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Pokemon The End....

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
(People still have a chance to be in the regular 10 spots <1 spot left.>)

As you know the pokemon world, with pokemon, had been around for many years. However, the pokemon world is peaceful and all and well but, 6 years ago a horrid and violent storm had hit the 4 regions simultaneously. This storm was caused by the awakening of all the legendaries. Aruseus and Mew, being the creator's of pokemon, disapearred and weren't seen or reported for those 6 years. Then, in the Orre Region were the storms haven't hit, people reported seeing two pokemon in the huge desert area. So one day,4 years later, a explorer went to the place to find a area were pokemon were seen flying torwards a red energy mass. The mass grew bigger and the explorer was sucked in through the energy mass. A few months latter the nearby city of Phenac City was sucked in. Following that, Pyrite Town was sucked in the vortex. Soon enough the whole Region was engulfed by the swirling Vortex. Now the Orre Region is in oblivion and the 4 other regions are terrified so, they have sent 10 trainers who have caught the legendaries ,after their awakening, to investigate the vortex's strength and force. The 10 trainer's were once or are the champions of the league. The reason for this is because the Regions want to know they are being saved from capable trainers. The journey begins now...


Cindy kept running for her life. She wasnt really fond of huge Tyranitars chasing her.

"AY CARAMBA!!!" Cindy screamed as she ran through the little wood behind the Space Center in Mossdeep. All because she wanted to catch a cute Larvitar this thing wanted to kill her or something. It was cruel in her opinion.

"Wait a sec! I got something scarier than a huge Tyranitar!" and she pulled off her black belt and pokeball with a sticker of a C in light blue. She did this to all her pokeballs so she coulodb recognize them. She could release Quennie her Kirlia when she wanted to release Cotton the Altaria.

"Cotton! Use Mean Look!!" and Cindy stopped running and jumped up and threw her pokeball at the huge Tyranitar. Then the pokeball let out a big Altaria with huge wings and not suprising a mad look on her face. The Mean Look was scary. So scary Cindy covered her eyes with her hands and waited until it finished. Cotton the Altaria made one heck of a mean look and scared the Tyranitar away, running like a sissy.

"Good Job Cotton! Return girl!" and huuged her pokemon and returned her to her specific pokeball. Cindy put her back on the belt next to her Bellesollom and Misdreavus. She had them in a specific order depending on her mood. A strange girl she was.

Cindy started to walk until she reached the end of the wood where palm trees roamed that area. Coconuts on the ground, leaves scattered evrywhere it seemed like a hurricane passed in and out. Not like the huge redwood trees back when the Tyranitar chased her.

"Finally! I found the checkpoint!" and Cindy spotted a palm tree with the word "END" on it. She finally reached the end of her workout.She normally did this to get in shape and her pokemon too for any trainers who would battle her. Cindy was the Elite 4 Champion of Hoeen so she needed a small workout every day. After beating 8 gyms, and 4 strong trainers, you need to be strong no?

Then Cindy let out her Altaria Cotton again.

"Cotton! Fly me back to Evergreen and we need to talk! Fast!" and Cindy jumped up and threw her pokeball. Altaria flew up into the sky in a swirling way and and flew down leaving a streamline of cotton behind her. She usually flaked like this so new cotton could grow in that place.

"Evergreen Cotton!!" and Cindy got on top of Cotton. Her fluffy wings were like a pillow and cind lied down since she was so tired from running away from an angry Tyranitar who wont share her kids. Cotton flew up and flapped her wings and and flew up from the grove of palm trees over the woods and the scared Tyranitar and flew up,up, and up until the clouds were all around Cindys head. Then after a few minutes or so, Cotton swooped down and landed above a house. Scratch that. Mansion. A huge white mansion outside a cave was there along with the pokemon center. The Pokemon Center which was pretty big looked microscopic compared to the mansion.

