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Pokemon Trading Crad Game 3 (Fake Game)


Pokemon Trainer
Should Nintendo make Pokemon Trading Card Game III it's been a while since they made a trading card game though even they should make another one here are my ideas

Pokemon Trading Card Game: The Legendary Cards
Nintendo DS


It's was a quiet day at the region called Yaurama unit Team Aqua and Team Magma struck and they are looking for the legendary cards and one day a sixteen year old boy named Shinji Takshi wanted to learn how to play Pokemon Cards after he find out about the legendary cards so he decided to go to Professor Jin's Lab and learn how to play it and so Shinji is off on his quest to stop team magma and aqua from getting the legendary cards


You can put in Pokemon Ruby, Shapphire, Emerald, FireRed and LeafGreen you can such rare cards

So that's it


Natsu no Maboroshi
I remember old TCG games in Gameboy Colour