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Pokemon vs. Digimon


YOUR best friend
I don't think I've ever been as obsessed with anything as Digimon Adventure, the first Digimon series. And believe me, I tend to obsess over things a lot. :p I love and adore everything about Digimon Adventure, it's quite possibly my favorite cartoon ever. The storyline, the characters, everything is PERFECT!

SO, cartoon wise, Digimon OBVIOUSLY wins because the Pokemon show bores me half-to-death. Digimon Adventure is the only Digimon series I actually care about, but I'm PREEETTY sure the others beat Pokemon anyway.

Game wise, however, I'll have to go with Pokemon because I've never even played a Digimon game. o_O

Monster wise, it's hard to choose. Sure, Pokemon has Electrode, but Digimon such as Piyomon, Tentomon, Gazimon, Pinocchimon and Etemon are VERY hard to compete with.

Oh, and Digimon and Pokemon really DON'T have anything in common except for the whole 'mon thing. People who say they copy each other have NO idea what they're talking about. :p


Gust of Wind
err....we still like digimon?! that's old


Beginning Trainer
Like what other people have said, Digimon wins the anime and Pokemon wins the games.

In anime Digimon blows Pokemon away in my opinion, better effects(I think, haven't watched them in god knows how long), better storyline, and, as we all know, the Pokemon anime the same stuff over and over and over and over again(though they have a bit more variety in the battles than Digimon until it's 3rd season came around imo).

And well the Digimon games, the ones I've played, are really damn complex to getting the one you want which is a turnoff(I wont go into further detail since I never really played the games much).

Overall though, I'd say Pokemon wins simply because Digimon just died like instantly, Digimon basically disappeared within the space of one holiday(really the anime was the only thing keeping it going, and once it went into reruns of the second season(that's all they showed after season 4 ended where I watched it, which helped kill it) it just lost all it's staying power too quickly while Pokemons stayed in there.


Omg it's Meowchu!
I love them both all the same. The Digimon Anime did start to get pretty boring after the 2nd Season but the games still rock!

crimson vengance

my friend had a ****y game called digemon saphiree (It was actualy spelt like this!)


Junior Field Assista
Not much I can say that hasn't been said before

the pokemon franchise has an excellent gaming series, but a **** anime
the digimon franchise has an excellent anime series, but the games suck
both have cool manga series though


Long time no see
I have to admit i watched the first series, an i thort that was pretty good, bu then it went down hill from there. The last series was total crap, the movie was.....ok....but nowhere near as good as pokemon. I mean you can catch, evolve(an they stay evolved) with pokemon, digimon is just crap....and a ripoff of pokemon


Well-Known Member
Digimon has A way better anime,Pokemon has better games HOWEVER Digimon has way hotter Chicks(Mimi(S1),Kari(S2),That blonde chick from season 4)


I love Digimon Tamers to death. For some reason that anime just really touched me. The characters, the storyline, and the issues they dealt with just really hit close to home. The other animes are forgettable, though.

And the Pokemon anime... well... after season one, it was a laugh. But the games are always exciting for me, not for the plots or anything, but for the monsters.

So yes, as many have said, I would go with the Digimon anime (Tamers only in my case) over the Pokemon anime, but I much prefer the Pokemon games over the Digimon games.


Pokemon ftw. :D


Well-Known Member
I have to admit i watched the first series, an i thort that was pretty good, bu then it went down hill from there. The last series was total crap, the movie was.....ok....but nowhere near as good as pokemon. I mean you can catch, evolve(an they stay evolved) with pokemon, digimon is just crap....and a ripoff of pokemon

Actually, I think that the digimon anime was in Japan before pokemon so...


Natsu no Maboroshi
Pokemon > Digimon . In any way.


Well-Known Member
Man you are in trouble...

Did a digi fan suddenly stumble on to the Forums and create an account just for that?

Anyways to clear things up Pokemon did not copy Digimon and Digimon did not copy Pokemon. Stop using that as reason to hate digimon. And from the looks of it Season 4 was the season that killed it since many of you hated it so much
pokemon X 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999:club:


Sonic spriter
I prefer pokemon to digimon. The old digimon series were better untill now. And who can not like the new diamond and pearl game.