especially Moltres. And it's never boring to get the jigglypuff trio mad at you. "Awww, look at the little pink things, they think they can hurt me! How cute!"


Yoshinichi said:
I like my photo of the tribe of Charmanders on the volcanoe level.Some were yelling at me,and some were howling!
I have a really good charmander one aswell. Theres load of them!


smiley. said:
I have a really good charmander one aswell. Theres load of them!

Yes I love that one, when you throw a bunch of apples and tons of Charmanders gather... but Oak always says it's bad *.*

Blaziken master

My best shot is a magmar laying the smackdown on the other one


The Queen
^That cracks me up all the time. It's like, wow, if you want the apple then eat it. Don't torch the other guy and get screwed now that the apple disappeared! XP
Has anyone tried to hit the Butterfree? Have you ever gotten them?
I think I tried once...I don't remember if I got it. Oh well.
clammyshazam said:
Yes I love that one, when you throw a bunch of apples and tons of Charmanders gather... but Oak always says it's bad *.*
Try taking a picture of a Charmander that is closer to you, or one that is right in the middle. Or you could play the PokeFlute and make them "stand still" for the shot.
Anither question occured to me...has anyone spent so much time with the Charmander that the egg fell into the lava by itself? That happened to me a long time ago.
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Sea Ruby Trainer
My favorite ones were the Balloon Pika and the Jigglypuff trio. They were friggin hard to take, but I did. I also like the exploding Electrode.


Well-Known Member
Oo I loved the balloon pikachu. It was sooo adorable!
I also enjoyed the shot of Chansey.
Sometimes, I throw the apples at the Charmander and it hits the egg by mistake. I've never had it fall in on its own accord, though!


I love pelting the Charmanders with eggs. It's absolutely precious, and hilarious! XD

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Random- Me too, it's so cute when they bend down and say Char or something and then stand up, like they are mad ot something, that why I don't get rid of the Moltress egg for awhile.


I have loads!!! Finished it in like an hour! Most point was Mew but that sucked. I like my special of the Magmer flamthrowing with a difference....it was both at the same time! Actully that must be my favorte level. The chamder danceing to the flute (scary) and the amazing growlthe and arcanine coming out the flames it soo whats the word dashing and beutiful i love it! Ii wish i could go on my N64 but it dont work on my tv!

I want pokemon Snap 2 i mean for the revolution! A game that now has more potential and a longer life span because of what 368 pokemon now?? I think its well worth it. ALL IN FAVOR SAY I


Mush! Mush!
Except for the fact the first one only had 63/151. I don't know how big a data capacity the Rev or games will hold but you'd probably need a memory card for the new one if they were to do it.

Why is it that all the great shots are the ones that you don't get a heap of points for? AND WHY IS OAK FOR POKéMON CRUELTY?!
my best picture was mew just standing there looking at me it got me over 10000 points!
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