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Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Recent Happenings Thread


Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
If it was from Pokemon Go, I would say that's a thing nowadays. But in Gen 7, not so much.
Which would be fine for in-game use but deadcns is a streamer that sends out genned Pokémon via Wonder Trade or GTS. Those Pokémon aren’t legitimately obtained. But, like I said, they are totally fine to use—in my opinion—for an in-game team.
He sure is active. Nintendo 3DS got a minor update for system stability and yet GameFreak wont bother fixing GTS for legit trades or at least prevent freeze/crashing when you are browsing for a pokemon?


Ace and Aspie, for life and light!
Pokemon GO is not really Gen 7 more like 7
Anyway I don't have a single friend able to trade with me. The requirements are super-strict such as ultra friends rank and you need to be in the same room.
Yeah those trade distance reductions are few and far between. Try to take advantage of them when they are offered. My current phone can't run Go. Even Home crashes regularly. Which annoys me because all four formes of Deoxys are in raids, and that's the only way to get it as a legit shiny.


Ace and Aspie, for life and light!
That's annoying considering Deoxys isn't in Gen 8, otherwise players would be able to shinyhunt it in the Dynamax Adventures dlc.
Or in BDSP. I was disappointed that Keldeo was in the Crown Tundra and STILL shiny locked.


Ace and Aspie, for life and light!
Both those Pokémon are mythical Pokémon so I would expect them to stay shiny locked in main games.
BDSP lets you shiny hunt Darkrai, Shaymin and Arceus though, and I think you can shiny hunt Celebi in the 3DS Virtual Console Crystal, if I'm not mistaken. There is precedent.


Event Collector
Just got a Marshadow from a WONDER TRADE. From what i could find is that if it has the Classic Ribbon then it could be legit.
- It the Cherish Ball.
- Has a Mt. Tensei trainer and code 100917 number which is correct according to bulbapedia
- Has the Classic Ribbon, nothing else.
- All moves aren't maxed out.
you cannot wondertrade events with a ribbon on it
Hey can someone help trade me a Naganadel for my pokedex. I will give it back. It’s the last pokemon I need for my pokedex so if someone could help me that would be great


Event Collector
got this in only 1,754 sos. i stayed in the hunt i started on tuesday. when i was going to bed i closed the screen. i resumed wednesday and again closed screen when i was tired. this morning i got it. could not believe i got it so quick considering the odds. this is my most cherished shiny.
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Sceptile Leaf Blade

Nighttime Guardian
You sure it's not Poison?


Event Collector
on second day of sosing this week and after months of on and off sosing i got another one of my rarest sos shinies. over 20k sos mimimum, 489 in two days of this week. was soing from thursday through sunday. gonna take a break and play ender lillies for a while. next sos shiny targets are espeon,umbreon,snorlax,sudowood and maybe volcarona later. that one will be last
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Well-Known Member
Currently sat in front of Celesteela waiting for it to be shiny. In the meantime, visiting Poké Pelago and Festival Plaza.


The Meme Supreme
I recently went on holiday abroad and decided I would make a renewed effort to beat one of the Alola games, as I've never actually completed any of S/M/US/UM! They came out when my interest in Pokemon was waning (the 3DS era is not my favourite, I've never beaten ORAS either) and the games are so dialogue heavy that I get bored very easily. But I needed something to do on the flight and in my off-time and figured now was the time to beat these games and get through Generation 7 once and for all! I am playing Ultra Moon.

I'm currently at Paniola Ranch having just defeated Totem Araquanid, and I have re-learned three things about these games:
  1. There's so much dialogue and none of it is particularly interesting or insightful
  2. There are some really difficult battles in this game!
  3. Pokemon Refresh is amazing
I've had to reload the game twice already due to losing a fight, and both were very soon after one another - the Teacher at the Trainer's School who has the starter strong against yours, and Ilima. If you can see my team, by the time I was at both of these trainers I had a Rowlet, Grubbin and a Pikipek - none of them are particularly effective Litten answers, so I had to grind all 3 to Level 10-12 to make it through that fight, and then grind to Level 12-13 to withstand Ilima's Yungoos of all things? Smeargle was actually not that much of a threat despite knowing Ember. This isn't a complaint, as I think it's great to actually have some challenge in Pokemon! It's refreshing after an easy run through Sword and my current (still ongoing!) Let's Go Pikachu playthrough.

The Totems meanwhile were less of a challenge, but my team is equipped quite well to deal with them compared to the other battles. My Trumbeak set up a Work Up on Raticate before being flinched by Bite on the following turn. Luckily I survived the next onslaught and KO'd Raticate and then Rattata with Brick Break. Araquanid I just nuked with Trumbeak's Supersonic Skydive before swapping to Charjabug to dispose of Masquerain. Hala is the only other major boss to fight - Dartrix and Trumbeak cleared with a bit of difficulty due to me trying to train my Crabrawler in the same battle, which was... not that great. I'm afraid to say Hau is not a difficult rival at all at the start of the game, and whilst Gladion did catch me out with Zorua he also was KO'd rather easily.

