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pokemon's explainations (joke thread)


I Crush Everything
here's a fun thread, where people can put up explainations of why certain pokemon exist. Here's mine

Milotic: Dear gamefreak,

I have played your pokemon games, and they're very fun. I like gyarados, because it's very powerful, but I don't like how it looks so mean. Could you maybe change it, or make a new pokemon like gyarados, but prettier? It could be like a pretty girl seaserpent thing. I would really like for you to do that. Thanks!

So, do things like that. Write mail that people could have sent to influence the making of certain pokemon. Of course that means none of the pokemon from bulba to mew, because they were there when pokemon started. You may, however, write letters on how they were changed. Have fun!


Well-Known Member
(grass evee)
Dear Gamefreak,

There are all these rumors about a grass evee and it is really driving me nuts. Can you have a grass evee in the 4th gen to make the rumors stop? Thanks!

(Kirlia Split Evo)

Dear Gamefreak,
I love Kirlia but I don't like Gardevoir. It is way to girly. Can you make a split evo that is rough and tough? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Nosepass evo

Dear Game Freak,

I hate it how people think Nosepass is rubbish and ugly so could you please make an evo which ISN'T ugly please?

It didn't work...


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
alternate nosepass evo theory

Dear Gamefreak,
I really like nosepass, but i think hes to dull and boring looking is there any chance you could make a more fun and interesting evo for him in the next gen
obv this one worked to some degree, its certainly an interestin choice of looks for him

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Dear GF, i think togetic looks way too cool. Couldnt you evolve it into some kinf of drunk and fat aeroplane so all togetic fans commits suicide?

I'm not a togetic fan, but i prefer it compared to togekiss.

Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva
Umbreon, Espeon, Mating
dear gamefreak,
i have played pokemon lue and i LOVED eevee

could u please make a really cool, cute, black evo for him in next game and a pink one for him to mate with??


I Crush Everything
ok, I'm thinking I'll change the rules to no sinno pokemon (or however it's spelled) without spoiler tags. I am annoyed how much the game is getting spoiled for me.

ΩOmega WeavileΩ

Skinning every bears

Dear Gamefreak,

My sister erased my Red that had a Mew on it! So I need help getting revenge. She loaths sharp things. Can you make a pointy pokemon? Thanks.


I Crush Everything
mawile sableye:

Dear gamefreak,

I really want a dark/ghost type! It would have no weaknesses! I want it! And please make it really powerful too, then I could beat up my friend, who always beats me. Also, make a pure steel pokemon, that would rock!

Game freak guy: Hey, he wants a dark and ghost type... Hmmm... I know! We'll make one, but give it not that strong stats so not to be cheap! And let's have it only for one version. But what do we make the counterpart? The letter says something about a steel type, so why don't we make one?


Bodybuilder Trainer

Dear Gamefreak:

You should make a muscley Fighting Pokemon that isn't a stero typical lug, make it a girl even, that'll show'em!

Johnny Blaze

Blaze Trainer

Dear Gamefreak,

Hey waht sups...you know I've played your pokemon games so much that I've just started laying on the couch and only moving to strike back at those who dare disturb my play time. I do this...constantly...could you make a pokemon for me? Please I need something to not move with me!!!

Mew King

It's black magic!

Dear Gamefreak,
I really like Magneton, but I think it needs an evolution. I really think it needs to change though can you possibly make him a flying saucer?


I Crush Everything
Mew king and pokefan, please listen to me. I told you to please spoiler 4thgen pokemon. Talking about them ruins the game for me.


Powerplay Champion
Dear Gamefreak,
It's pikachu,
you know, you're spokesperson,
I was wondering if you could make a baby version of me,
because my contract is good for another 100000 years...
and i think i could benefit from a totally useless pre-evo.
p.s. if you wanted to make my pre-evo even more useless, please put him in super smash, im sure people will love it.


Leave my posts alone
Dear Gamefreak
Since I have had a long time being crowned as King Uber, I say it is time to step up a notch in this life. I'd like to go from a 2D sprite to a full animated being. I suggest having a moment in the sun in the up-coming GameCube game; Super Smash Bros. Melee. You will not fail, I have my incredible powers to rely upon, and can take out enemies just by using one single attack.
I do hope you think this through.

You're biggest fan

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
pokefan999 said:

dear gf,
you know i think it's really funny seeing the religious freaks p*ssed .so i want a god pokemon that'll sure make them p*ssed

mew king said:

Dear Gamefreak,
I really like Magneton, but I think it needs an evolution. I really think it needs to change though can you possibly make him a flying saucer?

Octoboy said:
ok, I'm thinking I'll change the rules to no sinno pokemon (or however it's spelled) without spoiler tags. I am annoyed how much the game is getting spoiled for me.

Mew King and Pokefan999, that wasn't nice!
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Dear GameFreak,
I really like your games.I would like to see a Nosepass evo.But 'cause i hate nosepass,can you make it so that it looks like Mr potato?Thank you in advance.


The new tuxedo look!
Dear gf,
I really would like it if you could give wobuffet an evo, possibly with 300 hp base stat, mind reader+sheer cold and also recover.

P.s.= could you elimanate pikachu from the animè?

P.P.S. = wobuffet did not get an evo, so it wasn't spoilered.
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The Flygon fanatic
From Flygon and Breloom:

Dear GameFreak:

Kill pickachu, Quillava would also be writing this but he's currently evolving.