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say one of your pokemon gts pokrus...when it goes can that pokemon stil get the virus from other pokemon in your team..plz help

Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
When it loses the Pokerus, a black dot gets left behind on it's status screen. This means it's immune to it. So no, if it gets Pokerus once, it can't ever get it again.

There have been multiple threads made on this subject so you could try searching the forums if you need any more information on Pokerus-related issues.
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Jade Star Trainer
im pretty sure no one uses the search anymore, there are alot of threads like this


Hyper Coordinator
im pretty sure no one reads the FAQ either.... -_-;

once it gets pokerus and it goes away... you cant get it again


Fog Trainer
I just traded highwind himself for pokerus! MUHAHAH. For milotic and a flygon... YEA!


Fog Trainer
I just traded highwind himself for pokerus! MUHAHAH. For milotic and a flygon... YEA!

EDIT - Sorry for double post... comp went funny
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Obsessive Beader/Mod
Once a thread is answered, there is NO need to come here and spam. Saying "you don't read the FAQs/use the search!!!!" without adding anything that hasn't already been said is completely annoying and not needed. Point it out nicely, show them where the answer can be found, or PM a mod to deal with it.

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