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PokeRus & Legendary Dog Question

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Well anyway I traded all my pokemon from Ruby including those that had PokeRus into my Fire Red. I'm trying to spread PokeRus from my Beldum to my Shuckle so I can EV train it in Def, but for some reason it's not spreading at all. :(

Also I've beaten the Elite Four the second time and I can't find Raikou anywhere. (I started with Squirtle of course. :p )


Active Member
you must the pokemon with Pokerus in your party with other pokemon. Once it loses PokeRus, it will still get double EV's. Also, Raikou is just like Latios(as). You should check the location in the pokedex.


Where should I look for Raikou though? Heh I've looked all over even using Repels (I had a level 37 Persian in front because I'm not sure if he is going to be 40, 45, or 50 :p )

How long does PokeRus take to spread and are you sure I can spread the PokeRus to my pokemon even though the one with PokeRus was from my other game?


Matt the Drat
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