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Pokemon: The War (PG-13)

E-102 Gamma

Pokemon: The War (PG-13)

Another attempt at an RPG! E-102 Gamma’s back! (Oh noes!) This is an RPG for members who are professionals, and who know what they’re doing, people who have qualifications as good RPGers, and I won’t let you slip if you say:

“But, I’m your friend!” I’m strict about this!

There are many elements in the world of Pokemon, the main ones being Fire, Grass, and Water. Without these three elements, Pokemon and humans alike would have problems, dealing with survival of life.

This, however, is not the concept, because that is what professors thought, long before the extinction of humans, now, millions of years later the world has been spit up into three large nations, Groudon, the merciless leader of the fire nation, leads America with a cold heart, he decided to go to war against the other nations. Kyogre, the aggressive leader of the water nation, rules Brazil, which has now got only a mediocre percentage of land, has formed an allegiance, with the air nation, ruled by the wise Rayquaza. both together, Brazil and Russia, have gone to war to fight for their freedom, but, nonetheless, they fight for greed.

In the smaller countries, the lesser elements tried to rebuild their civilisations, but, only a small handful of elements adapted to their new homes. It is now very rare to see an Ice-type pokemon in the remaining places, and it seems that all is lost to the remaining pokemon...

... But all is not lost. The mediocre ghost nation, prophesised that eight pokemon would come from six different nations, that were going to end the war once and for all. These pokemon, would travel to the aggressive fire nation, and stop Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza, and put the great titans to rest.

You *points robotic finger at you* are one of the eight pokemon chosen in the prophecy that was foretold by the ghost nation. You, will travel all the way to the battlefield (fire nation) and thwart Groudon’s plans, and restore peace to the world.

All the Serebii rules apply.

Elements that adapted:


Elements that couldn’t adapt:


The Sign-Ups:

Species: (If you’re a pokemon that couldn’t adapt, how did you survive? 4th Generation pokemon allowed)
Gender: (Male/Female)
Personality: (No Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus 4 lines min.)
Appearance: (Same as above, can be shiny.)
History: (Optional)
Other: (Gets scared in the dark, etc.)

I’ll post my sign-up later, but, anyway, try and please me.

1) E-102 Gamma/Palagon
2) cdra1617/Eikia
3) Bandana/Zerra
4) Charmed Band-o/Cassidy
5) Xinkc/Ragnarok
6) Skinwalker (Reserved)
7) Oblivion0807 (Reserved)
8) metagrossiron_fist (Reserved)
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Well-Known Member
This looks great, I'd love to join. I'd like to reserve a spot as a Zangoose if possible (I'll post the sign up later...).

Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~
Please reserve me a spot. I love war RPGs.


Not a Seadra
Ooh, do I have a character idea for this RPG...

To avoid missing all the spots, I'd like a reservation. ^.^ I'll even give a sample if I must.

EDIT: Ah, here it is. Can't believe I did it so fast o.o

Name: Eikia
Species: Ninetales
Gender: Female

Personality: Eikia is very sarcastic and a bit cold, especially to other fire-types or Pokémon from the Fire Nation. She doesn’t like to be stereotyped as an evil fire witch or even as a “wise, all-knowing Ninetales”. In fact, though she is intelligent, she often seems to be lacking in the common sense department, like a confused teenager. Except she’s kinda old. Eikia doesn’t talk much, just wanders around and listens to the gossip in different areas of the world. She is nosy and likes to know things, but she never pries her way into anyone’s business or tells a secret. That’s about the only Ninetales stereotype she fits into: being secretive. Eikia is respectful to her mental elders (hint: she’s immature) and doesn’t talk much... at all. She’s relatively silent and can often be found sitting in the dark corner of a large room or bunch of rocks.

Appearance: Eikia is a Ninetales that is way too small. She’s only about the size of... say, a Growlithe or large Electrike, definitely not Ninetales size. However, she looks pretty normal aside from that and the red – noticeably the same shade of red that is at the tip of some of her tails – that covers her left forepaw and right hindpaw. Her eyes are a brilliant hazel color.

History: Eikia grew up in the Fire Nation. She lived a sheltered life, however; shielded from Groudon’s plans and powers. Her curiosity led her to discover what was truly happening around her. With this knowledge, she fled the Fire Nation in fear of her ruler. She was no longer an obedient creature, another slave for the great Fire-Lord...

She was a rouge on a mission.

Eikia fled far to many different nations, always wearing a cloak and claiming to be an Electrike or Korinku. It passed off with most, and those that discovered who she was understood her flight. At one point she returned to the Fire Nation, hoping to learn something new... but it was still the same. There were still fights and war was still everywhere. As she prepared to leave again, an old, graying Ninetales brought her a package.

