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Pokemon: Yellow Valley

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Procrastinate Today!
This, my freinds, is my new (and only) Pokemon comic based on PKMN Yellow. It's gonna be a bit slow putting the pages up, but I hope you are patient enough to continue reading. ^_^;

Really that's all I have to say right now, so read on, and please five a comment or two!
Click on the picture to enlarge:

Chapter 1: Beginning
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
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Oddish plzkthnxbai
I like it but you could make the lines darker to make the picture more cler
8D Cool. I's like it Wheeler. I was kinda confused at first ('cause I thought people trained people! XD)

..but it makes sense now. lol. Keep it up! XD


Procrastinate Today!
SapphireL said:
I was kinda confused at first 'cause I thought people trained people! XD

Heheh, that was a point I had trouble getting through. I probably should have put something so you could know, but....You understood it, right? ^_^;;

So for future refrence, those kids are playing make-belive.

I'm working on page 2 right now, so you might see it tomorrow.


Ok this comics odd but I seen odder. Your comics good so far. I know why pikachu lived in pallet and not in viridain. ah well, I can't really tell who the main character is, ah well,(I should stop saying that).


Not bad so far! Just need to try darken the outlines of characters and scenery but that's pretty much it.
Some humour in there and good sketching. Keep the comics rolling..
WheelerTheViper said:
Do you mean catching it, animal control, or (accedentaly) throwing rocks at it? Look at that face; that's one mean pika.
For throwing rocks at it! T_T


I like it. It seems interesting and I hope you update soon. If your basing it off of yellow does that mean your not adding the female character from Fire Red/Leaf Green. I don't really know much about drawing, shading, and line art as a whole, but it looks all right to me. The story seems good, so update when you're ready!


Procrastinate Today!
SapphireL said:
For throwing rocks at it! T_T
Well, they did that on accedent, what's worse is that the kid porposely tried to throw a rock at the other kid....but, I was nice enought to make him miss...well, sorta nice....

I like it. It seems interesting and I hope you update soon. If your basing it off of yellow does that mean your not adding the female character from Fire Red/Leaf Green. I don't really know much about drawing, shading, and line art as a whole, but it looks all right to me. The story seems good, so update when you're ready!

Not yet, but when I go to my FR/LG story arc, then she will be in it. (Yes, I'm totally planning ahead, and i'll probablly never finish......maybe I should hire someone?...) And in case you were wondering, the FR/LG story is the Kanto half of G/S and the Sevii islands.
WheelerTheViper said:
Well, they did that on accedent, what's worse is that the kid porposely tried to throw a rock at the other kid....but, I was nice enought to make him miss...well, sorta nice....
Oh really? lol :rolleyes:

I can't wait to see part 3!!! >.o


<- Kawaii ^^
Hm... Ah... not bad... I love hand drawn comics! These aren't the best, but the people are drawn like cute chibis ^^ I hope you continue soon, good luck!


Procrastinate Today!
Thank you for your honesty. ^_^

Here is page 3: Some of the text is pretty small, so you will need to click on the picture to read it.

For those who say the lines are too bright, there's nothing I can do about it at the moment, as I have alredy scanned the first 5 pages, and I can't re-do them because I don't have a scanner. But, starting with page 6 i'll ink my pages so hopefully that will help. Untill then, please bear with me.


<- Kawaii ^^
Cool episode! Level 10 Pikachu... That was odd... :\
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