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Pokemon vs. Digimon

Digimon was cool the first season, then for me it started going downhill. I like Pokemon way before Digimon and I think it's hard to ever stop fully being a Pokemon Fan. But Digimon just died, it doesn't appeal to me like Pokemon does, like the saying "Don't fix what isn't broken", Pokemon could be repetitive but I still enjoy it =]. And when you think of it all shows are repetive in a way, they have to be.


christian 4ever
pokemon is the best anime..but i like digimon too


Well-Known Member
lol i used to watch Digimon a long time ago, i always thought the show was awesome, and had way more depth to it then Pokemon ( Digimon Seasons 1 & 2 at least )

Pokemon Anime is horribly boring IMO


Digimon Show >>> Pokemon Show

Pokemon Games >>> Digimon Games
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Procrastinate Today!
You know what sucks about Digimon the Movie, it was a cut and paste version of three other movies, to bad they did that, I read the original synopsis for their plots and I find them more interesting

IMO, the dub movie was better than the first three japanese ones. A lot was taken out of Hurricane Touchdown (The one with Willis), but frankly, the dub made more sence. (There wasn't even any good music in Hurricane Touchdown)

The first movie was never really exciting to me anyways...

Movie two had it's moments in both versions. They are pretty much equil to me.

Anyway, to be on topic, can people not post just saying 'Pokemon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Digimon digimon sux lolz' or something to that extent? At least say why you don't like it, beyond 'it's a copy'. Frankly, you get ignored.


christian 4ever
lol i used to watch Digimon a long time ago, i always thought the show was awesome, and had way more depth to it then Pokemon ( Digimon Seasons 1 & 2 at least )

Pokemon Anime is horribly boring IMO


Digimon Show <<<<< Pokemon Show

Pokemon Games >>> Digimon Games

if you dont like the pokemon show then why are you here....this is not only a place for video games but for the show to....................know let me fixed
i like pokemon much more. i used to like digimon but then it got really confusing and i lost track of it. and Pkm games are better


Well-Known Member
if you dont like the pokemon show then why are you here....this is not only a place for video games but for the show to....................know let me fixed

This is the general Pokemon Discussion Forum, not the Anime Forum, This is a place for Pokemon Fans, Whether you are fans of only the games, or only the shows or both


Hate Me!
The few times I watched Digimon, I didn't care like I did for Pokemon. I've grown a bit and both animes seem childish to me, but even now I thought the end of Pokemon Heroes was touching.


Well-Known Member
I know that Pokemon isnt a copy of digimon, and digimon isnt a copy of pokemon, but the new digimon game for the DS sounds a lot like pokemon. You can capture all those digimon and trade them with your friends

Anyways I think that Pokemon survived because of the success of the games, you are able to be the trainer, train your own Pokemon, and battle other people, now with Pokemon going wi fi, it is going to be more awsome

The few times I watched Digimon, I didn't care like I did for Pokemon. I've grown a bit and both animes seem childish to me, but even now I thought the end of Pokemon Heroes was touching.

Never saw that one, but the synopsis on serebii.net was so good.


Well when I was younger I never really liked anything of Pokemon nor Digimon. But now I love Pokemon and I just think Digimon is plain out annoying. I mean everything Pokemon excites me [Games, Shows, Cards, ETC.] but Digimon should just get banned everywhere :p.
I personally like the pokemon games way better then digimon games, but I like digimon shows better then Pokemon (whos plot is kinda repetative).

I'm like that. I love the pokemon games, but not digimon games. But the digimon show is better than the other one. But I mostly play the pokemon games, and I've known pokemon longer, so I like it better.

Johnny Blaze

Blaze Trainer
When I first started to get out of Pokemon I started watching Digimon jsut to see how it was and like most of the previous people have said the first couple seasons were really cool. I'm still kinda into Digimon a little, like I'll check out a site every now and then to see how the new ones look. But the Pokemaniac in me has been totally revamped in the last year and I have to say pokemon is way better than Digimon, the names were what always did it for me. I mean EVERY SINGLE one of the Digimon end in -mon, at least Pokemon have a little substance to their names and don't each have the same suffix....

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Digimon 1, 2 and 3 were kinda good. 4 was crap.

Pokémon has always been good.

I'll go with pokémon :D