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Pokemon you won't evolve?


Well-Known Member
Have you ever liked a Pokemon so much that you didn't want to evolve it? I have and it would be Haunter to Gengar. I hate that Haunter is second and Gengar is third. Haunter looks better and is more charismatic on the show. Luckily you have to trade to evolve him so I don't have to worry about stopping him everytime he gains a level.

I have also never understood why these three are poison. I thought they were suppouse to be rebellious to Psychic and it just ruins it because Poison is weak to Psychic.
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Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
I usually refuse to evolve one of my female Nidorans so I can breed it with a male Nidoran, since Nidorina and Nidoqueen are sterile.


christian 4ever
my squirtle and totodile is a real shame to envolve them.........


Well-Known Member
Well I'm starting a new game in MD soon and I won't evolve any of my starters :O

Oh, I didn't know that Nidorina and Nidoqueen were sterile till now :O


Pokemon Master
I plan not to evolve my starter Pocchama..
But then I will breed it and evolve the hatched ones.


Well-Known Member
I sometimes breed my starter pokemon and I don't evolve the baby. For example, I breed a Swampert and get a Mudkip. I level it up but don't evolve it so it can learn moves like Whirlpool that it wouldn't learn if it evolved.



<--will be mine
I rarely evolve Quilava, Nidorino, Bayleef, or Wartortle unless they're at level 90 or higher or to add to the pokedex (in which case I use a bred one)

When D/P come out, I don't really think I want to evolve Porygon2 or Magmar--their evolutions disappoint me greatly.


Have you ever liked a Pokemon so much that you didn't want to evolve it? I have and it would be Haunter to Gengar. I hate that Haunter is second and Gengar is third. Haunter looks better and is more charismatic on the show. Luckily you have to trade to evolve him so I don't have to worry about stopping him everytime he gains a level.

I have also never understood why these three are poison. I thought they were suppouse to be rebellious to Psychic and it just ruins it because Poison is weak to Psychic.

I will never evolve my huanter either,gengars ugly,


I'll evolve one Upaa for the sake of my PokeDex, but that's it. Upaa is just too darn cute to evolve into that blob. I've even raised one into the 70s and stuck an everstone on him to make sure he'd stay a cute lil Upaa. <3


Charmingly Cynical
Growlithe. I think Arcanine is cool and all, but it's not worth it to evolve one of my precious puppy Pokemon. If I have to, I'd do it for the Pokedex, but I don't like doing it.

Happy Meganium

a love like this
My Charmander, Noriaki, on my LeafGreen Version. I love him so, so much and I've only had him for a day. I plan on keeping him as a loveable Charmander for the rest of his little poke'life. <3


Well-Known Member
I usually evolve my pokemon =/...

Though I do know of two pokemon that I will not evolve when I get D/P. Nyaruma and Mime Jr. I don't like Mr. Mime all that much and Bunyatto is just too ugly for me ;-;.
Meh. I always evolve all Pokémon. In some instances, however, I'm tempted to not to. Namely, Chansey into Blissey or Magmar into Buuburn. But bleah. I don't use Chansey anymore, and I'll make another Magmar for Buuburn, which isn't as bad in the end. :D


I like to evolve my pokemon because it has more power. Even though it looks cool an all it all matters about power and when it evolves it is generally a better couse in the long run.

........but if i was it would to no evolve magmar and even though i love charizard he is one of my fav. and by far my fav Final stage starter charmander is cooler!