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Pokemon Ultimate Challenged Dungeon

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This Pokemon RP is dedicated to Pokemon mystery Dungeon: Team Go-getters! In this you will be a pokemon and will have 6 other Pokemon in ur group! You must follow the rules, and everything else. If not you'll pay!!


Everyone was a person. They went to sleep on new islands called Poke'mon Island, Poke'mon City, Pokemon Town, and Pokemon village. They awoke the next day as Pokemon. But the funny thing was that only people of ages 13-18 were turned into Pokemon. Now they have the legendary Pokemon telling them to go on rescue journies!! Which ever team wins;Are the new legendary team!!

Sign up sample-

Name: Name of course
What Pokemon you are: Are you a espeon, or anything besides a legendarytype. )
Pokemon: The name of what Pokemon you are.
Team Name: The nameof yo team.
and whatever else you see in my sigh nu sheet!!

Sign Up Mines-

Name: Devan Ketchum
What Pokemon I turned into: Charmander.
Pokemon Name: Charmamander
Region: Kanto Region
Place where you were turned into a Pokemon: Pokemon Island.
Team Name: Team Poke'friends and we are known as Team Victory!!
Gender: Male
Lucario-Is from the Shinou Region. Is a male. Has always been a Pokemon.
Pikachu-In fact is from the Kanto Region.Is my fraternal twin brother Ash Ketchum. He turned to Pikachu. Is a male.
ShinyUmbreon- Is a female. Has always been a Pokemon;Is from Johto Region.
Espeon-Is the sister of ShinyUmbreon. Is Female. Has always been a Pokemon.
Charizard-Is a Male. Has always been a Pokemon.Is Devan's Pokemon. From Kanto Region.
Charmander-Devan's first and strongest Pokemon. From Kanto Region. Is a male.


1) You may ask to join other teams thats made up.
3) No spamming.
4) No godmodding.
5) have at least a 4 sentenced RPG Sample.
6) Please Follow Rules.

RPG Sample-

I was on the way to the Shinou Region. But rested on a secret Island called Pokemon Island. Ma and my Charmander, and Charizard, plus Ash!! Went to sleep on that Island. When we awoke; Ash and I had been turned into Pokemon somehow. So I assembled a team to help me get turned back into human. But I had to do what the Legendary Pokemon wanted me to do first. My team was called Team Poke'friends and soon was rumored as the best team called Team Victory.I had beaten many other teams. But now team from Pokemon City, Pokemon Village, and Pokemon Town had started coming to Pokemon Island for a long and adventerous tournament to become Team Go-getters. Me and my team was prepared. No mater what!!

Thatw as mines. Hope this will be a succesful RP in honor of team Go-getteres. I'll make this very fun, cool, creative, hot, fresh, new, and funny!! Hope people join, Thanks!!

Fiend Ryu

Title Pending
Not to minimod or anything, but...

1. Your RP doesn't have much of a plot...I'm afraid it'll get closed. It has some potential but you really need to expand on it.

2. It doesn't exactly follow the rules, either. Read them please.

3. Your RP Sample isn't that great either...if you tried to sign up in other RPs with a bio and RP Sample like that, you wouldn't be accepted into...well, anything, really.

Just some advice...again, read the rules please.


Well-Known Member
Ametuer written all over this one. It will surely get closed. It lacks plot and description. Better luck next time i guess.
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