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Pokemon: The Transfer...

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
As the school day ended a Lance , a boy who loves to play pokemon, runs home to play his new copy of Ruby. "Hmm... I wonder which starter I'll chose for this game..." he said as he walked home. The boy ran up his stairs to go to his room to start playing the game. Lance switched his game on. The intro movie began with the battle scene. The starting screen turned on. He pressed start and clicked the 'Start New File' selection. Suddenly, the screen turned black. Lance's arm's twitched spasmodically , his eye's blank. Then he laid in a feild, birds chirping, squirells eating. A small girl came to him. " what's wrong Mister?" the girl asked. "Mister? Mister? are you okay?" the girl interrogatted the boy laying in the feild."Hmmm....." Lance looked around and saw strange creatures not from earth. "Were am I?" Lance asked the girl. " Hmm? are you dumb? You're in Hoenn.... To be exact you're in Littleroot Town!" the girl said conceitedly "Wait i'm in Hoenn? How could this happen?" He started to pace around in circles. "Maybe you should go to Mr. Birtch. He has all the answers!" the girl pointed to the lab...​

This was 3 yrs. ago and nobody heard from Lance since , at least, in the real world. Now with the top selling Diamond and Pearl out kids are disappearing everywhere. The kids get the game then are snatched from this world. All the parent's see is the screen with a little character Icon on it and no sign of there child.​

Info: Now here come's the hard part. The character selection. Each member in this RPG are allowed to be the Female or Male character from the past or present games.But once that gender for that version is gone it's gone. For Example, If I like the FR/LG female character and I select it no one could use that specific character.

Way this works: You're transfered into Diamond or Pearl and you get to pick which Region you start in. The region dosen't have to correspond with the character but, you need to have to pick a starter from that region.

Age: (10-15)
Starter Pokemon:
Character Selection: ( Male or Female character from what game.)
Occupation: (Trainer/Rival)
Region Start: (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Shinou)​

1.Male hero of D/P: Mirage Mew (Daniel) <Reserved>
2.Female Hero of D/P: Pokemanic Joe (Madison)
3.Rival: JirachiandLucario (Nick)
4.Male Hero of R/S/E: Xinkc (Xinkc Minkay)
5.Female Hero of R/S/E: Russian May <Reserved>
6.Rival: (Wally like Character)
7.Male Hero of G/S/C: .:Ultimate Shroomish:. (Hyato Sureh)
8.Female Hero of G/S/C: WiggleTuff (Autumn)
9.Rival: (Silver like character)
10.Male hero of FR/LG
11.Female Hero of FR/LG: Bandana (Sally Greenly)
12.Rival: (Gary like-Character)​

Notes: Rivals: Rivals are exceptions. they get to be female or male and you get to make your own describtions. But they have to be like there game counter parts
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~You're my only one~
Name: Autumn
Age: 14
Gender: female
Starter Pokemon: Pocchama (Nickname: Pengin)

Personality: Usually very quiet and docile, but if you upset her like making fun of her cause of the way she looks, she gets really upset and usually starts crying. Autumn has a hard time trusting people because when she thought that they were her best friend, they would spread lies and rumors about her then stop being her friend. If anyone can get her to trust them, they have an irreplacable friend for life. She has a horrible past cause when she was born, she almost died, but she was revived. When she was seven years old, her parents started fighting and got a divorce, and when she was 12 years old, she was diagnosed with slight depression. Autumn claims that she's depressed cause she gets sick so easily, but the truth is that when her sister turned eighteen, her family started to ignore her and neglect her. They never really cared for her, and on her 13th birthday, her father and grandmother started arguing with her, cursing the world for making her and wishing she was dead. She ran away from her hometown, Mahogany Town, and moved to the Kanto where she was away from her devious family.

Character Selection: female from G/S/C
Occupation: trainer
Region Start: Kanto
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Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
Sorry but, rejected you need to lengthen personality a tidbit maybe another line


~You're my only one~
I edited the post


Knight of Oblivion
So, the characters in here are people from the real world that have taken the place of characters in the Pokemon games? If so, my sign-up is based on that. If not, then I'll change it according.

Name: Xinkc Minkay
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Starter Pokemon: Shiny Charmander
Personality: Xinkc is, on the surface, cold and unfeeling. When he opens up he can be really caring and will even smile on rare occasions. The key to his emotions are in his eyes. When upset Xinkc will get extremely violent and upset and will go to any length to set things right, or to calm down. The reason for his callous exterior is because his parents beat and abused him whenever he was upset and were especially abusive to Xinkc when he was happy and sometimes beat him with the nearest object in reach to "wipe the smile off his face." His only escape from the horrible life he had with his parents was the Pokemon games, playing them for hours on end. He is also a hard worker, having had to have back-breaking jobs to pay for all the batteries, Pokemon games, and for his GBA and DS when it came out. All the hours he spent playing the Pokemon games have made him extremely talented in the games and gave him an abnormally large knowledge of Pokemon.
Character Selection: Male Hero of R/S/E
Occupation: Trainer
Region Start: Kanto


Name: Sally (Sal) Greenly
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Starter Pokemon: Chikorita (Nicknamed: Amber)
Personality: Sal was pretty much an only child, but she was always surrounded by all sorts of animals and loved to play her Gameboy (mainly her Pokemon games). Sal could always relate better to animals than humans and it built a resistance to peer pressure and the need to be in the "In crowd". Sal is pretty caring and kind and is able to weigh out decisions properly to see what's best for her and everyone else. At times she can be pretty selfless but that's pretty normal for her. She always sticks up for the little guy even if she feels she shouldn't. But this can also be bad since Sal may even stick up for the enemy, especially if she sees the point of view they're coming from. But she isn't like that for her opponents in Pokemon battles. With Ppokemon battles, Sal gets unexpectedly competitive and can be a bit harsh if she feels like it. Because of her personality and the fact that she didn't give in to peer pressure, since she spent more time with animals and her Gameboy anyway, Sal gets alot of respect from fellow classmates apart from the "In crowd". Sal always loved the Pokemon games and always named each of her Pokemon after a pet she had. Her starter was always nicknamed after her dog, Amber.
Character Selection: Female character from FR/LG
Occupation: Trainer
Region Start: Johto
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Pokemaniac Joe

