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Pokemon Turkiye


I started to make this site/blog 2-3 months ago. Generaly, I daily update my blog. My blogs is in Turkish language but I am sure that you will understand all of the multimedia elements which domine the blog. I organised my blog with categories such as Diamond and Pearl , Anime , Video , Gaemes, Photos, Fan Art, Battle Frontier, Trading Card Game, Nintendo, etc. I want to explain these categories:

The most popular section is Diamond and Pearl. I try to put actual informations about Diamond and Pearl, new diamond and Pearl sprites, pictures... everything interesting and new about Diamond and Pearl. You can even find how to import these games from Asia.

Anime is one of the largest categories of the blog. I write episode guides, I show characters biographies, the nostalgia of Indigo League, episode previews, etc.

Video part is easy to publish and satisfying for lecturers. I put Youtube vidoes such as openings, endings, AMVs and tributes for particular characters or shippings.

Games concerns GBA, NDS, GC and Wii games. These days Battle Revolutiob is the most anticipated game, and I put preview pictures and videos of it.

Photos section includes an,me screen captures and fan arts. I generaly show my friends and fan art and my favourites from deviantART. Anime screen captures are often about old characters like Tracey, Misty, May; however new character like Hikari and Shinji may be shown too.

In the Trading Card Game category, I give new information about anticipated series and old or new cards.

Nintendo label concerns information about platmorms such as Nintendo DS, Wii or non pokemon-games.


Um...I don't really think....I read Turkey.

You mean you can't read a text in Turkish language? This is normal, I recommend you to look at TCG cards, videos such asOpenings, endings, amv ; and pictures like fan art, character based pictures, anime screen captures and fan art. I try to put multimedia elements at maximum level.