Pearly White paint covered the outside while huge plants and bushes with several berries alignd them. Windows with bright pink curtains on ever window. Light Blue,Hot Pink,Purple,Lime Green, and Yellow curtains filled the last 6 with a huge window with light pink curtains. A rainbow of colors around the house with white gates was there. As Cotton landed on the roof, she went trough a small hole atop the roof, leading to her room. Cindy made much money beating so many people in the Elite 4, she was able to buy a mansion. Wonderful life really. From a small door on the roof, Cindy went through 50 steps on a hallway of stairs and landed in a huge living room with 6 diffrent doors all labled with a diffrent name.

"Ok guys! Go into your rooms and I'll call you for dinner!" Cindy said as she released her pokemon and returned to there rooms.

"Oh I love them....."
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Knight of Oblivion
Panting heavily at the especially hard training he had but his Shiny Charizard, Ragnarok, and Totodile, Zeo, through Xinkc walked towards his large castle just North of the Indigo Plateau.

The castle was designed after the Jedi Temple in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith with a lot of additions that also make it reminiscent of gothic castles in the Middle Ages. It is a dark Charcoal color with the sharp "W" that is on Xinkc's necklace and bracer on each of the 100 windows. It even had its own Pokemon Center and PC system in the southeastern corner that normal trainers could visit when they passed by, even though that was a rarity.

Xinkc sent Ragnarok with Zeo on its back to the roof were Zeo would jump into it's pool and Ragnarok would fly up into the lone tower that was its home. Xinkc had bought the land the castle was built on and the materials to build it from all the money he had won while becoming/being the Champion of Shinou and Kanto, but that was years ago. Xinkc was now an ex-Champion and all that he looked forward to was training his Pokemon and the rare battles between him and the occasional trainer.

Xinkc entered the room like he always did but something seemed odd. There was a letter one of the tables with the Pokemon League crest on it.

He opened it up and read the letter which said,

Dear Xinkc,

A crisis has come to our attention that requires your skill. There is a massive ball of energy were the Orre Region once was. We require your assistance with investigating this phenomenon. We will be sending 9 other League Champions and Ex-Champions from other regions to also investigate this matter. Most of them have captured Legendary Pokemon which makes us sure of their abilities. Even though you don't own a Legendary Pokemon we are still sending you because of your reputation.

Yours Most Sincerely,

The Indigo Plateau League

"Bah, humbug!" Xinkc said as he read the part about the Legendary Pokemon. He could have captured one easily but he considered their enormous power to be to much of an advantage and would detract from his overall ability.

"Meh, I guess I'll go," he told himself. He then set off to prepare his backpack for the journey.

flareon tamer

Shiny hunter
Lilly just got to a pokemon center to take a break. Even if she is an ex-champion of Kanto she didn't want to a mansion or castle to live in. She just continued her jorney as a pokemon tariner. She was looking at the six pokeballs that she had with her while waiting on the email to download on to her laptop. Getting board Lilly let out the six pokemon.

"Come on out everyone!" Lilly said.

A Falreon, Glacia,Flygon,Sneasel,Quilava, came out. The last pokemon that came was the ledgenadry pokemon Celebi.

"Clelebi!"Celebi cryed out with enjoyment and flyed around Lilly.

Flareon that came and tackled Lilly down and licked her. "Enought Flare Star. hahaha. I know its been a long time since you've been out of your pokeball. Can you still time travle, Celebi?(celebi shook it's head no.)"Lilly said as she looked at the laptop and seen a email that was from the kanto's indigo plateau league.

Dear Lilly,

A crisis has come to our attention that requires your skill. There is a strange massive ball of energy in the Orre Region. We require your assistance with investigating this phenomenon. We will be sending 9 other League Champions and Ex-Champions from other regions to also investigate this matter. Most of them have captured Legendary Pokemon which makes us sure of their abilities.

From the The Indigo Plateau League.

"Well It looks like i'm going back to my home region. It's been 5 years now since i move away from there."Lilly sighed. "I wounder who the other nine are."


