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The Sexy Nerd
Ok, is there anyway to switch Match Call off, or to delete trainers from it. This probably didn't need a new thread but I need to know. I'm trying the Acro Bike cheat (keeping the up buton pressed while facing a musdslide) but I can't leave it overnight because the Nav keeps going off. Thanks a loy
;201-m; ;355; ;222; ;107; ;munchlax; ;347; ;026; ;136; ;412; ;049; ;292; ;165; ;444; ;078; ;328;


No, unfortunately there isn't any way to delete Match Call trainers. The other way would be to try and avoid them from the start, never battling them so they can never register themselves in your PokeNav. My advice is to just do the Acro Bike cheat during the day, so you don't get interrupted by Match Call trainers (that's assuming they won't call you during the day).

Oh, and please don't use random smiles, it slows things down and is an eyesore. :)


Bullet Punch
I like it, it's like a mobile phone. Would be funny if Ash would smash his in the anime. No, you cannot turn it off. It's all programmed in though, it is always messages like "I nearly caught a Ninjask" or "I nearly won a battle the other day!"



The new tuxedo look!
No way, but you can trde them over to ru/sa and not be bugged by pokènav anymore.:D