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Pokemon you won't evolve?


Well-Known Member
id never evolve m pikachu coz my one knows volt tackle and if i did evolve it my pikas light ball would not work for raichu


I <3 Skuntank
If Pokemon didn't get stronger when they evolved (like in MD), I'd keep most of mine unevolved.

I'd keep my Marshtomp, Totodile, Bulbasaur, Wartortle, Rattata, Pidgeotto, Metang, Wooper, Buoysel... it just keeps going. I like the middle stages most, for some reason...


Eevee Trainer
I almost always evolve my Pokemon, if only for the 'dex. My Eevee clan is all bred from one female Eevee, and I'll never evolve her. I need an Eevee to lead her children!


Raiden Maximus
I didn't evolve FOUR of them.
Charmander because I do not really like it's evos and thought it's shafted in anime.
Chikorita 'cause of same reason.
Male nidoran think 'cause it's a male, lolz
Haunter 'cause I like it more than gengar.
But for some reason, I cannot get myself to evolve pikachu :x


Well-Known Member
In Ruby:
My Torchic: Because I don't like his evos.
My Kirlia: I like Kirlia better than Gardevoir.
My Wynaut: Wynaut is way cuter than Wobbuffet, I can get plenty of them in the Safari Zone.

Once D/P comes out:
Mime Jr.


Shinx <3
I always evolve my Pokemon,the most usual ones I don't evolve are the trading ones, Haunter, Kadabra ,Graveler and Machoke. I don't have anyone to trade it with.


Natsu no Maboroshi
Eevee and Pikachu