• Hi all. We have had reports of member's signatures being edited to include malicious content. You can rest assured this wasn't done by staff and we can find no indication that the forums themselves have been compromised.

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Well-Known Member
;025; Ok, this is annyoing the crud out of me!
I see threads saying wich pokepet and in sigs a pokemon
and the name and level and it saying my pokepet.
What the heck is this stuff>??
Is it some secret on the games were you can have
it walk next 2 u? but if i could have one poke as a pet it would be
thx ;025;


Move Puppet inc.
First of all this doesn't belong here...pokepets aren't nothing but online stuff...non-related to the Games itself other than the sprites, Thank you come again

Nick Mckenzie

Pokejungle lets you "adopt" a Pokepet for you to put in your sig. Nothing at all to do with R/S/E.


Pkejungle has pokepets. but this is the wrong section to post this in. This is not even close to being related w/ rse
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