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Pokemon TM advice thread!!!


Torterra Firma
This is where you ask if a pokemon should learn a TM.

Alright, for my Blaziken, I have Blaze Kick, Double Kick, and Ember. Should I get Earthquake onto it?


Well-Known Member
double-kick sucks same for ember so remove it. better to use sky uppercut or brick break. earthquake is good if you have no one else to use it on.


Torterra Firma
I'm no good with determoning HP types...

What about Ember for Flamethrower?

Edit: My 'dreem teem' holds an Aggron, should I put EQ on it?
Don't have 2 fire types at once.

Why do you NEED blaze kick ANd flamethrower? Just stick with one.

use brick break instead of double kick as Ard said.

and in all honesty, is there any point in having eq on blaziken?

what other pokemon do you have? Use it on a pokemon that would benefit from having it


Pokemon Lover
A Hedgedog is a Pokemon !!


Torterra Firma
Well, there's Gardevoir, Swellow, Magneton, and Sharpedo.

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
Oh, goody! randomness... :[


anyway, i think this will be the best move set for blaziken:

blaze kick/flamethrower/ or overheat (the latter is the best...i think...)
EQ/ Return/ HP ice or grass (HP is the best here but the other 2 are there if you don't have HP)
rockslide (a must...to hit the flying pokemon...)
brick break/ sky uppercut (i like the latter)