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Pokemon vs. Digimon


Waiting for FFXIII
I used to like Digimon a lot. Season 1 and 2 were great. By season 3 and 4 things semmed ugly and just unoriginal. Now I'm only into Pokemon anime and video games. Beside what is better, an electric mouse or an ugly dinasoure?

Is season 5 of Digimon really good? I heard other people saying that, but when I watched some pictures of the show, I just couldn't stand how bad the characters were.


The Pokémon Weaver
The way the three work (PKMN, DIGI, and YGO) is that each has a strength: the video games, the anime, and the TCG, in that order. In the other two categories, they suffer significantly.

The digital/DIGI concept is now represented in 3/493 PKMN, the Porygon (2) (Z) line. YGO differs hugely from the other two. The name item only came from trademarking issues where "Monster in My Pocket" and "Pocket Monsters" were likely too close for confusion. The first is still around, but I want a name change so it's uniform. I could see a Morrison v. Nintendo suit if they could. There was a suit before between the two, Nintendo won. They should probably work out a deal to get Pocket Monsters back as a US name and rename Monster in My Pocket to Portable Monsters. Got it?



Is Back Finally!
well i first found out about pokemon when i was like 6. I watched the first episode and cryed my eyes out pikachu omg and the sparows sadness. anyways like two weeks later digimon came out. And the first episode with all the digimon sacrificing themselves sortove for the humans was so sad to cryed there to. lol what can i say i was a wimp as a kid.

anyways as the years went by i watched both shows. Then i stoped watching digimon just because i didnt understand it. then i stopped watching pokemon. Then last year i found out they both still excit and easily caught up with pokemon, but am todally lost with digimon so i can't watch that show anymore because i dont get it.

I loved both shows, but clearly i like pokemon more


Well-Known Member
i lost interest in digimon after the first 10 episodes

anybody else hear the word "Garlic" in the english digimon theme song?


Torterra Firma
Meh. Pokemon is easy to relate with.

10 year old kid, going against all odds, tries, then fails, keeps trying to prevail.

Trooper Guy

Lost in history...
Digimon's anime is much better than Pokemon's, but Pokemon's games are better than Digimon's. I have thought this for years.

I like them both, but i just like pokemon more.
Pokemon is way better, Digimon was just a copy of Pokemon!!




Procrastinate Today!
anybody else hear the word "Garlic" in the english digimon theme song?
Can't say I do o_O

Pokemon is way better, Digimon was just a copy of Pokemon!!

The Digimon giga-pet things were out before Pokemon. That does not mean Pokemon is a copy either. People mainly think it' s a copy because of the word 'mon...'

Digimon's anime is WAY better than Pokemon's. Much better character development and plot, and even characters themselves are cooler. The Digimon have character too, Pokemon have vauge character.

BUT, Pokemon's games are so much better that Digimon's, and will remain that way. Pokemon raising is fun, weras Digimon rasing is confusing, especially with those evo-lines these days. And Pokeon are a bit more appealing.

Both sides have appealing creatures, both are better in their own ways. Please, be civilized and don't be hatin'.

Chaotic Sneasel

#1 Sneasel/Alakazam
Digimon Games fluctuated in goodness for me, but Pokemon games were still pwning them.

Anime'-wise; I like dthe Digimon Anime' far more, as it had a more intense storyline, and overall better "Mon" Character development.

However, game-wise, Digimon Worlds 1 and 2 are the only ones that can even barely survive against the likes of G/S/C and R/S/E, both generations being better than the games I mentioned earlier.

Overall, I give Pokemon a 9/10, and Digimon a 8.5/10

Both are awesome, but Pokemon has that charm of being repetitive, and long-lasting, just like Bubble Gum.



Resident dragon
If I had a quarter for every time I've seen a Pokemon vs. Digimon thread online and a dime for every time I've seen someone say that Digimon is a ripoff of Pokemon...well, I'd probably be able to purchase a PS3.

The anime focus on different concepts. Pokemon is about a trainer travelling around the world and training to be a "Pokemon Master" and carries themes of friendship and perserverance. Digimon has always been, at the very end of it all, about saving the world from some dire threat, and in my opinion focuses even more on the friendship aspect of things.

Taking everything about their respective shows into account, I strongly prefer Digimon over Pokemon. I can only take so much of Ash and friends travelling around to compete (and lose) in various tournaments, character development happening only sparsely throughout a 150-episode region, and almost everything being the exact same as something before it, before it just gets...well, boring. Digimon, on the other hand, has provided something fresh and new with each series, and for that I am grateful; IMO, fifty-two episodes is just enough time to spend on a particular concept before introducing something new. Also, Digimon's season-long plots and character development win out over Pokemon's by a lot.

But then we have the games. I've never played the Digimon games, but from what I've read and heard, most Pokemon games are vastly superior. A lot of pokemon fans don't watch the anime; they just play the games, and for good reason. Yeah, we might've had the "beat gyms, stop evil Team(s), beat Elite Four" plot for four generations now, but that's not what draws many fans. Most of us play for the creatures, and some of us like to see how involving the Team's plot is this time around. And the gameplay...few things I've seen in my years as a gamer are more addicting than what the main series (and even a spinoff game or two) has to offer.

Now, the Digimon games' plots may be more in-depth than the Pokemon games'--I'm pretty sure they revolve around saving the world or something--but as far as gameplay and the overall fun factor go, it would seem that Pokemon wins.

So, in short...
Anime: Digimon > Pokemon
Games: Pokemon > Digimon


Leave my posts alone
The first series is ALWAYS the best.
2nd season got a bit iffy (at the beginnig), with DigiEggs and whatnot. (DNA Digivolving is a better Digivolution!)
3rd was cool, but iffy towards the end.
4th was semi-cool, as I didn't see all of it.

And yes:
Anime: Digimon > Pokemon
Games: Pokemon > Digimon


Well-Known Member
The most overated debate in the history of mon.
At first Pkm>Dgm then as time passed by...
Dgm>Pkm for the anime anyway, but with the games...
Pkm>Dgm anyday.


So Zetta Slow!
Long long time ago in another dimension I know many things about digimon and I know many reasons on how they "digivolve" but after some time I got fed up with it because I didn't liked the 4th season's story (but liked the special effects) and I thought that if there were no pokemons there might be no digimons...after that I returned to pokemon...
But seriously...I like pokemon way way way more better-er-er (sorry for wrong english)...hehehe


Shinx <3
Long long time ago in another dimension I know many things about digimon and I know many reasons on how they "digivolve" but after some time I got fed up with it because I didn't liked the 4th season's story (but liked the special effects) and I thought that if there were no pokemons there might be no digimons...after that I returned to pokemon...
But seriously...I like pokemon way way way more better-er-er (sorry for wrong english)...hehehe

Yeah, at first I liked Digimon but when the 4th season came out (whoa, they can fuse with their Digimon?!) I came back to Pokemon.


Don't Blink
Digimon is a cheap and unoriginal rip-off of Pokemon, with crappy Evolution Lines. Not that I've ever actually seen an episode, but still. And I hate how all the names end in 'mon'. On the other hand, Pokemon rules!



Shinx <3
Digimon is a cheap and unoriginal rip-off of Pokemon, with crappy Evolution Lines. Not that I've ever actually seen an episode, but still. And I hate how all the names end in 'mon'. On the other hand, Pokemon rules!


Yes, true. I hate when they evolve then uddenly go back to it's crappy Rookie form I think.