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Pokemon Trozei and Mysterious Dungeon Manga???

The Mad Manga Massacre

Beginning Trainer
Does anyone know any Pokemon Trozei manga? If so, could you show a pic or two and/ or some info on it?;392;

Does anyone know of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon manga (other than Ginji's Rescue Team)? If so, I was just wondering if you could post a pic or two and some info on it?
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Storm Trainer
You should have just had one topic about this, and as far as I know, the Ginji one is the only one... And I don't think there's a Trozei manga.


In lucid awakening
Technically, almost every single pokemon game has had one or more short manga based on them around the release dates, which are usually released in the Corocoro magazine or in the Shogakukan (Netkun) magazines.

I remember reading one on Trozei which has one single chapter only, and it deals with Lucy Fleetfoot retrieving a Swablu for a boy she fell in love with from the Phobos Plane or something (along with other stolen pokemons of course), only discovering at the end that the Swablu belongs to the boy's girlfriend. I didn't keep a copy of this issue though so I don't have scans.

Just like other commonly known short Manga like Snatcher Leo, these manga are really magazine based only and will never be compiled into volumes (they won't have enough content to constitute a volume anyway). So, it's pretty much impossible to get hold of any of these short manga now, no matter which game's manga you're referring to.



Super Gamer
They are supposedly going to publish Ginji's Rescue Team as a full volume in January in the US - but who knows if that is really true. What I would love to see is for Viz to pick up from where they left off and release the Pokemon Adventures Manga again...>_>;

I don't know where to get the pokemon manga or Corocoro. However I did find a manga somewhere in my house called wanted pikachu. The boy in it was called Red and his Rival was called Blue.

The Mad Manga Massacre

Beginning Trainer
Technically, almost every single pokemon game has had one or more short manga based on them around the release dates, which are usually released in the Corocoro magazine or in the Shogakukan (Netkun) magazines.

I remember reading one on Trozei which has one single chapter only, and it deals with Lucy Fleetfoot retrieving a Swablu for a boy she fell in love with from the Phobos Plane or something (along with other stolen pokemons of course), only discovering at the end that the Swablu belongs to the boy's girlfriend. I didn't keep a copy of this issue though so I don't have scans.

Just like other commonly known short Manga like Snatcher Leo, these manga are really magazine based only and will never be compiled into volumes (they won't have enough content to constitute a volume anyway). So, it's pretty much impossible to get hold of any of these short manga now, no matter which game's manga you're referring to.


Wow! I never knew that actually! Wait...! So even the Pokemon Mini titles have had manga and Pokemon Channel, TCG 2 and has had one too? By the way, does anyone have know any more info on this book or where there are some scans, which magazine and which volume of that magazine it was in, a guide for it, places to look that sell it, or a site that has any of the above information? By the Way Coronis, where did you get it from? Along with all the other magazines you've read? What did you do with it after you read it? What were the other small manga series about?
P.S. Sorry for sounding a little bit like a devoted mall cop interrogating a suspect:D :D :D


Volcano Trainer
Technically, almost every single pokemon game has had one or more short manga based on them around the release dates, which are usually released in the Corocoro magazine or in the Shogakukan (Netkun) magazines.

I remember reading one on Trozei which has one single chapter only, and it deals with Lucy Fleetfoot retrieving a Swablu for a boy she fell in love with from the Phobos Plane or something (along with other stolen pokemons of course), only discovering at the end that the Swablu belongs to the boy's girlfriend. I didn't keep a copy of this issue though so I don't have scans.

Just like other commonly known short Manga like Snatcher Leo, these manga are really magazine based only and will never be compiled into volumes (they won't have enough content to constitute a volume anyway). So, it's pretty much impossible to get hold of any of these short manga now, no matter which game's manga you're referring to.


If most of the games have a manga, what about the pokemon pinball?


In lucid awakening
Ok, my apologies. Guess I should have been more careful with my words. Pinball and Channel didn't have their own manga as far as I know, but I think there was a short one on TCG, though I don't know much on its details.

Other games that have had manga about them are Colosseum, XD, Trozei, Dungeon, and Ranger. There is also this 4-panel comic series of pokemon which would use new games as topics, and most of the games, including channel and pinball, have been topics before, but it's mainly to show off the pokemons or functions in a hilarious manner, so there isn't any story or anything.

Hope that clears things up a bit.


The Mad Manga Massacre

Beginning Trainer
There arte two TCG mangas - Card Master and Energy Club.

Where'd did you find out about that manga? Anyways might as well get back on topic! Does anyone have the trozei manga? If so, do you think you could post s'more information on it? Where, when, and how did you manage to get your hands on a copy of it?

Sceptile Master

Survivor of the Great Avatar Depression
The only Manga I have is Ginji's rescue team when he turns into Torchic. I got it out of a magazine but it's english.;387; ;255;
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