“You will need this, my dear,” she said, nudging the small, brown-wrapped object to Eikia’s feet. Eikia sniffed it, and, smelling nothing unusual, bit the faded white string and unwrapped it. Inside was a fire stone, meant to evolve her. She was a bit shocked, but understood. She was the right age to evolve.

“You will need... to live on.” The gray creature explained as a white light enveloped the Vulpix and she changed shape into a full-fledged Ninetales. Ninetales indeed have long lifespans, lucky ones living to be several thousand years old. Eikia, the Ninetales, stuttered her most sincere thanks and ran off, tattered brown cloak in her jaws.

Eikia has been a wandering Fire Rouge for several years, never living in one place for long. She heard the prophecy of the Ghost Nation during her time living there and took it upon herself to find the Pokémon it mentioned. Little did she know... she was one. But she thought she was too old... so it was not her, of course. That’s been the focus of Eikia’s life for the past several years, but she hasn’t had a drop of luck... and she’s heading back to the Ghost Nation...

Other: Eikia is pretty old, so don’t ask :p It’s her biggest pet peeve to be asked her age and will normally reply, “It is rude to ask a lady her age” in a very sarcastic manner.
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Charizard Master
Name: Prongs

Species: Charizard (fire)

Gender: male

Personality: Prongs is a happy Charizard, whenever his with some of his friends he likes to make a foul of himself for some laughs with his friends. But, when it comes to fighting, you couldn`t get a more serious poke. Prongs hates does who brag and to be second. Likes to fight and never gives up. Prongs is very loyal and would do anything for his friends. Prongs has a taugh personality and works out every day to keep fit. He thinks that all the pokes should live togheter and wars should not exist.

Appearance: Prongs is a different kind of Charizard. It`s bigger then the normal Charizard and has dark skin with a little red here and there. The flame on his tail burns bigger than normal and the color is more darker. His big eyes are bloddy red. Prongs has a scratch mark under his right eye from a fight with another Charizard.

History: he can`t remember

Other: Prongs was few things his scared of, water for exemple is one of them, like all the charizards, but there is one thing that he is very affraid of, he hates cats... he can`t stand them... he can`t touch them... it`s his greatest weakness.


I'd like a spot reserved please. I'll try and get my Sign up in after school.

EDIT: Her's my Sign Up^^

Name: Zerra
Species: Kirlia
Gender: Female
Personality: Kirlia, like most Kirlia and various other Psychic Pokemon, is pretty calm and clear headed. Unlike other various Psychic Pokemon, Zerra can get pretty fired up and angry very easily, especially if you get her in the right places. Like with the fact that she is still a Kirlia while her friends are all at their final evolution stage. She is pretty optimistic about it when her friends mention it but when someone she doesn't know mentions it.... well Zerra can get angry. It depends on the tone of voice the person uses to determine how Zerra reacts. Yes, Zerra can be scary when she's angry, despite not being at her final evolution.

Appearance: Zerra is an ordinary Kirlia and isn't shiny. But she does have a distinguishable feature: She wears a single silver hoop earring on her left green hair thing (I honestly don't know what it's called).

History: Zerra lived in a land known as New Zealand for most of her life, since her parents fled there in fear of war along with numerous other Pokemon. But Zerra's curiosity had gotten the better of her and she went to live with her Auntie in the Psychic Nation at the age of 6. It was supposed to be a general visit until Fire Nation ships were in the waters in Zerra's way of going home. So Zerra had to stay in the Psychi Nation and has stayed ever since, making a plenty of friends but no one she'll absolutely trust.

Other: Zerra is itching to get back to the refuge island known as New Zealand to see her parents and others that fled there for safety.
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UlTImaTe pIkAChU!
Name: Chu

Species: Pikachu

Gender: Male

Personality: Chu is simply a Pikachu, sometimes odd and quirky, but mostly friendly, outgoing and a good strategist.
Chu is outgoing, and likes to make friends. Chu tries to be fearless, but is not so confident and able in dire situations.
Chu wants to be the strongest electric type possible in his country, but his older brother Raichu is still one of the strongest.
The electric nation, ruled by Zapdos and Raikou is still thinking on which side it will play on.
Chu often acts independant, choosing his own way of doing things, but isn't commander, ordering others.
Chu has odd habits, such as doing completely random or unexpected decisions. This unpredictability might be a nuisance, but it sure suprises the enemy.

