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Super Squirtle!grrr!
In A Pokemon World Farawy
BlahBlahBlahBlah....No one cares...
let's just start with the story

It was a stormy night..when a Alakazam;The Pith, started attack some pokemon childern..than Pith the alakazam(_Dark_ controlling) started the war...I,Aqua T. The Todotile;Podi Knight(I am Also Aqua),Don Patch(D.P. KirbyXD);Podi Knight,and Dark D.(_Dark_), the Charmander;A Poke Soldier.

PokeSoldier #1:"Hello,Mrs.D,Your son,Dark has been chosen to go to war."
Mrs.D:"Alright..I'll give it to him...*Sobbing and thinking [Please don't die]*"

PokeSoldier #2:"Don Patch"
PokeSoldier #2:"You are going to war,congrats."

Commander Swamp(A swampertand it's me!):"Aqua,You are chosen to go to war"
Aqua:"Damn it..=_=, fine..."

After 5 months of training in the Podi school with D.P.,we both became Podi Knights
and Dark had became the 3 third lvl soldier,just 2 more than he can become a imperial soldier


Good Night!
"i have to go to taco bell to prepare for war and then go somewhere"


Super Squirtle!grrr!
"Eh...Ok..I'll go with u...but let's go get our PokeSabers first...and where the heck is Dark..."
Going to our department.....
"After Taco Bell, We need to go to Commander Swamp"
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