OOC:I have changed my dodiro's name from roadrunner to zip as its easy to type and sounds better

IC: Jacob sighed and lay down on the beach. Star, his jirachi, yawned and sat down next to him, at last they could relax. "Jacob!" *some much for relaxing* he turned round and saw a young trainer with white hair standing behind him, Jacob sighed "Listen, just because I'm the champion of orrie doesn't mean i have to accept every challenge!" He said, annoyed, ever since he won that stuipid leadge every trainer he met wanted to challenge him, he just wanted to be left alone for five minutes. "No i'm not here for a challenge, I'm Brendan and Steven just gave me this letter and said its for you!" the boy replyed handing over a envelope with the league's stamp on it *What do they want?* Jacob quickly took the letter and read it

Dear Jacob,

A crisis has come to our attention that requires your skill. There is a massive ball of energy were the Orre Region once was. We require your assistance with investigating this phenomenon. We will be sending 9 other League Champions and Ex-Champions from other regions to also investigate this matter. Most of them have captured Legendary Pokemon which makes us sure of their abilities.

Yours Most Sincerely,

The Indigo Plateau League

Jacob sighed "Come on star we have work to do" the wish pokemon sighed and floated next on her trainers shoudler, Jacob tossed out a ball "Go zip!", a dodrio formed out of the light, Jacob hopped onto its back, Brendan looked shocked "You do release to get from mossdeep to the orrie region you have to fly or surf and dodrio can't do ethier!" Jacob grined, "Oh really?" Zip suddenly unfolded a pair of wings and took off into the sky, Brendan stood on the ground speechless

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
OOC: WOW why are so many people in Mossdeep???

Jack sighed. He was so tired and felt really lazy. It was just too hard to walk up the hill and down the road to his house in Mossdeep Island. Jack rolled onto his back and felt the yellow, lazy sun warm up his back. Jack watched a daisy in front of him sway in the soft breeze…
As Jack dozed off again, his pokemon decided to have a laugh and emerged from their various types of pokeballs around him.
Tara, Jack’s Flygon, being in a usual playful mood, began flapping her wings hard, creating a gale and waking up Jack. Jack stood up groggily. Maybe I should get back, thought Jack and called to his playing water pokemon, Star and Sparky, his Starmie and Lanturn.
As always, Light stood proudly nearby, the cocky Suicune that he was, always thinking that he could win. Jack laughed at the thought as Sparky and Star came back to him. Jack smiled a little and returned them into their pokeballs; a dive-ball and a net-ball. He looked over at his other 4 pokemon. They looked at him eagerly. And Jack knew why.
‘First one home is the winner!’ shouted Jack as he ran on to the Happy Flygon, who instantly took to the air back home. Blaze and Light ran across the island and an amazing pace; blurs of red and blue to passer-bys. Jack knew that Light always won, but that didn’t matter. Blaze just ran for the work out, Tara and Breeze for the sheer joy of it.

As they arrived back home, Jack saw that nothing had changed, except that Breeze had got back before Blaze. All his pokemon were panting slightly, even Light. Jack gave a quick smirk and took out the key for his door from his pocket.
His house wasn’t big. Just a small 2 story, 3-bedroom house made of Mossdeep slate. Jack thought that it was kinda pointless to have a huge house costing lots and lots cash. Ok. Jack did have lots and lots of cash. And that was from winning 3 pokemon leagues in various regions. But after winning the Sinnoh pokemon league, Jack called it quits. He had travelled the world with his pokemon for 7 years and had seen so much, he had decided to settle down for a while, and down at Mossdeep. So what if was the Champion for Sinnoh? They could call him and he’d there in a matter of hours to battle against the challenger. And he’d been the champion of Hoenn and Kanto already, but had resigned to continue travelling but now, he was just taking a well-earned break.