Appearance: Chu is an averaged sized Pikachu, little more then a foot tall, and with yellow fur, brown stripes and sharp ears.
Chu's tail, however, is about 1.5 x's larger then a regular Pikachu's, giving him increased agility and speed, and boosting his speed attacks.
Chu has a yellow tuft of hair near the bases of his ears, giving a kind of spiky hair appearence.
Chu is reletaviely fast and agile, but not much muscle power, which Chu is training for. His brother Raichu is an example of what he wants to be.

History: Chu was born around when the conflict was about to start, so he doesn't know much of the peaceful times. He was born and raised in the energetic forests of his country, living an average life. However, soon, as the conflict escalated, Zapdos wanted to get strong fighters if they must enter the conflict.

Other: Chu likes asian food
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Beginning Trainer
Name: Ray
Species: Scyther
Gender: Male
Personality: Ray is a bit of a jerk to who he thinks of as friends but he means well. Ray is also pretty sarcastic to everyone that he knows. He isn't really talkative though, but with those he knows, he is very loud. He does have a soft spot for other Umbreons.
Appearance: Ray is a regular looking Scyther, just slightly bigger. His scythes are very shiny, where they reflect the sunlight off of them. His eyes are also a blue color. Ray is a very clean looking Scyther, and does not have any scars or anything that concurs an injury.
History: (Optional)
Other: He does enjoy being around others. He is weird though, seeing as he is not fond of the dragon or ground nation at all. He just doesn't like them and he doesn't know why.
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Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~
I have my sign up. I would edit it into my other post, but I can't really edit without deleting random parts of my post. *sighs* anyhoo.

Name: Cassidy
Species: Espeon
Gender: Female
Personality: Cassidy is very outgoing and bold, always trying to take the oppertunity to make friends. She's generally nice and caring, but sometimes her psychic powers allow her to know a bit more then she'd like, she shys away from the person, attempting to ignore them. She takes a dislike from the beginning to some Pokemon, whom she also pretends to have no intrest in. Cassidy is a good fighter, loyal and courageous, always trying to make sure that her comrads, as well as herself make it through the battle. Cassidy also has a strong sense of wonder, she loves to explore and just sit and think. Many people often find her staring up at the stars, but are unsure why.

Appearance: Cassidy is a lilac purple, a much lighter shade then most Espeons, the tips of her ears and tail almost pure white. She has vivacious sapphire blue eyes, reflecting her emotions, her eyes light up when she's happy, they seem dull and almost a different blue completely when she's sad. She is the general size of an Espeon, her ears are a bit on the big side though. She also has a long tail, going down a tad to far. When she was younger she used to trip on it.

History: Cassidy grew up in the Psychic nation, a diminishing nation around France, and about the same size. She speaks very fluent French and English. Her first language was English. Cassidy was born to an Umbreon named Moon Shine and a Flareon who went by Flare, both of whom had fled the fire nation together. Flare, her father, dissappeared slightly after her mother laid Cassidy's egg. Moonshine was forced to raise her young Eevee alone, having special trouble when her daughter evolved into an Espeon, not understanding her daughter's psychic changes.

MoonShine was killed by one of Groudon's soldiers when Cassidy was about 10, leaving her young daughter, alone. Cassidy then wandered the streets, and was then taken in by an Alakazam and an Abra, who raised her. That night Cassidy climbed onto their roof and sat staring up at the stars, tears illuminating her blue eyes and she called out "Mother!" about ten times. She then curled up and slept on the roof.

Other: Cassidy, (now fifteen), spends most of her nights staring up at the sky, wondering if her parents could see her, where her father is, and what her purpose is in life.


Knight of Oblivion
I'm guessing that the Air Nation is a "Flying" Nation so I will name it as such in my sign-up. if that is not OK, I will change it.

Name: Ragnarok

Species: Charizard

Gender: Male

Personality: Ragnarok is a very distant individual. He dislikes other Fire Pokemon because of events in his past (when he was a Charmander). He is very strong and talented in battle but is sometimes overconfident. He is also a huge show-off, blasting huge plumes of flame into the air when he feels he has accomplished/done something good. He is generally kind and generous to Pokemon of the other Elements/Types which led him to be a further outcast with most Fire Pokemon.

Appearance: A shiny Charizard. It's tail flame is hotter than usual and so its color is Light Blue, same with the flames for his Fire Attacks.

History: Ragnarok had the misfortune of being born shiny in a region of Fire Nation that had never seen shiny Pokemon. Since he was different, the other Fire Pokemon (especially the Charmanders) ridiculed him and thus he became an outcast among them. His parents even abandoned him because they didn't want to be associated with their "FREAK" of a son, this event emotionally scarred him and made him become distant.

