I too like Haunter better than Gengar, despite Gengar having the Electrode Grin™. And now that I think about it, I prefer Gastly to Haunter. I never evolve Charmander unless it's for Pokedex reasons because Charizard is smelly, and keep Wingull and Magnemite the way they are because they're so freaking cute!
Other than those, I prefer not to evolve Poochyena, Carvanha, Vibrava, Pikachu, Seadra, Metang, Caterpie, Weedle, Pidgey, Bellsprout, Exeggcute and Cyndaquil. I don't dislike the evolved forms of ALL of these Pokemon, I just prefer their smaller stages.
When DP comes out, I will most likely not evolve (unless for the Pokedex) Mukubird, Roselia, Aipom and Hippopotasu.