Jack walked in to his hallway to discover that the postman had been. Well duh, of course ha has, thought Jack dryly, I have been out all day since 4 am this morning. Jack picked up his letters and walked into his kitchen-diner and sat down on a stool. A cough has heard from Blaze and he pointed to the doors, which lead out to the garden. Jack hit his head and put down the letters and walked over and unlocked the door. While Jack didn’t have a big house, his garden was pretty big, that is, big enough to have an Olympic-sized swimming pool with wave machine, a sheltered patio with various objects on it including a small gym and of course, lots of plants. Tara was flying around happily and Breeze was flitting around the flowers that grew so well in the mild climate of Mossdeep. Jack released Star and Sparky into the swimming pool as Light walked over and began to play around with them. Jack nodded contently and walked back into the kitchen to sort out his mail.
Blaze was sitting on a stool in the kitchen; eating some pork scratchings he loves so much. Jack walked over to him and sat down on the stool opposite him. Jack pulled across the letter and began reading through them.
‘Bills…bills…oh! Its mum! She’s going on holiday with the money I sent her to Ecruteck city in Johto next week…great, another advertisement letter…don’t they learn? (Jack threw this letter in the bin)…hmm? What’s this? Looks a bit posh doesn’t it Blaze?’ said Jack, and held out the letter to him. Blaze glanced up, looked carefully at the letter. Then he stood up, threw the bag he was eating out of in the bin and walked outside, most likely to use the gym and build up his muscles.
Jack looked at the hand written letter. Looks posh thought Jack. He opened it carefully and read the letter:

Dear Jack Mariner,

A crisis has come to our attention that requires your natural pokemon skills. There is a strange mass of energy amassing in the Orre Region. We require your assistance with investigating this phenomenon. We will be sending 9 other League Champions and Ex-Champions from other regions to also investigate this matter. Most of them have captured Legendary Pokemon which makes us sure of their abilities. We wish you the best of luck Jack, and hope that no harm will befall you.

From the Indigo Plateau League.

Jack raised an eyebrow. Looks like I’m travelling again thought Jack and walked over to the fridge to begin making his dinner.


Volcano Trainer
Ken yawned, the hot Hoenn sun beating down on his tanning body.

He was lying down on a large lawn chair, about two meters long. It was pure white, except for the area sheilded by Ken's body. On the table beside him, six grey and yellow pokeballs lay, all enlarged but one.

Cleaver, his Kabutops, was lying below his overlarge chair, as paranoid as ever. His beetle black eyes darted from side to side, eyeing at the sandcastles small children were building as if they were about to grow legs and charge towards him. His sleek brown body was half covered in the swirling yellow stuff, Cleaver shrugging it off every five seconds.

Tther four pokemon currently outside the pokeballs were having fun on the beach. Or, should we say, their idea of fun. Dol the Banettes idea of fun happens to be sneaking up on small children, then enjoying a walloping from Haikibo the Dragonite.

Ken yawned, his arms spreading wide enough to get a reproachful glare from Cleaver. Ken ignored him, looking up lazily to the sparkling sea of Slateport city.

"Time to go," He yawned, preparing for the puppy like faces from the little kids who hadn't gotten a ride on the Haikibo express. Sure enough, they came, Ken having to push his way out of a sea of pleading children.

"Come on, I'm tired. maybe Saturday."

He liked children, but they ask for too much.

Then, swooping out of the bright sky, came the mail delivery Swablu, its frail blue body battered by wind.

Like a bullet, Cleaver shot out of hiding, white claws extended, charging at the disgrunteled Swablu. Haikibo lazily extended an orange arm, pulling the struggling Kabutops up to its chest in a powerful headlock.

Ken took the letter from the relieved Swablu. He tore off the top, and showed it to Cleaver, still struggling madly in the Dragonites arm.

"Bomb free, do you reckon? That was quite rude. You are getting quite paranoid."