Wanting to become stronger than the Pokemon that treated him like an outcast, Ragnarok went to explore the other nations (ones that he could be accepted in) to train and learn skills than nobody from his home "area" knew.

Some of the different nations he went to were the Ground, Flying, and Dragon nations. The Pokemon of the Dragon and Flying Nations accepted him with open arms (since Charizard has wings and looked like a Dragon) and taught him moves that were specific of their Nation's Elements. The Ground Nation's citizens were a little more reluctant but eventually did the same. He also managed to find some of the remnants of the Grass nation in the outskirts of the Ground Nation and learned from them too, in return for not telling anybody were they were at for fear that the Fire Nation might extirminate them.

Other: Ragnarok dislikes the food of the Fire Nation, prefering the food of the Air Nation. He also distrusts and dislikes the Pokemon of the Fire Nation because of his past.


Hold a Metang spot for me, but I have a question: did Steel-types adapt or not? And what about dual-types, with one surviving type and one non-surviving? You left a few holes there....

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
hey hey hey, this sound fun :D can i reserve a spot for an Erureido please? many thanks

E-102 Gamma

cdra1617: Accepted! I think you were the one who made the Starfox RPG, am I correct?

Prongs: Denied. I'm really sorry, but, I found too many spelling mistakes in your work, however you have a great chance of success in RPGing, just try to check your spellings.

Bandana: Accepted! The appearance is a little short, but, I'll let you slide this once.

DSlite: Denied.

IHeartUmbreon44: Denied

Charmed Band-o: Accepted.

Xinkc: Accepted.

Oblivion0807, Skinwalker, metagrossiron_fist: I know that you're good RPGers, so, I've decided to changed the plot a little bit, the very same thing I did with the Outbreak RPG, you are all... Denied! Just kiding! Reserved!


My Sign-Up! ^-^

Name: Palagon

Species: Porygon

Gender: Male

Personality: Palagon, is presumed to have a bad attitude because of his looks, when actually, Palagon is quite kind and gentle. He can act like a grumpy pokemon sometimes, but, some pokemon respect him for his loyalty, and the way he treats young pokemon. Palagon hates Groudon, but he respects Kyogre, but, he knows nothing about Rayquaza. Palagon, is quite relaxed at times, but has been known to be a little rash when it comes to taking command, and stutters whenever he's flustered, or excited. Palagon hates loud noises, and hates being called: A jerk.

Appearance: Palagon, looks remarkably like XD-001, he has the same colouring as the Shadow Lugia. But, he has no connection whatsoever with Lugia. Palagon's left leg is bigger than a normal Porygon's leg should be, and, a small part of his right leg is chipped. He has a couple of scars on his back, and his tail is missing, which now remains in a small stump. Palagon is bigger than a normal Porygon, and looks intimidating to a young Pokemon, but most of the time, he just wanders about.

History: Palagon and his family fell from cyberspace, just before the adaptations began. As soon as his family hit Earth, they began to suffer, slowly, the number of Porygons around Palagon became smaller and smaller. He was the only one that survived the adaptation, as soon as the war began, Palagon decided to try and find someone who knew what was going on. But, ever since his family died, Palagon has only himself to depend on.

Other: N/A
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Well-Known Member
Name: Zander
Species: Zangoose
Gender: Male
Personality: Zander, different from most other Zangoose pokemon, is a very shy and quiet pokemon. He has difficulties in communicating and being in groups, so usually travels and fights independently, despite an inner need to rely on someone he could trust. He has quite a moody personality, usually being pessimistic and easilly irritated. In addition, he tends to be rather apologetic even when there is no need to be.
Appearance: Zander is a shiny pokemon, meaning he is made even more noticable than the fact that the Zangoose species is generally a rare species (especially after all the adaptation). He is slightly taller than average, at 4'09" and slightly more lightweight than average (82.5 lbs). However, he is remarkably strong and agile. His ears, tail and claws are longer than average, and his eyes are sapphire blue.
History: (A little stuck for ideas here, so I'll leave this brief unless I have to make it longer) Zander has always been quite an outcast, often ending up getting into fights over differences and small things. He adapted through extensive training, learning to use moves of different elemental types, which in some cases allowed him to fit in in some regions where they were unfamiliar with his species.

After endlessly being involved in conflict, Zander is sick of it, and wants to put an end to it all.
Other: Mildly obsessive compulsive, such as following patterns and set themes and styles in attacks. He is usually fairly focused, but can be distracted by curiosity towards shining objects and vibrant colours and patterns.

