No picking event only pokemon it wont happen!
I want you to be able to pick 1 pokemon starter from any region then another around 10 minets though the game, but they must be from diffrent gens and diffrent types.
Blastoise-Squirtle, starter at the beggining,
Typhlosion-Cyndaquil, picked near beggining,
Regirock-1st admins shadow pokemon,
regice-2nd admins shadow pokemon,
Registeel-3rd admins shadow pokemon,
Regigigas- head admin/boss's shadow pokemon, only after catching the other 3 regi's.
and Fione, not an event pokemon, and cant evolve into Manaphy an event pokemon, so its perfect.
Givin to you or comes to you after purifying all shadow pokemon.
I want you to be able to pick 1 pokemon starter from any region then another around 10 minets though the game, but they must be from diffrent gens and diffrent types.
Blastoise-Squirtle, starter at the beggining,
Typhlosion-Cyndaquil, picked near beggining,
Regirock-1st admins shadow pokemon,
regice-2nd admins shadow pokemon,
Registeel-3rd admins shadow pokemon,
Regigigas- head admin/boss's shadow pokemon, only after catching the other 3 regi's.
and Fione, not an event pokemon, and cant evolve into Manaphy an event pokemon, so its perfect.
Givin to you or comes to you after purifying all shadow pokemon.