My team on the whole is... fine? They don't feel too powerful at the moment but I'm sure that'll improve as we progress. Dartrix didn't feel strong at all until I taught it Giga Drain, but because it's my starter it seems to level up a lot quicker and I've just not used it as much whilst trying to get my team to equal levels. Charjabug has been woefully average, it's been KO'd the most times but that's mainly my fault honestly. Trumbeak has been my MVP - reliable, Fighting is incredible early on as a type, can actually use all the Z-Moves from Melemele, reasonably fast, it's good. Crabrawler and Rockruff are solid but unremarkable, and I've not used Dewpider yet but it's going to save me versus Totem Marowak!

Current Team:
Willow the Dartrix, Level 21
Work Up, Giga Drain, Ominous Wind, Peck

Nipper the Charjabug, Level 21
Spark, Bug Bite, Charge, Bite

Cannoneer the Trumbeak, Level 21
Pluck, Smack Down, Thief, Brick Break

Mittens the Crabrawler, Level 21
Brick Break, Thief, Work Up, Rock Smash

Fenrir the Rockruff, Level 21
Bite, Rock Throw, Howl, Sand Attack

Bubbles the Dewpider, Level 16
Bubble Beam, Bug Bite, Spider Web, Infestation
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Well-Known Member
I recently went on holiday abroad and decided I would make a renewed effort to beat one of the Alola games, as I've never actually completed any of S/M/US/UM! They came out when my interest in Pokemon was waning (the 3DS era is not my favourite, I've never beaten ORAS either) and the games are so dialogue heavy that I get bored very easily. But I needed something to do on the flight and in my off-time and figured now was the time to beat these games and get through Generation 7 once and for all! I am playing Ultra Moon.

I'm currently at Paniola Ranch having just defeated Totem Araquanid, and I have re-learned three things about these games:
  1. There's so much dialogue and none of it is particularly interesting or insightful
  2. There are some really difficult battles in this game!
  3. Pokemon Refresh is amazing
I've had to reload the game twice already due to losing a fight, and both were very soon after one another - the Teacher at the Trainer's School who has the starter strong against yours, and Ilima. If you can see my team, by the time I was at both of these trainers I had a Rowlet, Grubbin and a Pikipek - none of them are particularly effective Litten answers, so I had to grind all 3 to Level 10-12 to make it through that fight, and then grind to Level 12-13 to withstand Ilima's Yungoos of all things? Smeargle was actually not that much of a threat despite knowing Ember. This isn't a complaint, as I think it's great to actually have some challenge in Pokemon! It's refreshing after an easy run through Sword and my current (still ongoing!) Let's Go Pikachu playthrough.

The Totems meanwhile were less of a challenge, but my team is equipped quite well to deal with them compared to the other battles. My Trumbeak set up a Work Up on Raticate before being flinched by Bite on the following turn. Luckily I survived the next onslaught and KO'd Raticate and then Rattata with Brick Break. Araquanid I just nuked with Trumbeak's Supersonic Skydive before swapping to Charjabug to dispose of Masquerain. Hala is the only other major boss to fight - Dartrix and Trumbeak cleared with a bit of difficulty due to me trying to train my Crabrawler in the same battle, which was... not that great. I'm afraid to say Hau is not a difficult rival at all at the start of the game, and whilst Gladion did catch me out with Zorua he also was KO'd rather easily.

My team on the whole is... fine? They don't feel too powerful at the moment but I'm sure that'll improve as we progress. Dartrix didn't feel strong at all until I taught it Giga Drain, but because it's my starter it seems to level up a lot quicker and I've just not used it as much whilst trying to get my team to equal levels. Charjabug has been woefully average, it's been KO'd the most times but that's mainly my fault honestly. Trumbeak has been my MVP - reliable, Fighting is incredible early on as a type, can actually use all the Z-Moves from Melemele, reasonably fast, it's good. Crabrawler and Rockruff are solid but unremarkable, and I've not used Dewpider yet but it's going to save me versus Totem Marowak!

Current Team:
Willow the Dartrix, Level 21
Work Up, Giga Drain, Ominous Wind, Peck

Nipper the Charjabug, Level 21
Spark, Bug Bite, Charge, Bite

Cannoneer the Trumbeak, Level 21
Pluck, Smack Down, Thief, Brick Break

Mittens the Crabrawler, Level 21
Brick Break, Thief, Work Up, Rock Smash

Fenrir the Rockruff, Level 21
Bite, Rock Throw, Howl, Sand Attack

Bubbles the Dewpider, Level 16
Bubble Beam, Bug Bite, Spider Web, Infestation
I'd suggest turning battle to set and not healing between routes, it does add a bit of layered difficulty to the games, something else I do before an important battle I usually halve my party


The Meme Supreme
I'd suggest turning battle to set and not healing between routes, it does add a bit of layered difficulty to the games, something else I do before an important battle I usually halve my party

Oh no trust me, I do not need any more difficulty to these games! I don't really play Pokemon for the challenge anyway, just to use my favourites. I may impose some restrictions to make the battles seem fairer but I get a bit OCD about my team keeping the same levels so Set battling would bother me!