Dear Kensaru,

A crisis has come to our attention that requires your skill. There is a massive ball of energy were the Orre Region once was. We require your assistance with investigating this phenomenon. We will be sending 9 other League Champions and Ex-Champions from other regions to also investigate this matter. Most of them have captured Legendary Pokemon which makes us sure of their abilities.

Yours Most Sincerely,

The Silver Confernce Leage


Well-Known Member
"Go rozereido! finish hitmontop off with magical leaf!"
rozereido jumped up gracefully and sent out multi-colored leaves that struck hitmontop hard, knockng it off blance and falling to the ground, fainted.
"good job rozereido" jordan said as he sent rozeeido back into his pokeball. Jordan congratulated the other trainer he defeated and walk away into the light, lush forest he called his backyard.

About an hour of walking, jordan finally got to his house. it was a medium sized cabin in the middle of the forest. it had a dojo in it for training his pokemon, a kitchen, living room and bedroom. It was an ancient japanese house that he built himself. there was also a big cliff that surrounded more than half around his property, with a giant waterfall coming down from it. the waterfall draped down to a large pond that jordan usues to swim in. Jordan walked across the steppin stones in the pond to a rock that was right below the waterfall, which he meditated there every day. he found a note on the rock. jordan opened it cautiously and read it:

Dear Jordan,

There has been a disturbance in the region of orre. The whole region has been sucked up by a tremendous red ball of energy that has made the other four regions frightened and terrified. Please, we need your help. Come see what the problem is please! we have sent 9 other trainers with you so you will be on a team. thank you, please help us!


shinou pokemon league

"Thats strange....i'll be on my way." jordan said to himself.
he took out a pokeball with a lightning symbol on it and threw it. A huge light came out and raikou was there.
"raikou, lets go!"
jordan jumped on raikou's back and they swiflty dashed away into the great beyond that lie before them.


Cindy walked up the hallway. The walls were plated with emeralds as her Skiitty Princess had wished. She was rich and she liked it no doubt about that.

"Hey Cindy! Your dang mail is here!" screamed a manly yet feminine voice screamed. "Coming Arelis!" Cindy screamed as she slid down the gold railings on the stairs. She came to the common room whichlead outside to the front of her door.

Arelis. She used to be the champion of Hoeen. A wise, 18 year old girl she was admired by many men (especially Steven Stone). Long, slim and slender always with a smile on her face, she was adored. Until Cindy came along that is. Cindy beat her last pokemon her main one Pekka the Wingull with Princess the Skitty.

I hope you undertsqand it isnt over til its over!
Hah! A child cant beat me! Pekka! Hydro Pump!
Princess! Hyper Beam!
Dust clears from the stadium.
Pekka fainted. Cindy has won and became the new Champion!

Now Arelis was'nt the tall and beautiful battler. Now she was short, plump and on the verge of breaking out with acne. Cindy knew there were big changes in her life: she was a mailwoman now. Not rich, not beautiful no just ugly and sad.

"Thanks Arelis! Want to stop by later for some coffee?"
"Who made it? Your servants?"
"No. I made it myself! Well bye!"

Cindy felt sad that she was lonely but she started to open the letter. Made in beautiful red parchment in blue ink it read:

Dear Cindy,

A crisis has come to our attention that requires your skill. There is a massive ball of energy were the Orre Region once was. We require your assistance with investigating this phenomenon. We will be sending 9 other League Champions and Ex-Champions from other regions to also investigate this matter. Most of them have captured Legendary Pokemon which makes us sure of their abilities.

Yours Most Sincerely,

The Silver Confernce Leage

Cindy looked puzzled. She lifted an eyebrow.

"Im going o make dinner for everyone now. Guys come down! And Im not making macaroni Missy were all out!" Cindy screamed as she went to her huge kitchen.

