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Dazzled By The Roses
wow that's very cool..!! i giv it a 20/10...could you draw for me a pic of dusclops, gengar, muumajii and banette for me in a piece of paper (all in 1 paper).

Flame Haze SnS

Those drawings are really good, especially Purakia and Ho-oh since their pose are really cool!

Kudos to ya for really good drawing and coloring! ^_^


reshiram ftw
Wow, these are way cooler than any other!!!! Your best is by far the Parukias. You did really well at capturing its shape and form. i have looked everywhere, is that gem on Parukias back on the actual parukia or something you thought would be cool and decided to do? Well, whatever it may be, i love them and hope to see a lot more from you and wish you the best of luck on these forums
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you cannot resist.
WOW :eek: That's @#$%in' amazing... I love the colors... The angles that you drew them at are amazing, considering that Sugamori never draws them at angles like that. This is great :D! Two thumbs up! Keep up the good work ;)!


Beginning Trainer
Wow! You really capture their personalitys well! Keep up the good work!

Shayden XD

Wow........ Those are some of the best pics ive ever seen!! The pose of each is so cool. Great job.:D


WOW!!! The first one is the best drawing i have EVER seen, You have inspired me to come up with poses of my own..Kos to you.


Colourise the World
your drawings are very realistic and cool. You must find someone and work as a card drawer.

King Wulfharth

Divine Wonder...
wow these are simply amazing how about one of shiny suicune then another one of shiny weavile i'd love to see them as they are some of my fave pokemon

or actually

if it is no problem could i ask you to make one of my bishie yukinooh it's the pokemon in my sig and as my avatar i'd greatly be thankful and give credit
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dude, that palkia is AWESOME! can I post it in my sig, with a thankyou?
These are great. nothing to critic on. Keep em up.