Super Squirtle!grrr!
In A Pokemon World Farawy
BlahBlahBlahBlah....No one cares...
let's just start with the story
BlahBlahBlahBlah....No one cares...
let's just start with the story
It was a stormy night..when a Alakazam;The Pith, started attack some pokemon childern..than Pith the alakazam(_Dark_ controlling) started the war...I,Aqua T. The Todotile;Podi Knight(I am Also Aqua),Don Patch(D.P. KirbyXD);Podi Knight,and Dark D.(_Dark_), the Charmander;A Poke Soldier.
PokeSoldier #1:"Hello,Mrs.D,Your son,Dark has been chosen to go to war."
Mrs.D:"Alright..I'll give it to him...*Sobbing and thinking [Please don't die]*"
PokeSoldier #2:"Don Patch"
PokeSoldier #2:"You are going to war,congrats."
Commander Swamp(A swampertand it's me!):"Aqua,You are chosen to go to war"
Aqua:"Damn it..=_=, fine..."
After 5 months of training in the Podi school with D.P.,we both became Podi Knights
and Dark had became the 3 third lvl soldier,just 2 more than he can become a imperial soldier