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
well, here's sign up...I’m not gonna be a Erureido now…I’m gonna be a Medicham if that’s alright…

Name: Flick
Species: Medicham
Gender: Male
Personality: reasonably calm, but with many layers. That could be one way to describe him. In essence really, he just looks calm to the casual observer, but his nature has always been quite violent and aggressive. Flick doesn’t know why he acts like this but his former teacher has always commented on how he could always look and be calm, even in the most aggravating circumstances. Due to this attitude, he has gained the ability to assess any opponent quickly and use the right technique to bring down their downfall. But sadly he can be a little to calm-minded and often falls for tricks, or in complete change of circumstances, the case of him releasing his anger and becoming devoid of anything else for up to many days on this ‘blood-lust’ on which he just collapses in lack of energy eventually.

Appearance: quite lithe for the average Medicham with unusually sharp senses. However, his body structure, while being lithe and fast, his body can’t withstand to many physical hits. His colouring is a bit unusual, being that, instead of red/pink and grey, he is more of a red/ purple and light brown, but not a shiny, as his eyes are still a bright vivacious pink which glow a neon blue when he is using his psychic powers which are strangely powerful. He is slightly larger than average.

History: Flick was born in the psychic nation to his Medicham mother and a Lucario father, a diminishing nation around the area of France and central Europe. His father, being part fighting, taught him everything he could before had to run, because, as he told Flick, he felt as though he had no place among these psychic types and that he needed to find the scattered fighting nation in the hope of reuniting it to its former glory. And so, Flick watched his father run with blinding speed into the darkness of the alpine forests. That was the last time he ever saw him and from then on, Flick felt a longing and anger that he couldn’t go with his dad, on adventures, with him, but with torn feelings as well as he needed to stay with his mother…

Since then, he has been studying with his mentor, and Alakazam known as ‘Sight’ along with other psychic youngsters including his son, Fate, and his adopted Daughter, who was an Espeon orphan known as Cassidy.

Very quickly, Flick was singled out for his anger, and very soon after, his abnormal psychic abilities. Another Medicham was called in to help Flick understand his weird powers. The old Medicham, known as Foroe, over the next few years, developed a deep bond with Flick and vice versa for Flick who saw him as another father. Foroe help Flick understand his abilities and now he could punch the opponent with out actually touching him with a force that could send the foe quite a distance, which they called this attack ‘psy-punch’.

Within five months of his meeting with Foroe, news was heard that in the land formerly known as Germany, Fire pokemon in league with Groudon had begun attacking the southern region of the Dragons (whose region was in Scandinavia) and the northern borders of the psychic region. Some of the psychic pokemon left to southern areas where it was safer but the majority stayed. This was a grave mistake. The fire pokemon came quickly, surprising all and leaving none alive. Flick was training with Foroe when they came and Foroe gave Flick the chance to run, holding off an Arcanine and a Houndoom while Flick ran for his life to the hills.

Many days later, Flick emerged from the cave he was hiding in. Smoke was everywhere, choking the air as Flick climbed down. Flick was soon in quiet horror and wondered around, seeing bodies of pokemon he had known, and those that he hadn’t, silent tears falling. Soon he had found the scarred and clearly dead body of Foroe. While being powerful, the old pokemon couldn’t find the time to escape and his last and final act was to save him. Flick closed his eyes and said some silent words for him. Then he went looking for his mother and to his horror, found her desperately trying to hold off a Buuburn, who had stayed behind as a rear guard. Sudden, fiery and intense anger spilled out from Flick and he challenge the large pokemon to a battle, and, finished off the pokemon using his signature move of psy-punch, smashing him into a tree and causing a severe head injury, killing him very quickly. But Flick felt no shock. He felt nothing except his intense anger that would not be satisfied until the body of the Buuburn was completely destroyed. Flick collapsed and when he woke up, he saw his mother had died next to him. She had known she was going to die from her injuries so she had braved extreme pain to crawl over to her son and die near him. Flick’s realisation made Flick break down, crying for days as he wondered, away from where he was born, and the memories that was there, hot memories still burning of his loved ones, all of them had run or died in the hope of just surviving the fire pokemon’s wrath…

Other: sadly none…for now…although he was a friend of Charmed band-o’s character…

Well? Was that all right? I hope you don’t mind me going a bit deep on the history…I needed a reason for his anger…

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
YAY! ok then thanks :Di took me ages...

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
Eventhough this has a stereotypical view of America (which I despise) I'll join as a LSU, If i can of course.