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Pokemon vs. Digimon


Well-Known Member
Since you are on this forum, I am guessing you like pokemon more than digimon. Most pokefans hate digimon, and most digifans hate pokemon. I want to know what you think.

I personally like the pokemon games way better then digimon games, but I like digimon shows better then Pokemon (whos plot is kinda repetative). But in the end I like pokemon better because of the strategy and the fact that their evolutionary lines are stable.

Heres a really weird digivolution line I saw for the digi ds game
Lopmon-->Some other bunny-->Antilamon

Atleast pokemon keeps evolution stable and when they add new evolutions they come up with an explanation.

Anyways I'd like to know which one you like better and why.
Dont just say Pokemon Rules!


Ami Obbsessed
I love love love both.

I prefer the Digimon movies/anime to the Poke'mon- but I prefer Poke'mon games to Digimon games. -nod-


Well-Known Member
pokemon's 77777777777777888888888888888888,999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999444444 times better than digimon. digimon sux! :mad:)


Well-Known Member
True, Digimon is sorta weird, altough the movies are a bit cool.....
Pokemon still beats it bad!

P.S. Is there a Digimon fourum somewhere in the internet saying the same thing but Vice-Versa?


What do I put here?
Digimon look ugly. I watched it when it first came out and there's only one that looks alright, and its a hampster with wings. I've never played the game. Pokemon was a lot more fun to watch. Pokemon isn't about stopping the bad guys (it just happens on the way) Digimon was all about stopping the bad guys, just like a typical cartoon...it was something about stopping some gears or something. It didn't really interest me much.


Powerplay Champion
personally, i thought digimon had a better cartoon... until the third season, where everything just got wicked ridiculous


Spikeshell Trainer
In my opinion, Digimon was always marketed for small children. At least the Japanese Pokemon anime had some adult references, as did the manga. I mean, Digimon is more or less dead now.


Well-Known Member
I was into Digimon as much as Pokemon when I was younger, but guess which one I'm still interested in now...


Flame Trainer
Personally I love the Pokemon games but I did watch the Digi show for a while. I did like the Digi toys though...those transformed...cool ^_^. The Digimon Movie was great; one of my faves. I guess I lost interest when the fanbase kinda...well...died. At least Pokemon stayed alive all this time lol. And it's way more popular. Eh well. They're both cool.

Silent Conversation

Chart obsessed wanker
Pokemon ftw! Digimon totally sucks! I've never liked it and I never will.
the pokemon anime is dire - but I've always just seen the anime as a way to market the games.

digimon is the other way around. It started life as a tamagotchi, and thats all it was, until a really good anime that i actually cared about came out.
Then, to me, that's all digimon was. Just a cartoon. And a tamagotchi that fights


Well-Known Member
The seasomfimally of season 1 digimon made me cry...
It was so sad, I liked that plot.
Season 4 sucked big time
Digimon is actually starting to come back now that season 5 is airing.
Technically digimons plot from season to season changed, while pokemon's was still the same, but thats cause the show is to advertise the game.

Ive watched all episodes of digimon until near the end of season 4.

Season1 was great
season 2 good
season 3 Great
Season 4 what ever

My favorite season of pokemon was season 1 and the begining of the johto saga. Plot is getting way too repetative now. I like the manga summeries coronis puts up though. Wish the show was more like that...


Well-Known Member
Man like 5 years ago or something I was like 2 minutes of Digimon and thought it was a rip-off of Pokemon

Everyone thought that. Digi fans are like pokemon copied digimon, and Pokefans are like digimon copied pokemon. Pokemon only got the name Pokemon cause in america there was already something called Monsters in your poket, so they couldnt go with Pocket Monsters, and since everyone in Japan shortened it to Pokemon, the name stuck


I used to like Digimon, til 4th season, so now I only like pokemon

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
I liked both of them. Pokemon is my favourite thought.

Althought, with Digimon, the first three seasons (I think I saw the first 3) were good, but when I watched another season, I just got confused on what was happening and couldn't bothered trying to figure out what's going on (My fault seeing how I had no idea there was another season and all) But I don't hate Digimon.


The new tuxedo look!
Pokemon OWNS digimon inevery possible way. It's so much more awesome!!!!


Torterra Firma
Pokemon > Digimon > Yu-Gi-Oh. IMO