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Pokeshipping general discussion

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Well, since the last thread was deleted by that stupid hacker I decided to post a new one because of my love for Pokeshipping. Shame, it had over 1000 posts.


OK, for those of you who are new, post stuff here that is related to any romantic links in the anime between Ash and Misty. You will NOT bash characters and anti-pokeshippers should clear out. I don't want to see people posting "Ash and Misty were never meant to be together".

I can give a few hints as of now:

-In "Wherefore art thou Pokemon?", when the Nidorans kiss each other Ash asks "Do people change when they kiss?". Misty says "We'll have to find out for ourselves someday".

-In the Rudy gym battle episode, Misty chooses to go with Ash rather than stay with Rudy.

-In the Danny gym battle episode, Ash is jealous when Misty admires Danny.

-In Pokemon the Movie 2000, Misty is jealous when Melody kisses and flirts with Ash.

Feel free to post any relevant hints.
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whenever ash is hurt or somthing is happening to him misty always is there e.g

in march of the executor squad, she rushes strait to ash when they have been trampeled

and in adress unown when ash is about to get sucked into the egg she grabs him strait away with lots of speed and power

when shes scared of something she always hides behind ash



*hugs Kiori* ;-;

Sorry to say, but the Pokeshippingthread died cause of the last Hack this night and there is no Backup this time.

back to topic


I'm very sorry to hear that the Pokeshipping thread was deleted due to some Hacker...
but I'm sure we can get the the thread up and going again since there are so many Ash and Misty fans here!! ^_^

Here are few hints:
"The Heart-Break of Brock"

Ash: Imagine Brock married!!
Misty: You and I will be married someday too
Ash: M-hmmmm ......... WA?????????!!!!
They both freak out about what they just said!!

"Forest Grumps"

Ash: I'm glad your back, you had us all worried!!
Misty:Believe me Ash, I'm glad to be back. I missed you!!
I don't know if this is how the conversation between Misty and Ash went... I'm just trying to remember.... If its not then can someone correct me!!!

"Pokeball Peril"

James: Jessie, I think we've accidentally captured a pair of very romantic creatures in our little cage!
Jessie: You mean--awwwwwww!
Meowth: Dey're loveboids!
Ash: (blushing) No way! You're crazy!
Misty: (also blushing) Crazy is right! Never in a million years.
Jessie: But you're blushing!
James: Kissy, kissy...
Ash: That is not true.... Pikcahu Thundershock!!
When Pikachu is about to do a thunder shock, Jessie yells.. saying that the air craft will explode!!
Meowth: Come on Romeo, Hand ova da pikachu!
This has to be one of my favourite hints... well I hope the quotations are correct... if not... please correct me!!!


Ok!!! I'm all hyped up about Ash and Misty Quotes....
And I fogot to add these to me previous post!!!

"Gotta Catch Ya later"

Misty: How could Ash talk to me like that, after all we've been though, like it meant nothing to him...The worst part is, he isn't even sad about us haveing to split up...

Misty: Will I ever see you again?
Ash: You will, I swear.



What?! Hacker?! Where where? *looks around* When did this happen? I was just on last night, and the this thread seemed to be going fine. Who would do such an evil thing and delate our thread?


anyway back to topic...

who could deny the giant hint called "misty's song"
from 2ba master


blows stuff uhup
Awwwwwwww, the old thread's gone? That sucks! What kind of idiot would waste their time deleting a friggin' shipping thread anyway? (James: Uh, how many kinds are there? :D)

Anyways, Misty's Song is a dub invention, so most people reckon it doesn't count. I say at least it proves that the dubbers see Pokeshipping - which they should, since it's their job to translate stories, and I'd have severe doubts about their ability to do that if they hadn't picked up on such an obvious plotline.

