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Got PokeRus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 58.6%
  • No

    Votes: 12 41.4%
  • What's a PokeRus?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Got it. And, as time events have frozen in my game, I will have it forever.

It makes EV training SO much easier

Captain Murkrow

Yes. as a matter of fact I got it 5 minutes ago. my shiny pidgeot caught it whilst fighting PKMN breeder Isaac.


What do I put here?
I restarted Emerald a while ago and my Ralts caught PokeRus! I immidiatly traded my LG team to Emerald to infect them too.


look a portkey!
i dident get it but my friend did and when i asked him to trade it to me he refused >_> so much for friends
Got it half a year ago, I keep infected pokemon in PC for infecting new pokemon

Shiny Ho-Oh

Well-Known Member
I got it a few monthes ago, my Shiny Kingdra got it when I was fighting a Gulpin, but a few days later it went away.


Who can say?
I got Pokerus on my first ever play through Ruby, and it was quite early on...(I'd just reached Slateport) But that save game is long gone, before i could trade or anything and I have not got it since...

Elite 4

Pokemon is for nerds
I remeber in Gold, one of my Pokemon had it, but I had no clue what it was so I healed my Pokemon.


Well-Known Member
I got it and I did not even know about it. I was at the battle tower at that time and I did not go to the pokemon center. When I Checked my pokemon stats all three of them had a black dot in their stats :( :( :(.


UGC Trainer
My friend got it on on sapphire around when it first came out, he was healing his pokemon, and he notice nurse joy was talking longer than she normally did, so he checked what she was saying and he said his pokemon was infected afther he healed them he checked his pokemon and blaziken had it. and it been around on all of games every since. He traded me and i got on with my pokemon too.

But I also got it, the first time i caught regieice it had pokerus when the moment i captured it, but it had the wrong nature so a i prerested it.


Rainbow Trainer
i got it on ruby and emerald, emerald just two days ago

for some reason i never got a shiny (unless you count good 'ol red gyrados ;)) but i have got pokerus twice odd since shiny has greater chances than pokerus

Ace Hardlight

I want race car bed
i dont and sadly i never will because of my impacience