OK, this thread explains itself. What pokemon do you feel need to appear more?
Here's mine (I'm only doing Hoenn pokemon for now;
Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert and Marshtomp- Baziken hasn't appeared since Johto on the show in a major role (movies don't count!), Sceptile was shafted and so were Mudkip's evolutions. For starters, they sure haven't got the writer's undying love and attention that the previous ones did!
Gardevoir- you can all figure it out, surely
Slaking- he's one of many pokemon who was used as a powerhouse for one battle and hasn't appeared since. But, if they folow the games a bit more, Spencer may well have one!
Shedinja- that would be a pretty interesting filler for a really unique pokemon. Do it, writers!!!
Makuhita- He hasn't done much, since he evolved so early on. He could do with a nice little part rather than more Machop appearances.
Nosepass- see Slaking. He's one of the worse examples, as he never got a pre-battle appearance either and has had the longest gap since appearing.
Medicham- the same goes for contest one-offers. I missed the pre-contest episode, so I don't know how much showcasting he really got.
Electrike/Manectric- same as Slaking, Nosepass and Makuhita. They're too cool to not appear and electric types are always overshadowed by Pikachu.
Sharpedo- I always though Team Aqua would use them, and they haven't appeared in a long time.
Grumpig- See Medicham
Vibrava- it was kinda overshadoed by Trapinch, by the looks of the episode
Zangoose- he was too cool not to show again!
A nice Crawdaunt- to kill the misconception that Team Aqua created forever
Lileep, Cradily and Anorith- they were shafted. Badly.
Tropius- any episode to do with food is often hilarious.
Every legendary except Kyogre and Groudon- especially Speed Deoxys.
I'll add some from Kanto and Johto at a later date. What are your opinions?
Here's mine (I'm only doing Hoenn pokemon for now;
Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert and Marshtomp- Baziken hasn't appeared since Johto on the show in a major role (movies don't count!), Sceptile was shafted and so were Mudkip's evolutions. For starters, they sure haven't got the writer's undying love and attention that the previous ones did!
Gardevoir- you can all figure it out, surely
Slaking- he's one of many pokemon who was used as a powerhouse for one battle and hasn't appeared since. But, if they folow the games a bit more, Spencer may well have one!
Shedinja- that would be a pretty interesting filler for a really unique pokemon. Do it, writers!!!
Makuhita- He hasn't done much, since he evolved so early on. He could do with a nice little part rather than more Machop appearances.
Nosepass- see Slaking. He's one of the worse examples, as he never got a pre-battle appearance either and has had the longest gap since appearing.
Medicham- the same goes for contest one-offers. I missed the pre-contest episode, so I don't know how much showcasting he really got.
Electrike/Manectric- same as Slaking, Nosepass and Makuhita. They're too cool to not appear and electric types are always overshadowed by Pikachu.
Sharpedo- I always though Team Aqua would use them, and they haven't appeared in a long time.
Grumpig- See Medicham
Vibrava- it was kinda overshadoed by Trapinch, by the looks of the episode
Zangoose- he was too cool not to show again!
A nice Crawdaunt- to kill the misconception that Team Aqua created forever
Lileep, Cradily and Anorith- they were shafted. Badly.
Tropius- any episode to do with food is often hilarious.
Every legendary except Kyogre and Groudon- especially Speed Deoxys.
I'll add some from Kanto and Johto at a later date. What are your opinions?