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Pokemon..... The Movie


Gust of Wind
oh god PLZ no, real people with animated 3d pokemon? HA. no.


Main screen turn on!
Pamela Anderson... As May.


Slow and steady baby


Salingerian Phony
It looks like some people missed my sarcasm...it was merely my response to lots of people spouting out suggestions for famous movie stars who'd in reality be completely incompatible with their roles.

Seriously...every time there's a discussion of a potential movie based on anything--doesn't matter if it's Kim Possible or Beowulf--people just list their favorite actors and actresses for no reason than to imagine seeing them associated with another thing they love.


Well-Known Member
People, if someone makes another soam post, i will report.


Well-Known Member
I meant spam


Powerplay Champion
I dunno about turning it into a real life movie...
take super mario and street fighter for example...
absoloutely horrible movies,
decent cartoons.

Omega Pirate

shove it up ya bum!
I meant spam

Oop, looks like you're going to have to report yourself. Sorry, but like you said.

Anywho, I still stand by my statement on Japanese actors. It's a Japanese franchise. They made the live action Death Note movie with Japanese actors and in Japanese, they'll do the same if there's ever a live action Pokemon movie, and I really doubt there ever will be.


Well-Known Member
Well they usually change actors if it's from a different place. Like the ring, they changed the actors(i think). If they don't change actors for english if they make a movie, then they will just do translation.


Well-Known Member
Pete Burns would fit the role of Harley well... I had seen him on television the other day and Harley was the first person to come to mind. xP


Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
I have a feeling that if they made a live action Pokemon movie in America it would be really lame and cheesy and they'd have all these little Hilary Duff clones playing the female characters...


Well-Known Member
^ Yup, Thats Right!


Natsu no Maboroshi
Johnny Depp would be a nice James, LOL. Also, you should put Angelina Joile somwehere, maybe as Jenny, or else.


Cascade Trainer
if they ever made a pokemon movie
i think ash would be frankie munez
instead of frankie munez being gary