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
Jack finished his noodles quickly. This must really be an emergency, thought Jack for like…the 5th time, I mean…they even sent a hand written letter! Jack finished washing up and ran off to his bedroom to sort out a few things, like organising a gardener and a cleaner for when he’ll be gone.
After he had done that, Jack packed his rucksack, and as always, Jack travelled light, only packing the bare needs, with maybe the small luxury. And so, Jack was ready for the morning. He went around, making sure his pokemon were happy for the night (Sparky and Star slept in the pool, Blaze on the patio gym, Light slept somewhere in the garden (Jack doesn’t know where as Light doesn’t trust him that much), Tara slept on the roof and Breeze slept where ever she liked, which could even be on Jack’s bed) and retired to his bed…


Jack woke up with a start. He had had a nightmare about darkness, storms, screams and other things to blurry to remember. Jack shook his head and got out of bed slowly and walked over to the kitchen, making himself a mug of coffee, in his favourite mug (which had some dude on it and the words ‘cool dude’ on it).
Jack walked over to the back doors that opened to the patio and opened them, feeling the morning sun wash upon him. Blaze as usual, woke up early and was lifting weights and Breeze was fluttering around the flowers, enjoying the warm morning.
Jack sighed. Today he would break out of his peace and quiet and back onto the road again. Jack brightened up. I might as well get on with it then! Thought Jack and within ½ an hour, he was ready, and just finishing off breakfast.
Jack finished and walked out of his house and down to his favourite relaxing place on the south part of Mossdeep Island. By walking, to get there took a good 45 minutes of walking but it was worth it, being a short plateau that had a small beach at the bottom, and quite isolated. Jack took a deep breath and walked up to the waters edge. Jack wasn’t fond of the sea and it took several deep breaths to calm him down again. He looked out across the sea. He considered surfing on Star, but that would require standing up on her and, although Star was a fast swimmer, it was still quite a way to the region of Orre…
Jack thought of Light, the sprit of the north wind. He knew about their ability to purify any lake, stream or river and that they could walk on water…
I wonder if Light would let me ride him, thought Jack and released Light in a flash of well…light. Jack posed the question to Light who, after a brief consideration nodded, so Jack carefully climbed on to Light’s back, between his shoulder blades, and before he could do anything, Light ran with blinding speed out to sea, jumping on the crests of the waves, running so fast that to Jack, it felt like flying…well almost, a surfacing Wailord sorta spoiled the moment abit but Jack didn’t mind as Light elegantly leapt into the air, gliding over the huge float whale. After a few minutes of crazed running, Jack ordered Light to run to Ever Grande city…

flareon tamer

Shiny hunter
Lilly was laying on the bed at the pokecenter. She was thinking about alot stuff after she had read that email. She looked at her sleeping polemon. They were all cuddled together sleeping peacfully. She smiled as she finnish packing the stuff she'll need. Celebi woke up and yawned. "Bi bi?"it said looking at Lilly.

"Huh? Oh your awake celebi."Lilly said as she put down the pack down and walk over to celebi. "You look worried, Celebi.......huh whos there?"Lilly said as she got interupped when she heard someone knocking on the door.

"It's me Fraya."Fraya said. Fraya was Lilly's friend. Over hear Lilly puting stuff up and walking around.

"Come in if you want to Fraya." Lilly said unlocking the door.

Fraya came in. She was a teenager that was 15 years old. She had a slim figuer. Her eyes were brown and her hair color was red. She was waring a green shirt and a capre jeans.

"So tomarow you'll be going to Orre huh?"Fraya said.

"Yeah. It's been four years now since I move from Orre. Though i'm going to have to be careful now that I have celebi."Lilly sighed.

"Team Chiper. Never seen them and never will. I just think disrespectful trying to make pokemon as mindless battle machines."Fraya said. She kept talking for a long time till Lilly had enough of it.

"Ok Fraya, you don't have to talk forever about em. And besides I need to get some sleep so I won't be tried when I get there."She said.

Fraya yawned and looked at the clock. It was real late at night. She got up and left the room. Lilly closed the door and locked the door. She lied down again and finnaly feel asleep.