!!! Please READ everything before posting !!!
!!! Please READ everything before posting !!!
- All forum rules apply.
- Asking for hacked Pokemon is strictly forbidden.
- Be specific when offering.
- Instead of saying "Offering shinies," say "Offering Lv. 10 Shiny Toxel and Lv. 5 Shiny Eiscue" or something.
- You may only post once per page.
- Each thread has 20 posts per page.
- Conduct the trades PRIVATELY.
- Send a PM (Private Message) directly to the person you wish to trade with. Do not negotiate in this thread.
- Edit and/or delete your post once you found what you're looking for.
- This would remove inconvenience on both sides. Less hassle. Saves time.
- Don't say "See my sig/website/shop/etc" for a list.
- List down what you are offering in your post.
- Posting individual Trading threads outside of this one will be deleted.
- Please bear with us until the Gen 8 WiFi subforum is created.
- No trading for other-game goods, real money, or anything other than things within a Pokemon game.
This thread shall serve as a TEMPORARY Trading center until the Gen 8 WiFi Subforum has been created.
This thread shall be deleted once said subforum is created.
This thread shall be deleted once said subforum is created.
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