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Here is a comic series about Pokemon. In it everyone is a noob, Pokemon have control over trainers, and there is a Human League.


Grrr....this one should work: [img=http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/9307/comic1bq5.th.png]

That was Episode 1: Pokenoobs Pilot Comic
Episode 2: (not done yet) Italy!


Quagy: A spanish speaking Quagsire who is a newscaster on his own show, 10 0CLACK NOOB NEWS.

Noobazor: This is a really noobish Venasaur. Truely he is just computer data, being noobish wherever he can.

Demented Kyogre: His name says it all.

NOOB KING ESPLIME: The King of the Noobs. He is a fakemon ( fake game: chaos black version) who is the king of the noobs. He can speak any language he wants to.

Other characters too be reveiled.
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My eyes, they are gone...

1)Way to many aberreviations and I can't even read it.
2)Theres some spanish???
3)Make textboxes
4)Too random
5)Not very interesting
6)Poorly done.

This is your first comic? you really need to improve, Although I do like the Md sprites.
Seriously, either read the guides, or don't post.
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Charizard Champion#06

Spiral Warrior
DM, you don't have to be a mini-mod for every freaking comic. At least give him some credit for what he did well and give him some help, don't just tell him what sucks. It's just his first comic he can improve.

I liked the idea, that's what made me come to this comic but I think the writing killed it. You don't have to have evryone talk like noobs and in spanish, but you could still have it apparent that they're noobs in other ways like having them make fun of each other and call each other noobs. One more thing, it is really obvious where you edited your sprites, so just take your time and have a set back round for each panel where you can copy and paste the characters onto instead of editing the panel before the next. I liked how clear it was though and not blurry.

You should read this too. All of it.
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Screw you PE2K FORUMS for giving me a bad tutorial.

Okay, I will take the advice.

Also, have of this our just the things noobs say. The spanish is only a bit (cuatro-dos = 42, mi=my/me, el/la=the, es/is). And the rest of the Spanish is Spanish mixxed with Noob language.

Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva
Ermm it is your first comic but try to use speech bubles, english and a fixed plot.
And Pokenoobs???? some title...


I'm pretty sure this isnt his first comic.

Judai teh Quagsire likes this comic. :O This is much better then the last comic you posted here. Thankfully, n00bs are quite funny.

I would give crits, but i'm not the best critic, and everything I would have said has already been said.


Well-Known Member
DM, you don't have to be a mini-mod for every freaking comic.
It's called constructive criticism. Just because someone refuses to kiss *** and pretend something is good when it isn't doesn't make them a mini-mod, it makes them the most helpful person to the person recieving the review.

Right first of all you need spech bubbles. Second of all, the plot is overused and is quite stupid really. I personally think you used it because you can't be bothered to worry about good storylines and spelling. Even if thi is not the case, a plot like this is going to have lots of people think the same. Start again with a new plot cos this is used lots and never works out well.


Stickers are ghetto
I think I just saw what makes blind people blind.
This is awful. Here are some reasons why.
1.) It is unreadable. L33t doesn't make you cool, in fact people like you are just anoying when you talk like that. Do you go up to your friends and talk like that? No.
2.) Don't use Spanish! (Also 42 is not cuatrodos it is cuarenta y dos) Even though I and some others can translate it, most can't.