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pokemon teams

once in a blue Mew

no he gave away/ set free pidegot, butterfree, haunter, primape, beedrill, and sadly, lapras

ah ok thanx

when will the wii come out in the US?
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This isn't a chat room, kid. You can't post 5 times in a row, asking about things not relevent to the topic.


Contaminated KFC
'Once in a Blue Mew' is a pretty clever name, so the content of the member's posts have left me sorely dissapointed.

Uhh...no offence? :/

Also, I hate the way Ash didn't keep that (gay-rainbow-evolve!) Rapidash in the 'Pokémon-athon' episode. Lara pretty much GAVE it to him, so why didn't he keep it? WHY?! WHHYYYY?!?!


Contaminated KFC
Nothing is cooler than the Kanto starters BattleFranky. NOTHING.


Contaminated KFC
I always thought Runpapa was an illegal alien, overly estatic about the fact that it actually made it into 'the country'. Now I don't know what to believe :(
I have many other things to say to you but I don't want a ban

On Topic: He leaves them because he wants to train new ones!

once in a blue Mew

when does he ever train them, he never evolves them like you are supoused to and another thing, how the heck does he win his way to the top 8 or 16 in the leauges or do the other trainers just suk?

how do you link pics to a post other than cliking on the yellow mountiain?
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