I've made some more progress since my last post - this is a game I'm playing on my lunch break at work or when things are quiet in the office rather than something I'm playing for hours at a time, but I think I'm doing alright! I've made it to Olivia and have beaten her, which puts me essentially at two islands completed? 2 Grand Trials out of 4, and 4 Totem Trials out of 8? That's technically halfway but I think Ula Ula and Poni may take longer than Melemele/Akala did. I hope they take about the same length of time, or at least don't force me into more lengthy tutorials. Between the Battle Royal, Festival Plaza, the Photo Club, Mantine Surf and Poke Pelago I'm a bit worn out from required tutorials, especially since at least for the former three I'm never going to use them?

Anywho, I trained up Dewpider to match the rest of my team (praise be for non-mandatory Exp. Share) and took on the aforementioned Battle Royal, which we won handily by nuking Kukui/Masked Royal's Rockruff with Hydro Vortex. I bought the Rain Dance TM and taught it to Dewpider before heading to Wela Volcano Park for Kiawe's trial. Dewpider evolved and we beat Totem Marowak with ease via setting up Rain Dance whilst it used Detect, then one-shotting with Hydro Vortex. Salazzle fell to a regular rain-boosted Bubble Beam whilst Venoshock did barely anything.

Totem Lurantis in Lush Jungle was a harder fight, and initially I had to turn off and redo the trial because it was clearing my team (a team with two Bug types and two Flying types) - Sun + Synthesis & Solar Blade + allies either healing, boosting defense or smacking my team with Ancient Power made it a considerable challenge! I grinded to level 25 on Route 8 and evolved Rockruff (who wasn't getting used in this fight) and then won handily with just Dartrix. I did have to use 2 Z Moves and a Rotom Power though to heal. Work Up + Ominous Wind omniboost + boosted Defense from Comfey (whoops) and 2 Supersonic Skydives were able to clear Kecleon, Comfey and Lurantis, and we won!

Olivia was much easier after all that - I'd evolved Trumbeak into Toucannon who, much like Lycanroc, saw no use in the next fight. Araquanid one-shot Anorith with Bubble Beam, Crabrawler dodged two Giga Drain's to land a double Power-Up Punch -> Brick Break wombo combo on Lileep, and I hoped to have some fun with Counter on Lycanroc but Olivia's only went for Bite? So I just KO'd with All-Out Pummelling. And that's it!

Team update is... everyone is good, surprisingly! Charjabug is the weakest link but it'll evolve soon, which will be nice. Giga Drain on Dartrix was one of my smarter ideas and it's paid off wonderfully, with Pluck now making the Flying STAB actually good? Araquanid has been so helpful for Marowak and some other battles thanks to that bulk, and now it knows Leech Life! Crabrawler really appreciates Power-Up Punch being added to its learnset (boosted by Iron Fist too) and a Fighting type in a game full of Dark types is amazing. Lycanroc is the fastest thing on my team which I love (god this team is slow) and Rock STAB is great given how weak my squad is to Flying. Toucannon is likely my MVP - it's super strong and has good coverage, and now it's evolved fully! I can't wait to use it more. I will say it's been quite nice to play through this game and encounter Pokemon I'd genuinely not given any thought to - Stufful, Oranguru, Comfey, Wimpod and Mudbray to be precise - and consider maybe including them on the team or in a future playthrough. Maybe I will!

Current Team:
Willow the Dartrix, Level 28
Work Up, Giga Drain, Ominous Wind, Pluck

Nipper the Charjabug, Level 28
Spark, Bug Bite, Charge, Crunch

Cannoneer the Toucannon, Level 28
Pluck, Smack Down, Beak Blast, Brick Break

Mittens the Crabrawler, Level 28
Brick Break, Thief, Rock Tomb, Power-Up Punch

Fenrir the Lycanroc-Midnight, Level 28
Bite, Rock Tomb, Brick Break, Counter

Bubbles the Araquanid, Level 28
Bubble Beam, Bug Bite, Bite, Rain Dance


Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
I recently went on holiday abroad and decided I would make a renewed effort to beat one of the Alola games, as I've never actually completed any of S/M/US/UM! They came out when my interest in Pokemon was waning (the 3DS era is not my favourite, I've never beaten ORAS either) and the games are so dialogue heavy that I get bored very easily. But I needed something to do on the flight and in my off-time and figured now was the time to beat these games and get through Generation 7 once and for all! I am playing Ultra Moon.

Just one thing you there a few things entries in the alolan pokedex you won't be able to finish. Nintendo has killed 3DS and Poke Bank servers so no luck getting version exclusives into a a single.

The games can still keep QR Points to use the Island Scan feature.