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pokemon's explainations (joke thread)


Stabby McStabface
Dear GF,
I am an annoying hentai freak, could you make an evo for tangela so we can 'imagine' even more?

Dear Gf,
I'm a wimpy childish girl that likes 'My Little Pony' and 'Teletubbies'
Can you, in your next games, make a cute and small evo of Gloom? It's too scary for me. I can't sleep for 20 weeks
From ***** with many love and kisses!

Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva
dear person....
could i have 2 eveelutions in dp? adore eevees and have already got all 6. Make them hard to get!



I Crush Everything

Dear gamefreak,

I hate how wobbuffet only knows 4 moves. It should know more attacks, because with only 4 moves it's dumb. Could you make it at least do a stat lowering attack, cuz that would be cool.

Gamefreak: Well, I dunno about making wobbuffet learn new attacks by itself... But how about a pre evolution? It could learn more moves. That's great. Why not do that? Hey.... Why not? That sounds cool....

shiney mew

Marsh Trainer

Dear Gamefreak,
I'm different from (and better than) most Pokemon fans because I'm a black-masked lovebird instead of one of my puny human servants. I demand you make me into a Pokemon with a really cool and unique attack because I'm the most awesome being on the face of the earth.
- Black-masked lovebird whose authoritah should be respected


OMG (insert cute Pokemon here) IS SO CUTE!!!!! IT NEEDS A BAYBEH!!!!!!!!1 THAT WAY IT'S EVEN CUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!! AND I DON'T HAVE TO EVOLVE TEH BAYBEH BECUZ I WANT IT TO STAY UBER CUTE 4EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!11 ^o^
- Some squeeing idiot fangirl who only cares about cuteness


Shuckle (Well, what did you expect me to do?)

Dear Gamefreak, you little *****
Wtf? Why haven't you created an uber-awesome Pokemon for that weird kid in Scotland to be obssessed with? hat dude NEEDS a ****ing Pokemon to be obssessed with. Hah. Yes. Look at him lking Snorlax. Give him a totally pwntsome Pokemon to be his b**ch! Please? ^_^ Have a nice day, ***ers.

~Soon-to-be Shuckle of SPPf.



<<< MY BISHIE!!!!!!!

dear gamefreak
hi i am a sumo wrestler and i want to be stereotyped throgh a pokemon lets make it really fat and we can even give it slanted eyes!!!!


Active Member
Dear Gamefreak,

It has come to my attention that your game is lacking appeal to the feminine community. I would like to, specifically, point out Gyarados. This large Pokemon is renowned for being destructive, having a menacing display about it, and generally wrecking havoc wherever it traverses. Obviously, none of the above appeals to girls in the slightest, except my younger sister. I highly reccomend to you to design a Pokemon along the same lines as the Magikarp/Gyarados line (weak start, powerful evolution) but along the polar opposite line. You should consult your design team and have them forge a Pokemon of unparalelled tranquility, harmony, and beauty. I can state with confidence that girls would be drawn to this Pokemon, and, along that same line of thought, the game of Pokemon. By doing this, you would open up your game to a larger market. Please take this letter into consideration.



P.S. Oh, yeah, make it really, really hard to obtain to piss them all off.

Mew King

It's black magic!
Uh... Sorry... I didn't read...much...

Dear Gamefreak,

I really love Snorlax with his eating habits. Can you make us a preevolution of it. However, instead of making it fat, slow, and sleepy, can you make it okay in speed and very hyper?


I Crush Everything
Ok, mew king, you've given me a good point. Ok, now you do not have to spoil munchlax, and the starters (as long as they are the unevolved ones), as well as diagura and parukia, just please put spoilers on any pokemon which was not shown without a spoiler tag in the serebii news. That means that pokemon like perappu, tamanta, buoysel, etc. don't need spoilers, but things like the mag evolution, and things that were put under spoilers in the serebii news, or did not have their pictures shown in the news at all, must have spoilers.

Silent orange L.V.12

Where's the ban?
Dear gamefreak,
Would you give that fat ****,snorlax, a cuter pre-evo,to make it so i don't have to play with a fat **** like,snorlax,and still have the string goddness,also,people would jsut LOVE it if you made it so pre-evos make the evovled pokemon stronger!

Like snorlax needs a pre-evo...


I Crush Everything
ok, heracross, thanks to you, I thought up a new rule. Don't use this thread to glorify pokemon. No using it to put pokemon down either. (that's no saying things like dunsparce: gamefreak, please make a pokemon that sucks) It's only funny the first time.

Mew King

It's black magic!
Dear Gamefreak,

I love Mew. Can you make another Pokemon like him that is just as impossible to get and has the same stats?

That's why Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy, and


were created.


Leave my posts alone
Dear GF,
Time for reality to kick in.
The Pokemon known as Chansey seems to large to hatch out of an Egg. Would it be possible to create a pre-evolution for it? Maybe something that looks cute, still having the egg in its pouch. It could be one of those parenting skills things that kids do at school.



Well-Known Member

gf sais while eating alpha bet soup: i cant think of a pokemon its like theres some unknown pokemon waiting to be found.... wait i have an i dea he sais while stairing at his alphabet soup


SPPF's spammer
From Dusparce

Dear gf:
Please pretty please make a GS remake! Like nowthnx! And don't make me an evo or our species will drill out your eyeballs!

From Magbi

Dear Satoshi Tajiri:
I was quite shocked and dissapointed when it came to my attention that a Magmar evo was created by your "genious". Please stop making useless evolutions of already-strong Pokemon. And I daresay, please also refrain from creating a Jynx evo.

From Jynx

Dear gf:
Yo mah homies I really enjoy being a stereotypical Black. Why not make a branch evo for Smoochum to evolve into a rapper from Eminem? Then the whole racial stereotype would be complete!


<- Currently Hunting
luvdisc:dear gamefriek,
can you make a pokemon that comes with an attached item that people need so when they are looking for it they come across a shiny one and get mad because it has bad stats.


I Crush Everything
polursine and krys, please edit your posts so it doesn't spoil diamond and pearl pokemon? I specifically said to do that. It's done in the anime discussion, and I asked you to do it, so please do that.

Dear gamefreak,
Can you please make a useless pokemon that has an item that many people will need just to piss them off?Thanks in advance.