Here is a comic series about Pokemon. In it everyone is a noob, Pokemon have control over trainers, and there is a Human League.
Grrr....this one should work: [img=]
That was Episode 1: Pokenoobs Pilot Comic
Episode 2: (not done yet) Italy!
Quagy: A spanish speaking Quagsire who is a newscaster on his own show, 10 0CLACK NOOB NEWS.
Noobazor: This is a really noobish Venasaur. Truely he is just computer data, being noobish wherever he can.
Demented Kyogre: His name says it all.
NOOB KING ESPLIME: The King of the Noobs. He is a fakemon ( fake game: chaos black version) who is the king of the noobs. He can speak any language he wants to.
Other characters too be reveiled.
Grrr....this one should work: [img=]
That was Episode 1: Pokenoobs Pilot Comic
Episode 2: (not done yet) Italy!
Quagy: A spanish speaking Quagsire who is a newscaster on his own show, 10 0CLACK NOOB NEWS.
Noobazor: This is a really noobish Venasaur. Truely he is just computer data, being noobish wherever he can.
Demented Kyogre: His name says it all.
NOOB KING ESPLIME: The King of the Noobs. He is a fakemon ( fake game: chaos black version) who is the king of the noobs. He can speak any language he wants to.
Other characters too be reveiled.
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