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Pokemon: The Documentary. Pokenature

darkpkmn fan1

Well-Known Member
Hello, and well this is my very first fic. Well, its not a fic of sorts. More like a documentary show. But about pokemon. Its an insight into the mor realistic side of pokemon. So, lets have a look.

Pokenature Series 1 Episode 1: Placid Giants of the Deep.

Hello, and welcome to the first episode of Pokenature. I guess your all wondering what is this show really about. Well, i shall tell you. Over the next few weeks, we are about to take you around the world on an adventure far and wide. We will show you everything from squirtles struggle for survival to the life cycle of a butterfree directly from your T.V. screen. We will try to pack in as much information as we can into each episode and try to uncover some mysteries of the pokemon world. We are going on an adventure through deep jungle forests to harsh snowy mountains. But thats enough talking done. Lets get on with todays adventure.

Todays featured animal is a rare one. This pokemon is huge and is most likley the biggest pokemon known to man. This pokemon is on the endangered list and could be on the route to extinction. As man continues to over fish, often these beutiful creatures get caught up in fishing nets and eventually drown like many other sea life. Yes, we are talking about Wailord. Todays featured pokemon is wailord, the beautiful giant of the sea.

Today we are in the sea routes of 127, in search of wailord. This is meant to be where wailord are found and this is possibley where they will be at this time of year. The colder wether brings them to the warmer waters of hoenn. Unfortunatlly, it is currently raining, so the wailord may not surface today. They tend to like comeing to the surface on warmer days. But, if we are lucky we may spot some on our radar and if we do, the wetsuits will be going on. If you would look around here, you will see a large silver peice of equipment which has a screen in the center. If I just turn it on like so, you will see that it is a radar. Also, you will notice that nothing is showing up. That is because we have not tagged a wailord with one of these. Yes. This tiny microchip.Can we have a close up of that. Yes, this first must be injected into the wailord, under its skin and then we can start following its daily cycle. Dont worry, the whole injection is completley painless and no pokemon will be harmed in the making of this show.

Now, it is ime to go film some pokemon. Yes, i bet your bored too. That is why I am putting on this wetsuit. Today we will dive and look for some pokemon and if we are lucky, we might see some wailord. Now, are we all ready, is it safe to go in now. Yep. In we go. And this is what it looks like under here. Now, we are going to swim over to those rocks ferther down. Hopefully we will see some pokemon.

Ahh, and here we are. As you can see, there is alot of places where pokemon could hide down here. For instance, the large seaweed forests and the cracks in rocks are all home to pokemon now.....oh. What was that just over there. Im sure I saw a ..... oh look, there goes another, into that tiny cave there. Could I just take that lamp from you for a second. Now, i will shine the lamp into the cave. Oh, look, there he is. Now, I dont want to disturb him too much so I'll just leave him in there. He is a staryu. A star shaped pokemon. He has five points on him and a large stone in the middle of it. This stone is very much wanted by many rock collectors and sadly, the pokemon cant live without the rock and dies once it is taken unlike is points that grow back pretty quickly. The points also shoot water which it can use to give a powerful water attack to an enemy or to make it swim faster. By night in the summer months, these pokemon gather in reefs known as water stone reefs. Since these pokemon need water stones to evolve, they usually evolve there. Im going to let this little fellow go now as we are going to go back to the boat. Bye bye staryu.

"Will they find a wailord, stay tuned to find out"

(I need some crit please, remember its my first)
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Knight of Oblivion
it kinda sounds like a Crocodile Hunter show from this first part...

also I thought a Staryu had 5 points, if this is a Pokemon Documentary then at least have accurate descriptions of the Pokemon....unless the Staryu had lost one of its' points, then please kindly put that

a little more description of the Staryu would be nice since documentaries usually describe the creature they are showing in detail

other than that, it's pretty good. i can't wait for more