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Pokemon USA release date

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Well-Known Member
Ummmmm, what game? 0.o


Belgian Waffles!!!
There is no release date for it yet, no one knows!!!


Born This Way
No one knows... you are going to have to wait like everyone else. And please don't open up pointless threads when you can easily ask this same questions in the D/P forums in one of their threads.


Well-Known Member
no one knows (like everyone says) but i think its Spring 2007


May 27,2006. Somebody posted ten of these. They went to wikipedia for this.


Well-Known Member
at least the first 5 or 6 months of 2007

Flame Haze SnS

Crud, another pointless thread. >_>

We know that it's coming out in 2007. End of Story.
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