-- Little Wings --



Goodbye good old' over 1000 page thread... ;_; I can't belive it got deleted... i panicked when i couldn't find it. Gaw, this sucks. Poor Kiori...she'll be shocked when she logs in later... *huggles her with Cay* Horrible, evil hackers. I'm so sad.... *kicks wall in anger*

On a brighter note...don't be discouraged to come here just cause the old one got deleted fellow AAMLers! We have a whole bunch of us here, and the old thread was so popular, so we'll be up there again in no time! :D

Hmmm... i'm trying to remember what the topic was in the old thread before it got deleted. I'm currently really interested in the Togepi saga special... cause i've heard that there are a whole bunch of great AAML hints in the two eps. I know some small ones like Ash helping Misty with the barrier, how he got really angry when Togepi was taken and was determined to get him back, his excitment when Misty arrived. I'm not saying those are actual true hints, what i mean is that they are the debateable and sweet small hints.
Oh but the one big hint is the one when Ash tells May and Max to protect Misty is it not? That's a GREAT hint ^//////^

Anybody know anymore?
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What about Jirachi Wish Maker.... there was a hint there about Ash liking Misty!!
but its a pitty that it was only in the dubbed version....I heard that in the japanese version Ash said that he missed his friends!!

I'm sure you can also count the japanese version as a hint coz when he meant friends.... he probably meant he missed his pokemon and Misty!!
(Ash didn't have to mention her name.... but it would have been better if he did)

Possible hint!!? What do you guys think!!??


what did he say in the dubbed version, i havent seen it ?????????


I couldn't remember everything he said word for word, but he told Max that there was the girl he had to leave behind. Even though he misses her everyday, he knows she will always be in his heart. I don't exactly consider this a hint, because when Jirachi was sealed back in the cocoon, Max said something to himself about Jirachi being in his heart. And I'm not one for Pokemon x Human pairings, so it has to work both ways. ^^;

Besides, that wasn't what he said in the Japanese version at all.


"electric shock showdown"

ash and misty are fighting again and nurse joy comments

"when two people fight it means that they really care about each other"

they denied it,but blushed


starscream said:
anyway back to topic...

who could deny the giant hint called "misty's song"
from 2ba master

StarScream, please stop double posting and spamming. It's not allowed here.

Please read the rules and dont do it again

Thank you



what did he say in the dubbed version, i havent seen it ?????????

That makes 2 of us.... I haven't seen it but I read the quotes for the dubbed version that someone posted on the old pokeshipping thread (the one that got deleted)-_-

"Ghost of Maidens Peak"
(Everyone knows this one!!! Classic!!)

Ash stares at Misty when she's in her Kimono.....
Misty then asks Ash if he wants to dance!!!


"navel maneuvers"

ash and misty are in an arguement and danni says "you always hurt the ones you love"
and when misty says she will never get involved with ash he looks extremely dissapointed


+kiss of an angel+
OMG..I just came and I was looking at the place where they take us to different pages but I couldnt find it. I was like huh...its gone! Then I noticed that its different and I saw Flaming Phoenix said that it was deleted. WHYYY?? OMG..do you guys know who the "stupid hacker" is and do you know WHY he/she deleted it? If the person deleted it for no reason..we should tell the people that own serebii!!! sighx..DARNNN...the other thread was doing sooooo good! I CANT BELIEVE IT! IT was like over 80 pages and over 1000 posts! All that...POOF..GONE!

I feel so bad for Kiori...she created the thread and after all that...its gone. Aw man..why I otta...if only I knew who the hacker is. I bet the hacker isnt a pokeshipper by any chance...pshh. Ok..im bashing...SORRY. Its just SOOOOO NOTTT right for all that hard work to go down the drain...


ok..trying to change the subject from all these sadness or anger. Well..at least MY sadness and anger! I dont know about you guys though. Ok...umn...

OHHH...you guys know the part when Ash and Misty were in the plane with Team Rocket and they tease Ash and Misty about liking each other and stuff?? Well...thats what the dubbed thing was said but do you guys know if the japanese had it say the same things? If they didnt say the same things in the japanese..then do you guys know what they did say? I always wondered about it but I never actually knew
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in ash catches a misty says "ive never met anyone like him before" about ash
not huge but........

p.s the hacker/deleter is believed to be porygonx


Veteran Water Lover
I know, some of my threads are gone too.

One hint in the Japanese special where Misty comes back to Cerulean and has Gyarados, is that she's thinking of Ash so I guess it's not just the dubbed folks that are putting hints in.


again ash gets jelous of danni when he thinks misty is coming to see him but runs to danni instead, he even says "what about me"?

B.T.W sorry for spamming,it wont happen again
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