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pokemon teams

You don't HAVE to evolve Pokemon! My Mudkip can hold it's own against most other Pokemon! And he trains NEW ones. And he gets to the top eight because he is the protaganist(sp?). They always either win or get very close to. And his Pokemon are also quite strong.

Edit: DONT DOUBLE POST! And stop posting off topic questions! Use the EDIT button! You know! The blue on at the bottom of the post!!!
Can you please read my posts fully!
Are you trying to avoid everything I say! And no she didn't!
If you read my posts fully. Why do you still DOUBLE FR*CKING POST!
Maybe you should look on SPP! It has info on all the characters!
Mudkip, you can't expect nubs to use common sense.
It was both.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Can we just ban this turkey and get it overwith? I think that blatantly disobeying the rules so many times is a worthy offense - not to mention the fact that he keeps steering his own thread off-topic. And it's painfully obvious that he's never going to understand how things work around here, so there's no hope of educating him.
Can we just ban this turkey and get it overwith? I think that blatantly disobeying the rules so many times is a worthy offense - not to mention the fact that he keeps steering his own thread off-topic. And it's painfully obvious that he's never going to understand how things work around here, so there's no hope of educating him.
Finaly someone agrees with me.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
*reads everything posted since he went to bed last night*
*explodes from equal measures of both laughter and unfathomable stupidity*

I'd post something relevant, but it's kinda hard to when you've just exploded and are trying to piece yourself back together telepathically.
As for Once in a blue moons question about changing the picture it changes the more you post. BUT START LISTENING TO EVERYONE AND DONT DOUBLE POST. uSE THE EDIT THING.


Dull Manga Avatar
once in a blue Mew, this is your neighborhood moderator speaking.

Do not make more than one post in a row. Doing so is called "double posting", and is against the rules. If you have something to add before anyone has replied, add it to your previous post using the "edit" button.

Consider yourself to have been warned. Continuing disregard for the rules will result in diciplinary action.


Natsu no Maboroshi
If Ash pokes were hyper-strong, the anime would be boring.