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PokeRus in G/S/C

  • Thread starter The Incarnation Pokemon
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The Incarnation Pokemon

My cousin's Crystal version has an infected Suicune and an infected Extremespeed Dratini. She said she didn't shark it or anything. I know what PokeRus is supposed to do in R/S/E. Does this mean that there are EVs in Crystal as well? If so, does this mean that all the metal generation games have EVs?


Marina is the best!
It does the same as in RSFRLGE, but doubles the stat points(almost the same as EVs), and is REALLY rare(1:21845), but only good. Nothing bad at all. But he should train those who has it a lot now.


Marina is the best!
Arty2 said:
It doesn't double stats, it doubles the Effort Points gained, exactly as it does in R/S and yes, Effort Points do exist in G/S/C.

Stat points. Not the stat. I was a bit unclear, but I was busy. Sorry about that. In lv.100, 1000 stat points is one stat up, and they might be boosted to 65535 in all stats(unlike the 510 divided on 6 stats in RS), but the stat it self won't get more than 63+ in that stat, so 2535 of the points won't do a thing. And, the protein/iron/that stuff boosts with 2560, but will only go to 25600 that way.


Originally posted by Sapphy
Stat points. Not the stat. I was a bit unclear, but I was busy. Sorry about that. In lv.100, 1000 stat points is one stat up, and they might be boosted to 65535 in all stats(unlike the 510 divided on 6 stats in RS), but the stat it self won't get more than 63+ in that stat, so 2535 of the points won't do a thing. And, the protein/iron/that stuff boosts with 2560, but will only go to 25600 that way.
Whoa. BIG numbers. Where could I read more about these stat points? (I'll read the G/S/C part of Serebii's site anyway)


Marsh Trainer
How do you get that extremespeed dratini? I've seen trainers on pokemon stadium 2 using dragonite with that attack. Really, how do you get it?


Well-Known Member
If you play Crystal, you have to beat Clair and then go into the Dragon's Den. When you take the quiz with the old man, you have to answer every question like you are some little kid who loves all Pokemon and is not mean in any way. The old man will give you an Extreemspeed Dratini for your answers.


You're Illegal
you can get pokerus in crystal too??!!! wow but its realy rare! wow, well i guess it back to no repels and attacking ever wild pokemon ^_^, how can you tell if you have it?
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