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Pokemon..... The Movie


Well-Known Member
okay thanks for the heads up


No problem. And personally i can really see Robin Williams fit the part of Prof Oak. He seems just the right choice in my opinion.
You're kidding right. Have u ever seen a live action movie based on anime? You people have got to start using some common sense.

Sushi Bunny

ハチミツをたべてる フっフっフっ
I don't think Robin Williams should play Prof. Oak. How about George Clooney?
He would make a much better Prof. Oak.


Well-Known Member
You're kidding right. Have u ever seen a live action movie based on anime? You people have got to start using some common sense.

You Got to start using commom sence by reading the first post. What if they made a pokemon movie with real actors. Did I say they are making one? Did I say i'm getting ideas for them?


Robin Williams does seem like a good choice.


Belgian Waffles!!!
I've always dreamed of a live action pokemon movie. They were working on a DBZ live action movie but axed it.


You're kidding right. Have u ever seen a live action movie based on anime? You people have got to start using some common sense.

Actually many more anime shows are being considered for live action movies now. This is one and i read somewhere that Gundam is being considered for a live action movie also.


I am Erureido
Monster, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Transformers, and many more manga/anime are being considered as movies. Pokemon would be a good idea now, with the 3D skills we have today. But, i believe, if a pokemon movie like that WAS made...itd be the end of the entire american portion of the fandom.

I'll post my idea's of actors for the movie later. Robin Williams as Prof. Oak though....that would honestly fit o.o


Well-Known Member
Monster, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Transformers, and many more manga/anime are being considered as movies. Pokemon would be a good idea now, with the 3D skills we have today. But, i believe, if a pokemon movie like that WAS made...itd be the end of the entire american portion of the fandom.

I'll post my idea's of actors for the movie later. Robin Williams as Prof. Oak though....that would honestly fit o.o
you kidding me right! pokefans would be idiots to not like the games or anime or tcg or manga etc. just becuase of a poorly made movie


Well-Known Member
k ppl i added more stuff


Well-Known Member
Seriously, i love this idea, and i've always wished this could happen.

But i'm about to work out right now, so once i'm done i'll come back and edit this post with my thoughts.

Ok i'm done now :]

Characters(Tell me to add more):
Brock: Will Smith
May: JoJo
Max: Little ******* from the 6th Sense
Misty: Jessica Alba
Ash's mom:
James: Johnny Depp
Geovanni: The guy who played Scarface
Gary: Frankie Muniz
Professor Oak: Robin Williams
Nurse Joy:
Cop Jenny

Story: Base it on the anime, but make it more realistic/mature, and for an older audience. Make multiple movies. End the first movie at the 1st gym badge.
don't know what the asterics were supposed to be but if you mean the liitle kid main guy that was the main character then he's all grown up now(i'll post a pic in a few minutes.http://www.mnight.com/images/misc/haley_joel_osment_1.jpg

i think miley cyrus could possibly make a decent hikari or may either one could do
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I added Miley cyrus


Slow and steady baby
don't know what the asterics were supposed to be but if you mean the liitle kid main guy that was the main character then he's all grown up now(i'll post a pic in a few minutes.http://www.mnight.com/images/misc/haley_joel_osment_1.jpg

i think miley cyrus could possibly make a decent hikari or may either one could do

Oh god... he's way too big now.

Thank you for showing me how he looks now, it's amazing how movies/television alters your sense of time.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
If it were made today, Giovanni would have to be John Lone. Just watch him in Rush Hour 2--he's perfect for it. Even dresses the same (game version, anyway).