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Pokemonship: pikachu X Mimiroru

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I decide to create this ship called
because I've heard that the
episode that hikari catches
Mimiroru. That Mimiroru
will have a crush on

Friend List:
3.Pikachu Masta
4.Mythic Mist
6.Meowth! That's right!
15.Crystal Mewtwo
16.Chaotic Pink



no spamming
no bad words
no bumping

And I totally forgot about this
I know i should have said this
about a few week's ago.
But anyone can post hints
as long as it's about this shipping

You can post pictures and fan art
As long it does not have any hentai
or sex.
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The bunny hugs Pikachu after Hikari captures it, it's a cute ship.
You got that right.


Anyone who doesn't find that remotely cute has no soul. ;;


Yeah, ok!
Makes you wonder if the bunny will run over and hug Pikachu every time Hikari let's it out of its ball.

Imagine Hikari letting it out during a Contest, and it running all the way to the stands just to hug Pikachu? :p

I'm really looking foward to how they'll handle this ship, could be funny.


Ash fan girl! Cute!
I'm up for this ship. I can imagine the bunny getting jealous of Pikachu's attention towards Ash and hitting poor Ash on the head for that, it would be too funny LOL. Yah boy I can't wait for this episode ^_^


Well-Known Member
Just letting you know that Pikachu x Mimiroru has a name which was submitted to Bulbagarden. It is called Lagomorphshipping.

Sorry if you don't like the name, but I didn't submit it plus it was the first name to be submitted, therefore will be the shipping name.


The Shadow Elite
This PKMN shipping does look very cute.

You know, out of all known shippings in the series, it seems like it's the Pokemon that receive the most attention - Think about it - Bulbasaur, Totodile, Charizard, Butterfree, Sceptile... and that's just naming a few of Ash's Pokemon.

While some of the Pokemon crushes were one-sided and came without results, others did bare fruit (namely Ash's Butterfree and the pink Butterfree, and then Charizard and Charla (the female Charizard with the pink bow.)

It will be interesting to see how this ship turns out since we know Pikachu won't be going anywhere, and Mimiroru will most likely be a constant member of Hikari's team.


Ash fan girl! Cute!
Your right Darkliger, it should be very intresting to see how things turn out between them. I mean so many things could happen, the ship could turn out to be like the whole Butterfree insadent where both Pokemon end up falling for each but don't leave this time.

Thanks for signing me up alecsdell100 ^_^


Thunder Trainer
Oy! I support PikaMimi. It's time something like this should happen in the Pokemon series since Sato's Butterfree joined with the pink Butterfree way back in the 1st series. I haven't checked the sprites yet, but was she ever the first shiny?

Anyway, I would like to create a topic if I may.

How will Pikachu react if Mimimorou found attraction towards him?

Knowing how the trained Pokemon tends to share some or many traits with its human partner, Pikachu could be a little clueless at first sight. I believe it's not as dense as Sato though.


The Shadow Elite
How will Pikachu react if Mimimorou found attraction towards him?

I bet Pikachu would get nervous or something, and maybe run away. Imagine if he had to ask Ash for advice. Ash may not know much on love, but if necessary, he would help out his best Pokemon buddy in a heartbeat.


Thunder Trainer
You know? That's a good thought, Darklinger. This way, Sato can also learn more about love. Nothing's better than Sato and Pika's friendship to achieve the heart of an opposite gender.

Mythic Mist

Indecent Exposure
I'll support this.

Anyway, this can give the PearlShippers some material to work with. They can now claim that Ash and Hikari will be closer with each other cuz their pokemon are close >_>
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Two i's, not one!
THIS IS ADORABLE. Now we can only hope that the anime stays true to the manga adaptation. Sign me uuup!
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