I don't understand.
Name: Madison
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Starter Pokemon: Naetoru
Personality: She likes to flirt with handsome guys on her free time. She also lets nerds who like her carry all her stuff when she has a heavy load on her. When her parents bought her a GBA with Ruby version in it, she became interested in Pokemon. She loved the Grass and Ice-type Pokemon, and when Diamond and Pearl came out and she got a copy with a DS, she went head over heels for Yukikaburi and it's evolution, Yukinooh, which were both Grass and Ice-types. Since then, she has learned more about Pokemon, and has an average knowledge about the creatures, although she doesn't yet understand how normal people can teach moves to Pokemon.
Character Selection: Female Character of D/P
Occupation: Trainer)
Region Start: Shinou
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Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
Everyone is Accepted and Russian May your spot is Reserved. MALE & FEMALE HERO OF R/S/E POSITIONS ARE FILLED NEED RIVAL FOR THOSE PEOPLE.

EDIT:Above poster you need to lengthen your personality.

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
You are now accepted


Comic Lover
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Starter Pokemon: Todadile
Personality: He's got a huge ego. He always thinks he's the best in the world. Some times his ego makes him loose. He will take on any challange that challanges him. His mind is on winning when he's battling. Tests say 4 out of 5times he'll make a mustake almost costing him the battle.
Character Selection: Male Silver like character
Occupation: Rival
Region Start: Hoenn

Name: Hiyato Sureh
Age: 14
Gender: male
Starter Pokemon: Chikarita (nicknamed Eco)
Personality: Before Hiyato got sucked in the game he was usually upbeat and oblivious. Most of the time he has girls all over him, but he didn't realize that they liked him. Alot of times he can make friends with anyone, and acts like he's known them for years. But nao that he's been sucked in the game he acts a little differentley now. H thinks alot about if he'll ever see his family again, but he's trying to start a new life in the game. When he trains, he treats his pokemon like they're people. He loves to play with them alot also. He's very determined to be anyone and become a master grass type pokemon trainer.
Character Selection: Male from G/S/C
Occupation: Trainer
Region Start: Johto
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Well-Known Member
Name: Nick
Gender: Male
Starter Pokemon: Charmander (Nicknamed Firefly)
Personality: Nick acts cool in front of others but when he's alone with his pokemon he becomes gleeful like a child. He gets a rush of adreniline when battling with his pokemon. The more intense the battle the more excited he becomes. Even before he had been sucked into the world of pokemon he had been a crazed fan battleing his friends with his prized team. Nick dosn't talk much to people he dosn't know, but he will talk to you more if he considers you a friend. He sees every one with pokemon an enemy in pokemon battles. He will even devestate his best friends all to win a battle. While it may be hard for him to make friends with humans he makes friends easier with pokemon. He loves music and usually at starts dancing when he hears a good tune. Nick thinks about the safty of his friends before the safty of himself.
Character Selection: Rival from DP
Region Start: Kanto

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
All are accepted except Hax You you need more personality.

Made discussion thread in RPG Cafe` :D
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News Lucario

GlItH hUnTeR Seth
Name: Seth Nightgale
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Starter Pokemon: Pocchima
Personality: Nice guy most of the time but if he gets angry he will get ver, very mad (Dont wanna be within oh lets say 90 feet of him when hes mad >.< loves video games and fast food. Loves water and fire type pokemon also quite fond of dark and steel hates grass and electric types likes to wear hats, is quite happy that he got sucked into the game as both his parrents died in a recent car crash (Just making stuff up my real parents are fine) and out of all the video games he wants the most PBR D/P and SSBB are his top 3 hates school and hes very smart streat As (A- in P.E.). trys to act cool but he really isnt that high up on the socil scale at school. FAVORITE POKEMON: Pocchima
Character Selection: Male FR/LG
Occupation: Trainer
Region Start: Shinou ;munchlax;
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Russian May

Well-Known Member
Name: Mia Jones
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Starter Pokemon: Torchic
Personality: Being an optimist, Mia is always cheerful and happy. If you with her, you can't help smiling, because she's always giggly and really likes to laugh. But sometimes she can act really childish and she can be really absent-minded and naive. Because of this she can easily get into trouble! Mia is very sociable. She has a lot of friends. Also, she's really reliable. You can have a perfect trust in her. She will never let someone down. But also it's very easy to drive her mad, because she's really impulsive so better watch out!
Character Selection: Female R/S/E
Occupation: Trainer
Region Start: Hoenn


can i have 6.Rival: (Wally like Character)?

Name: Jacob
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Starter Pokemon: Ralts
Personality: In the real world Jacob was very shy, in the game however he tends to open up more and when he does he is very friendly, cheerful and he acts like beening sucked into the game is the best thing that ever happened to him, On the inside however he is very depressed and wonders if he will ever see home again. Though he would be 17 in real life in the game he hasn't aged a day and is still 15 years old. Jacob tends to like most pokemon types but has a soft spot for normal, dark and pyshcic types. Before he got sucked into his Ruby version, Jacob had played through almost every other pokemon game and therefore has a wide knowege of pokemon.
Character Selection:Rival- RSE (Wally like Character)
Occupation: Rival
Region Start: Hoenn
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Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
You're both accepted.