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Pokemon Sword & Shield - TRADING THREAD [Closed; Gen 8 WiFi Forum NOW OPEN]

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danger chili pepper
Staff member

!!! Please READ everything before posting !!!

  • All forum rules apply.
  • Asking for hacked Pokemon is strictly forbidden.
  • Be specific when offering.
    • Instead of saying "Offering shinies," say "Offering Lv. 10 Shiny Toxel and Lv. 5 Shiny Eiscue" or something.
  • You may only post once per page.
    • Each thread has 20 posts per page.
  • Conduct the trades PRIVATELY.
    • Send a PM (Private Message) directly to the person you wish to trade with. Do not negotiate in this thread.
  • Edit and/or delete your post once you found what you're looking for.
    • This would remove inconvenience on both sides. Less hassle. Saves time.
  • Don't say "See my sig/website/shop/etc" for a list.
    • List down what you are offering in your post.
  • Posting individual Trading threads outside of this one will be deleted.
    • Please bear with us until the Gen 8 WiFi subforum is created.
  • No trading for other-game goods, real money, or anything other than things within a Pokemon game.

This thread shall serve as a TEMPORARY Trading center until the Gen 8 WiFi Subforum has been created.

This thread shall be deleted once said subforum is created.
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J. D. Guy

Well-Known Member
Hi. I'm about to start my Shield Version, and I was wondering if anyone had a Farfetch'd they could trade me. I'd love to use one during the main game, so I'm looking to add one to my team as early as possible.

Adamant or another Attack-boosting Nature would be preferred. It having the Stick would also be swell, but I can ask about that later in my playthrough when I have more of a trade repertoire. Neither are conditionals, though. At this point, just getting Farfetch'd as early as possible is good enough.

Thanks in advance for your time and help with this matter! :)


Water Addiction
Hi there!
Looking for Sobble & Grookie, any natures acceptable. Always play my first try as Ash, so need all three. Im on the route 2 and can't offer anything valuable :(
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Active Member
Trying to spam cath eevees, but finding pikachus. Can offer either 1 or a set for sobble and/or grooky.

Can also make the eevee a sylveon easily if you wanted one
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Jet black

The Turtle Hermit
looking for female scorbunny have a female sobble to trade
SW 7005 1560 7146

Jet black

The Turtle Hermit
Looking for a sobble but willing to do trades so we both can get all 3 or just 2 starters.

I only have sobble right now so let me know when your ready to trade

Jet black

The Turtle Hermit

Jet black

The Turtle Hermit

Jet black

The Turtle Hermit


Active Member
Hi. I'm about to start my Shield Version, and I was wondering if anyone had a Farfetch'd they could trade me. I'd love to use one during the main game, so I'm looking to add one to my team as early as possible.

Adamant or another Attack-boosting Nature would be preferred. It having the Stick would also be swell, but I can ask about that later in my playthrough when I have more of a trade repertoire. Neither are conditionals, though. At this point, just getting Farfetch'd as early as possible is good enough.

Thanks in advance for your time and help with this matter! :)
Bit late, sorry. But i got one. What are you offering


danger chili pepper
Staff member
Guys, try to negotiate your trades privately. Send each other private messages. Don't use this thread for your ongoing exchange.


Active Member
Looking to get all 3 starters. Im already on second gym but if use my alt for a new and would someone be willing to hold a grooky and sobble for me and ill get them the starters as well?

Ill need to trade you 4(grooky and sobble plus the 2 you need) then trade my sooble and grooky to my main. I will throw in a eevee for your trouble! Its lvl 1 hatched
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