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Pokemon: Zarxna Adventures

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Diaruga Rocks
Introduction: Eggy Start
One Sunny day in the land of Zarxna,
Kane a young boy woke up and went downstairs to his where mum gave him fried eggs for breakfast."Hey Mum" said Kane, are these eggs Exeggcute?
"They aren't" said his mum "oh I forgort that you are going to get your starter today so you to the quick" Kane rushed though the door just before his mum said quick. "Gee" he said to himself "these smudge shoes are awesome". But he didn't see and he into Matthew one of his friends. "Man that hurt" said Matthew "don't you look" "sorry but I didn"t see" said Kane.
"Are you gonna get your starter?" said Matthew "Yeah" said Kane staring straight into Proffessor Eucoik's lab. "OMFG!" said Matthew "why does he have 9999999 gillion plants in there!'

Hope you like the intro. After I will make the cast. ;444;

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
... not even gonna bother trying to help you, as you are one of those that ignore critisism to get better. Or don't even try. Cause if you weren't, you'd realise by now writing in the reply box is AGAINST THE RULES and you'd have read advice for aspiring authors.

That and I'd have to point out what I have to point out again and again and again.. And it just is sickening atm that there are such a flood of noobs like you, thinking crap they write up in 2 minutes in the reply box/new thread feature, will earn them 15 minutes of fame. Oooh.

All it earns you is 15 minutes of shame, and me, reporting you.


Diaruga Rocks
Pokemon Zarxna Adventures

Here is the cast.

Name:Kane Feldre
Pokemon On Belt(after getting all his pokemon):Marianna(made up),Shiny Pidgeotto,
Shiny Charmeleon,Kirila Split evo,Sqiurtle,Bulbarsaur
Favourite Pokemon:Exeggcute and Exeggutor

Name:Matthew Tuoke
Pokemon On Belt(after getting all his pokemon):Cyndaquil,Gardevoir,Ivysaur,
Favourite Pokemon:Krabby and Kingler

Those are the main characters cast for a while.;464; ;381; :386-s: ;095; ;257; ;388; ;025; :172bros: ;172; :025n172: :025ball: :surfpika: ;262; ;305; ;249-d; ;157; ;214; ;006; ;176; ;329; ;rukario;
You are blatantly ignoring the rules.

Blatantly ignoring the Advice thread.

Blatantly ignoring anything remotely negative.

And now seem content to put the little icons for no reason.

Go read both threads, check out recommended fanfictions and Author's Cafe. I'd prefer before this bombs because of power abuse.

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