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Pokemon Sword & Shield - RECENT HAPPENINGS Thread


Kaleido Star FOREVER in my heart <3
I heard back on Friday. They provided a Shiny Celebi and Dada Zarude code. Now i just have to figure out which kid gets which code.
Your children are lucky for having such a cool parent :)

Prince Amrod

Dragon Tamer
Really starting to think my game no longer likes me. Been breeding eevees since Sunday for a few hours per day, equalling 2-300 eggs each day and no shiny yet. Few perfect ones but thats it. Then on a night, no shiny zoroark after two weeks of searching. Probably hit close to a thousand dens in total. Plenty of the other event guys. Maxed out all my ore and candies again!

Det. Viper

That’s Detective Viper to you
Really starting to think my game no longer likes me. Been breeding eevees since Sunday for a few hours per day, equalling 2-300 eggs each day and no shiny yet. Few perfect ones but thats it. Then on a night, no shiny zoroark after two weeks of searching. Probably hit close to a thousand dens in total. Plenty of the other event guys. Maxed out all my ore and candies again!
I get what your saying. I was trying to help someone with a shiny Eevee and after two months of 150 egg days (3-4 days a week) I got no shiny Eevee at all. But the other day I was just breeding a Trapinch for another battler and the very first egg was shiny. And then bred for a Tyrogue and the third egg was shiny. Then tested my luck in dynamax adventure and found a shiny Buzzwole. Three different shiny in one day but can’t get a shiny Eevee no matter how hard I try.


cilan lives forever in my heart
I get what your saying. I was trying to help someone with a shiny Eevee and after two months of 150 egg days (3-4 days a week) I got no shiny Eevee at all. But the other day I was just breeding a Trapinch for another battler and the very first egg was shiny. And then bred for a Tyrogue and the third egg was shiny. Then tested my luck in dynamax adventure and found a shiny Buzzwole. Three different shiny in one day but can’t get a shiny Eevee no matter how hard I try.
I got several in Go during community day that I then transferred. If you want one, I can give you one.


cilan lives forever in my heart


cilan lives forever in my heart



Prince Amrod

Dragon Tamer
After finally finding a shiny zoroark on Saturday night, I put all my energy into hatching my shiny eevee. Decided Sunday that a week and over a thousand eggs with the parents I had weren’t going to yield the result I wanted so swapped them out. 110 eggs later, out popped the shiny I wanted. Calm natured, HA eevee only needing a bottle cap in one stat but otherwise perfect. So glad that’s finally done and finished before the remakes are out on Friday.

Phil Rohan

Well-Known Member
I've had a good week in Sword: I finally managed to catch a Swampert in Dynamax Adventures (now the only Dynamax Adventures exclusive Pokémon I'm missing is Thundurus, which is Shield exclusive), I got a shiny Wooloo in a random raid to go with the one I got in the special event in May (now a Dubwool), and in this current raid event I got six shiny Eevee, so I can now get all the shiny Eeveelutions I was missing. I also got hold of a hidden ability Lapras.


Well-Known Member
Started a new journey with Sword.
But honestly hate all the starters, so got a female Grookey, now a Thwacky that's ready to be shoved into a box.
But now need a new starter, but who?

Flame Haze SnS

Caught a shiny Eevee in Wild Area during Max Raid Special Event. It's my 2nd shiny Pokemon after Shiny Zacian serial code.

Commander L. Halsti

Toxin Squad Cmdr.
Just got Pokemon Shield today. I have in mind a team, except for the starter. Would Intelleon or Rillaboom be better alongside a team of:
Orbeetle, Boltund, Runerigus, Galarian Darmanitan, Galarian Weezing?


Ace and Aspie, for life and light!
I just did my Switch year in review and it said I spent 143 hours on Shield, 67 hours on Sword, and 23 hours on Let's Go Eevee. (I just got my Switch August 6 of this year.)