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Pokemon with no weakness...almost


I am a glow worm...
What Pokemon have almost no Type weakness, like Sableye and Mirakuge (the Ghost/Dark Pokemon)?


Other than that, I believe Kingdra is the only Pokemon with a single weakness.


Slow and steady baby
The Steel/Dragon types have alot of resistances.

I don't think they have THAT many weakenesses either.

Let me check...

Ok, check this type listing.


Ok here are the super bad *** types.

Dragon/Steel: Example Diaruga
2: 2X weakness
10: HALF resistances
1: Quarter Resistence
1: no effect resistance
3: neutral damage.
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Kingdra has only one weakness, from dragon moves. Sableye/Mikurage have no weaknesses.....thats all i could think of...


Main screen turn on!
I think gregguru is a cruddy pokemon (double psychic weakness).
All Water/Ground types have one weak: Grass. That is why Swampert was so commonly seen in recent times. Grass is rare, so Swampert, Quagsire, Whiscash, and Toritodon don't need to worry about super-effective attacks.
Grass isn't that rare!
Electric types only have a weakness to ground.


Slow and steady baby
But having no weakness's really isn't the main point of typing.

It's having the most resistances.


I agree, TurtleLove. Electric is only weak to Ground, but is resistant to very few types, so is still easily taken down, since most Electric types have bad defences and are mostly used to get a few powerful hits in there before they go down.

And Scizor is only weak to fire, but it's a DOUBLE weakness to fire, so one hit from even a weak fire attack and the bug goes down.
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Solar Crimson

A Crimson Tide
And Scizor is only weak to fire and electric,
Scizor isn't weak to Electric.

Sableye, Mirakuge, Kingdra, Scizor, Dialga, and Palkia, have very few weaknesses, as you've all mentioned,


Normal types are weak to fighting only.


Time Lord Victorious
With the new brave ability. It fixes the loop-hole with dark/ghost. If Wheezing had an evolution that added dark, it would be dark/poison with levitate, that means no weaknesses.