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Pokemon you won't evolve?


< That's me! Hello!
Charmeleon also wont ever be evolving, because Dinosaurs are cooler than Dragons. ^^ *flees from rabid Charizard fans*

Off topic:
;006; :What!? I'm way cooler than a Charmeleon!

Doesn't mean he/she has to evolve a Charmeleon.

;006; :Sure, side with him/her.


On Topic:
I, personally, will evolve any Pokemon I get since they get stronger and to fill the pokedex. But the former reason is the one that drives me to evolve them more.


Cascade Trainer
When DP comes out, I'll evolve Magmar for pokédex reasons...It's evo is ugly and looses a lot of speed that it compensates by adding it's attack stats. I want a speedy Magmar that's handsome.
Magmar for president!


Well-Known Member
I remember when my friend had gold a long time before it came out. (well came out in the UK) and I wouldn't let quilava evolve because he was so darn cute. <3 That was when I was little(r) though, now I always evolve my Pokes.
when I get pearl, I WONT evole Nyamara the spring cat pokemon into bunyatto
I mean, its a big fat mangy cat
compared to a sleek, intelligent one

SURELY nyamaara should have been the final evo, with a small cute pre evo?

AJ Flibble

I always evolve my Pokemon. Besides, I like most evolutions more than their pre-evos anyway. Though it's gonna be hard to convince me to get Booburn or the alt. Snorunt evo.


snorunt i luv him to much > but glalies also kool my current mission is my new team featuring gastly haunter gengar misdrevus and i aint going to evolve them >


Well-Known Member
I have a few...

Ivysaur I have always prefered to Venusaur and likewise with Haunter over Gengar. Concerning Seadra and Dragonair it's because I had great times with my level 100 Seadra and Dragonair on Pokemon Blue, they owned and look better than their evolutions. Plus now D/P is on the scene there is no way in Hell that I am making my 120 strong Sneasel army into Weaviles. Sneasel is my number one and always will be.

However I do evolve the first four for the sake of the Pokedex and I will with a few Sneasels in Pokemon Box. Yet in the case of Muumaaji you can forget it. I hate that thing with every fibre of my being and will not evolve my adorable Misdreavus pair into that piece of... stuff.


Still Dirrty
i got a level 100 ralts that i refusedf to train becuase it had a male nature and gardevoir is a girl and it wouldnt fit the nature so didnt evolv it


<== Best Dragon ever
ive always evloved my pokemon im not going to evolve booburn tho and i dont evolve lotad their evos are dumb

Kirlia forever

Hikari lover
I don't know where I can ask this question...
Must a male Kirlia level up for evolve in Erureido or I can put my shiny male Kirlia level 100??


No one asked you that did they?

Uh, yeah, actually, they did. Just because his/her answer was no doesn't make it any less valid.

I won't evolve Bonsly, once I get it. That thing is just too hilarious to change.

I dislike most of the DP evos of old Pokemon and will probably only evolve to fill up the Pokedex.

I like to keep Meowth un evolved, also. In the Red and Blue days, before I realised that evolving drastically upped stats, I would battle with a lv. 100 Meowth.


Pokéradar, GO!
I like keeping Snorunt, Quilava, and Wartortle in their unevolved forms. I also have yet to evolve my shiny Eevee. :p


Feel my soul
Sometimes I don't evolve my Skitty.. It's just because Skitty is my favorite Pokemon. XD I also had a Torchic that I didn't want to evolve, because I really don't like Combusken or Blaziken that musch. But then, I decided to evolve it because I needed its evolutions for my Pokedex.
I have a burning hate for Metagross, they and Hiidoran fit the "most ugly pkmn" category...
So, my Metang never evolved. It probably costed me a few symbols, but who cares?
My Trapinch I am also not evolving, and my Pikachu...


Well-Known Member
Pichu is one. He may be small, but he owns on NetBattle.