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Pokemon worthy of a Masterball


Well-Known Member
Im just getting to the point in Emerald where you get a Masterball(from the Aqua Hideout). At this point, I am going to try to avoid using the 'closing trick' to get more masterballs, and play everything legally.

So, if you had just one Masterball in the game, which pokemon(most likely a legendary) would you suggest saving it for?

Also, would anyone mind telling me how to do the cloning trick, in case I change my mind and decide to clone it to make catching the legendaries easier?

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
lati@s or rayquaza, come on its lvl 70!!11 but lati@s definetaly cause it really hard unless u have mean look


I'm ChunkyBob <RSPCT
save it for a shiney that explodes or you fear you will OHKO etc etc or lati@s

no rayquaza please

Flame Haze SnS

It is best to save Masterball in cast a rare shiny Pokemon appears; like Shiny Mewtwo or shiny Rayquaza. You can still catch normal Pokemon like Latias or Rayquaza with tons of Ultraballs.


Well-Known Member
lati@s, rayquaza (please try not to), IMO shiny
Shiny most likely, no legendaries since you have the time in the world


The running Lati@s. If you care about its stats, catch it with a masterball then visit the IV guy in battle frontier. If he says the Lati@s's stats suck, reset the game and pretend you never met Lati@s. (if you let Lati@s run around, its stats stay the same... it's best to catch it the first time around)


Well-Known Member
I usually use it on the runners or the Powerhouse legendary of the game. I have 21 un cloned MB's just waiting to be sent over to Diamond

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
the annoying running legendaries, rare or shiny pokemon that can escape or kill themselves.


Well-Known Member
Is it worth resetting the game over and over to try to get one of the legedaries to be shiny?


Natsu no Maboroshi
Maybe Lati@s, because they like to run a lot.


<~ Yo quiero!!
Early on in the game, use it for shinies that may catch you off guard and can flee/roar you or explode. Later in the game, use abilities/attacks to your advantage so you don't have to use your masterball for those type of shinies: mean look or wobb's shadow tag (arena trap works too but not on flying types or those with levitate) for fleerers, Ingrain or Suction cups ability for roarers and Damp for Exploders. Just have one of those pokes in case your in an area that has one of those types...


Badgers on a plane!!
i would use it for the laties