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Pokemon you won't evolve?


Beginning Trainer
I have also never understood why these three are poison. I thought they were suppouse to be rebellious to Psychic and it just ruins it because Poison is weak to Psychic.
Hey i can explain to you why those three are half poison! Its because during the first generation dark type wasn't around, so if ghastly haunter and gengar were just ghost they would pretty much be unstoppable! I agree with what your saying though they shouldnt be poison! (i also think haunter is way cooler than gengar!)


Well-Known Member
I always evolve my Pokémon, because you know, more evolved = more power. But I do agree that some unevolved (or less evolved) Pokémon look better. My favorites:



Well-Known Member
LOL I have a lot Surskit, Pocchama [well when I get Pearl], Mime Jr. [again, Pearl], Skitty, Jigglypuff.... some more I can't think of now. It's funny how I raise these guys to 100!


So Zetta Slow!
I don't want to evolve my vulpix, pikachu, pichu, azurill, houndour, wurmple, zigzagoon, wynaut, gulpin, corphish, skitty, slugma, numel, taillow, mankey, horsea and magikarp...never judge the book by its cover, they're very strong even though I never evolved them...hehehe


Well-Known Member
I didn't evolve my Onix for ages, until I decided that I liked Steelix better. In previous games I had a Scyther, Kadabra and Haunter that I didn't want to evolve on the grounds that they look better than their evolved forms.


YOUR best friend
I too like Haunter better than Gengar, despite Gengar having the Electrode Grin™. And now that I think about it, I prefer Gastly to Haunter. I never evolve Charmander unless it's for Pokedex reasons because Charizard is smelly, and keep Wingull and Magnemite the way they are because they're so freaking cute!

Other than those, I prefer not to evolve Poochyena, Carvanha, Vibrava, Pikachu, Seadra, Metang, Caterpie, Weedle, Pidgey, Bellsprout, Exeggcute and Cyndaquil. I don't dislike the evolved forms of ALL of these Pokemon, I just prefer their smaller stages.

When DP comes out, I will most likely not evolve (unless for the Pokedex) Mukubird, Roselia, Aipom and Hippopotasu.


I'll often keep both Scyther and Scizor, since they have different strengths.


I evolve all of my Pokemon...BUT...I honestly hate evolving Vigoroth. It loses its helpful ability, so it can get its old, crap ability back. On the plus side, it gets stronger. 8D?

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
I'd never even think of evolving jirachi, muk or snorlax!

Fortunately i cant.

And i dont have a jirachi.


Ready for a vacation
I refuse to give up my Mudkip for an icky Marshtomp or Swampert. :(
I don't care how much stronger they are.

Charmeleon also wont ever be evolving, because Dinosaurs are cooler than Dragons. ^^ *flees from rabid Charizard fans*


Well-Known Member
i liked my pikachu so muc that i didnt wanted him to evolve
but i finally evolve it and raichu is so ugly...


Sometimes, I think I'm one of few that evolves Pikachu into a Raichu. I actually think his physical attacking uses far outweigh lightball, and I actually like the way he looks.


lover of Glaceons
Pikachu. It is so darn cute!!!


Well-Known Member
i didnt evolve my Elekid cause its way kooler then its evo. Its now a LV 100 Elekid


Have you ever liked a Pokemon so much that you didn't want to evolve it? I have and it would be Haunter to Gengar. I hate that Haunter is second and Gengar is third. Haunter looks better and is more charismatic on the show. Luckily you have to trade to evolve him so I don't have to worry about stopping him everytime he gains a level.

I have also never understood why these three are poison. I thought they were suppouse to be rebellious to Psychic and it just ruins it because Poison is weak to Psychic.

Bonsly and Munchlax..

Theyre so cool.
I never evolve my Growlith not sure why
Evee because theres to many choices
and planing on not evolving Munchlax

but i want there to be an evolve for Marowak

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
I favour many Pokemon over their evolutions, but if I like a Pokemon that has a repugnant evo, I won't use it. The battle-system is centered around the survival of the fittest, and unevolved specimens usually fall short when up against the tougher, more mature battlers.