I would like to be signed up for this shipping.
Ok. For starters, I was honestly surprised to hear Pikachu in the anime has found somebody to be with. And with that, I rush to spot the episode and what do you know. And what do I do? Scream like a little girl at the cuteness XD. And it was about damn time too. You see Satoshi going around, he's got girls after him (some pokemon too *coughbayleeflatiascoughcough*). Kinda makes you feel sorry for Pikachu if you think about it. Now, wedding bells are ringing in my head for Pikachu. And it just has to be one of the cutest things I have ever seen, especially the shyness behavior of Mimiroru.
(Now for the seriousness...sadly)
For starters, who cares what it's called. As long as we recognize it as PikachuXMimiroru, there's no point in the naming. For one thing, posting it on a site doesn't make it official at all. The only ones able to declare it official are the people at Pokemon Nintendo and their father Satoshi Tajiri. My point has been made.
Second, the whole Lagomorph thing...well, Pikachu does look like a rabbit on some cases. The ears are a give away at first. So right there, it has some excuse. I'm not too concerned with this.
(Back to more fun...YAY XD)
Judging from the Pokemon Anime history, I can see the running gag of jealousy very well. Satoshi (or Ash) had his time for jealous females. Now it's Pikachu's turn. And seeing how Pikachu takes on Satoshi's manners and such, I already see Pikachu becoming dumbfounded and dense towards Mimiroru's affectionate advances XD But seeing as Pikachu is a bit "smarter" than Satoshi, I think he may have better luck and will understand the little concept, seeing as he had Satoshi to use as an example of "Do's and Don'ts" XD.
And the father issue. Hmm...if it were really to happen, Pikachu would make a great father. Just look at him. He's a brave leader, willing to risk things for others. He's already taken care of Togepi, Phanpy, some younger Pikachu and Pichu AND some Plusle and Minun (Note: There's your other excuse ^^. Plusle and Minun are bunnies. It has been stated more than once that they are somewhat related to Pikachu making the PikaMim issue even more acceptable). See? He's had experience!
Sadly, I still doubt it will happen. But its nice to think about it. Its truly an adorable idea.
(Pikachu and Mimiroru...sitting in a tree...XD)