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Pokemon you want cathable and how!


No picking event only pokemon it wont happen!

I want you to be able to pick 1 pokemon starter from any region then another around 10 minets though the game, but they must be from diffrent gens and diffrent types.

Blastoise-Squirtle, starter at the beggining,
Typhlosion-Cyndaquil, picked near beggining,
Regirock-1st admins shadow pokemon,
regice-2nd admins shadow pokemon,
Registeel-3rd admins shadow pokemon,
Regigigas- head admin/boss's shadow pokemon, only after catching the other 3 regi's.

and Fione, not an event pokemon, and cant evolve into Manaphy an event pokemon, so its perfect.

Givin to you or comes to you after purifying all shadow pokemon.


Infinity's got 23
I don't see a problem with having 1 event Pokemon as a final shadow. Pokemon XD did it with Lugia.

And as such, I'd have to say Darkrai. It'd be SO perfect for the Shadow Pokemon; and Dark Hall is just so cool/creepy at the same time. Darkrai would be the perfect final shadow as a non event. I don't think the rest of the legendaries should be shadow because

-Diaruga (Same principal as Groudon being Shadow)
-Parukia (Same principal as Kyogre being Shadow)
-Giratina (Same principal as Rayquaza being Shadow)
-Aruseus (He's the God Pokemon found at the beginning of time... no XD)
-Sheimi (It's damn Sheimi, plus he's also this gen's Mew/Celebi/Jirachi, along with Manafi)
-Manafi (Ditto)
-Hiidoran/Kuresa...however you spell it (Actually, these could be other candidates, but I think Darkrai is the best)

Also, I want a Shadow Kecleon. SHADOW KECLEON
I can see the Regis being shadow in this game as both the legendary dogs and legendary birds made appearances (though the dogs did it first)...

I would like to see Hiidoran or Darkrai as the final shadow....could be cool

I actually hope the starters are Elekid and Magby (with the respective evolve items) or that Elekible and Buuburn are tradable in-game (like Duking gives you a buzz with booster and...oops! it evolved!!!)


Well-Known Member
I can see the regis, I want Darkrai to be the final shadow though.


Wish Maker
I have a theory. I think (if its gonna be a shadow plot again) that their will be MULTPLE XDs. They would include:


Well-Known Member
I have a theory. I think (if its gonna be a shadow plot again) that their will be MULTPLE XDs. They would include:

Even if it's a shadow pokemon story again there's no guarantee that there'll be any more "XDs".

Ace of Spades

Active Member
I think Fuwante/Fuwaraid be obtainable. It's an optional discision to catch it in D/P, and those without knowing about this site or not have a guide might not have it.


Well-Known Member
It will not be like the GBA games or the DS games or any handheld games. If it does have a story mode then it will be shadows again. I dont see why people hate them so much
Actually,I was kinda hopin' that it would be like stadium....


Well-Known Member
well,as regigigas is obtainable in game,it could hav it and the other regis,with darkrai at the battle tower or something.